..that is ..not the answer i was looking for
'cause my wig is losing its curl.
but it's..not as curly as i want it. ;3; i need to re-curl it
my friend told me if I wash it, the curls will bounce back but a;sdlfkjasd im worried that it won't
I wonder if maybe wetting it, then wrapping it around something--like a really big roller.. would work?
because--these are drill clips
it okay to use normal shampoo on wigs? 'cause.. i don't have wig shampoo. I mean it can be gotten, but--if I don't have to then ..yeah. It'll be much easier.
what kind of wig? Is it synthetic?
if it's actual hair then stop that they cost more and there really isn't an advantage for like, most of the reasons? I do know that you can curl synthetic with hot water tho
basically just put it in curlers the way you want the curls to be, stick the wig in a bowl in the sink, pour hot water over it, wait a bit so you don't burn yourself taking it out, then just let air dry before
you can also straighten with either the same hot water or even if you have hot steam - which you can use to curl as well
and it was curly when i got it..
basically you just want to avoid dry heat, as that will melt the plastic
also I've never used normal shampoo but I've heard that it's too strong for wigs and so I guess could damage them? I have played around with normal conditioner and synthetic wigs some
or synthetic hair in general i guess, between wigs and pony hair
it does make things silkier if you rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse but can make things feel greasy too if you end up with too much, and will weigh things down like mad
I believe you can use delicates type shampoo like wool-lite for wigs
;u; omg guys that you so much. it really means a lot.
basically just be super careful about any kind of dry heat around it
Also, I've never done it but if you get the strands slightly damp, people I know have used a curling iron on the absolute lowest setting and curled it then pinned it into place to dry.
dry heat can easily melt the strands together and leave with with a blob of plastic rather than hair
wet heat - like hot steam or hot water - I haven't seen do that, and it does style things quite well
Also, kankleon wigs and other higher end wigs might be more expensive but are soooooo much more worth it in the long-run.
having had experience with nicer wigs and cheap wigs oh my gosh get the nicest ones you can afford it is so worth it
amphigory.com/wigs.html <-- my favorite place to buy wigs BTW. If you don't feel up to trying to fix a wig, maybe look there to see if they have something similar.
more comfortable and the hair feels so much nicer
lhjlkhg oh gosh you guys are my savior. ;u; like for real.
thank you so much. a;lsdfkajsdflkaj