金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
latest #132
biblos says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
惜惜。。。加油! (gym)
小白 says
11 years ago
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 妳要換什麼X?D
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
martika: 我之前的老闆要我回去,賺的不會比現在少,但是應該工作會輕鬆很多
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 那快換~XD
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 快换+1
biblos says
11 years ago
小白 says
11 years ago
aprillin0507 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: biblos: koaww: 快換+4(我們會不會太敷衍 (LOL)
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
aprillin0507: 我真心的!
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
小白 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: 嗯嗯,
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
koaww: 昨天终于有鬼蝶,我等一下去歪楼
aprillin0507 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: 快去,現在有時間
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: 快救救我。。。。。
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
u have all the classical symptoms of work stress
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
Feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed
Apathy, loss of interest in work
Problems sleeping
Trouble concentrating Muscle tension or headaches Stomach problems
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
usually we react to stress in a flight or flight mode
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
adrenaline is pumped into your body to "fight", heartbeat increases, blood pressure goes up, you start to breath in more
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
imagine 2 boxers in the ring preparing for fight, first thing they do is to tighten their muscles so that it is less painful when somebody hits them
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
same way, our body muscles tightens, we should neck and shoulder pain, tightness in the chest
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
headachles or migraine is due to tightening of blood vessels or veins in our brain
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
when vessels is stretched, there is less oxygen to the brain, so we may feel dizzy
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: I've had 2 consecutive migraine attacks in a very short period of time
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
it will continue to come until u can relax
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
never been like this before....i couldnt sleep last night
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
when our body thinks tt we have a war to fight, our body will think that it is not safe to sleep for long
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
hence, we may have difficulty falling asleep cuz we ruminate about our problems
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: that's why i have to move to a different.job.....its not doing anygood to me
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
or we sleep/wake sleep /wake the whole nite
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
it's like the body waking up every now n then to check if it is safe to continue sleeping
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: yup!
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
some people have more fight symptoms some have more flight symptoms
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
for those with flight symptoms, u may experience sweating
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
having to run to the toilet
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
it is the body's way of gettin rid of unwanted stuff to make ur body lighter so u can "run faster"
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
also when we r fighting or flighting, blood is drawn from other parts of the body (e.g. stomach) and channeled to our limbs
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
hence in the long run, we have digestion problems
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
胃痛is one example
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
some people have gastric reflux problems
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
some have bloatedness or difficulty swallowing
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
too much stress will lead to a drop in mood
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
then u lose appetite, and motivation
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
u feel tired cuz of poor quality sleep
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
u cannot focus due to fatigue and that u r distracted by ur worries
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
in short, u have the whole package
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
i literally feel like puking when i hear of someone's name at work......its crazy
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
puking is also the body trying to get rid of unwanted stuff
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
i have the hardest time trying to follow relaxation exercises or yoga, becaise my mind just keeps on rushing through things
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: the puking thing scares me........ive never had that before in the past
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
i think change jobs would be good for me for now
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
even if its not what i want in the lobg run, but for the time being, it might be good for me
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
i often ask my patients to do the youtube one that i sent u
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
it is easy enough to follow
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
usually u can do it before u step into office so u can start work in a more relaxed state
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
then try and do it again during lunch time to loosen up any tension accumulated from the morning
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
then do it again before you go home so u can go home feeling more relaxed
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
u have to practise this when u feel ur stress starting to go up
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
and not wait till ur stress is very high to be more effective
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
this track i send is 4 mins, so if u feel nothing after 4 mins, it means u can repeat for another 1-2 times until u feel u are calmer
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
most of my patients find it helpful, those who doesnt find it helpful is mainly because they found it hard to pace their breathing according to the video
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
but u can try this track n c
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
ok, tgank you!
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
next thing u need to do is to draw up a to do list
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
divide wat u need to do into 1)urgent/important; 2)urgent/not important, 3)not urgent/important and 4) not urgent/ not important
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
and u start workin on those that fall under the urgent/important category
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
then u work on the other categoies
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
this will help u to feel less overwhelmed when u have a lot to do
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
next is, u need to decide which task is more difficult, which is easier
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
but what if my stress comes not from the work itself, its from the ppl, politics, and stuff.around it?
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
and if u feel more energetic in the morning, u do the difficult task first
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
office politics is the hardest
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
do u have any ally at work?
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
i do have ally, we all feel the same, about our boss, and about the area we work in. we all try to get out.
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
keep bitching to one other is one way to cope
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
being task-focused is also good
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
playing music while workin might help to distract u from the politics that is going on
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
work fr home is also possible
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
i really think u should see someone and talk through what is happening
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
it is hard for me to suggest stuff without knowing wat's going on
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
im working from home today, i feel so much better when there are no meetings, and i dont have to see those ppl's faces.
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
i would say go look for a therapist or something
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
but meanwhile, do the relaxation thing i send u to manage ur stress symptoms
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
i will ask my friend to suggest a psychologist here.......but im hoping changing a job would make it better
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
if u dont like this track, there are one milion other tracks, u might juz wanna "shop" around on youtube and see which one is helpful
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
the one i sent u is the simplest that i hv seen
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
and i like it cuz it's very short
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
my pt has not excuse to tell me that they cant find 5 mins to do it
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
i usu tell them to do it while travelling on the bus or train to work
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
find a seat, close ur eyes and pretend to be listening to music
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
nobody will know that u r doing relaxation exercise
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
ok, thanks, I'll do this at lunch todat
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
best option is to change job
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
but even if u resign, u still need to serve notice
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
so u will need to find way to manage while serving notice
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
跟我cp鬼蝶也可以让你放松心情!起码可以distract you from your problems!
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
im hoping i can quit before my vacation, and come back to a new job, haha, wishful thinking
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 好吧,二位繼續,親愛的,想想5月要來玩了~
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: hahahhaha, 可是他們實在不speak to me 啊
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
martika: 嗯,對啊,我現在唯一的一絲希望啦,哈哈
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 你不要要求那么高,9998有机会演谈恋爱,鬼蝶是现实真人真事
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
martika: 没有要吓你,而是我不会用中文解释
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
martika: 中文有限,中文有限
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
martika: 亲妈去台北的时候,我们一定要带她大吃大喝大玩,帮她放松心情!
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: 真的要好好放鬆!
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 你去帮摩少梳毛,说不定可以让你心情平静
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
i think 梳毛 can be quite therapeutic
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: 魔少的毛好長!
小白 says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 長得會梳到瘋? (誤)
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
koaww: 真的!瘋了也好,瘋子一般不是比較快樂!
naokikotoko says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 说不定哦
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
Umi_okok: 妳是說我瘋了嗎
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
martika: 秀秀。。。。不是啦
金田油條親媽 says
11 years ago
naokikotoko: 就瘋了他吧!
加菲媽 says
11 years ago
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