11 years ago
stands in his yard, a mildly displeased grimace on his face as he glances from the tall-grown grass to the push mower in front of him. It seemed like less work before he had to actually start...
latest #81
11 years ago
knows staring at it won't get it done.
11 years ago
can certainly hope! Maybe a strong wind would catch it if he waits long enough...
11 years ago
highly doubts that, he really thinks Feliciano should just do it now before it gets too late.
11 years ago
sighs heavily, a miserable pout on his lips as he approaches the mower. Hard work like this was never fun.
11 years ago
crosses his arms, quirks a brow and watches wondering if Feliciano will actually do work...for once.
11 years ago
hesitates a few moments longer, shoulders slumped, before he straightens up with a wavering smile and places his hands on the handle. He looks back over his shoulder at the taller man. "Oh, I made lemonade, _
11 years ago
it's inside! If you want some you can bring it out here, too?"
11 years ago
can do that since it is quite a warm day and he wouldn't deny Feliciano at least one break. He enters the house, grabs two cups and the jug before coming back outside to see the progress.
Feliciano is
11 years ago
actually working by the time he returns outside. Even if he's only covered a few metres, it's more efficient than expected of him.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
impressed with the progress and sets the jub and two cups down on one of the steps. "Good job Feliciano~" He claps. "More than I expected."
11 years ago
lets out a breathy laugh and smiles back at him proudly. "Grazie, caro amico!" He steals a glance at the lemonade, but soon turns back to work. It will be inspiration, he figures.
11 years ago
sits down and pours them both a cup, keeping an eye on the Italian to make sure he continues with the work.
Feliciano has
11 years ago
made a turn now, at least. Oh, two turns! "So hey Ludwig, how have you been? Your life?" He looks up with a slightly guilty smile. "It's been a while.."
11 years ago
glances up when he's being spoken too. "I've been busy but it seems you've been even busier than I." He smiles lightly. "It has been a while." He agrees the smile fading. "Tell me something new about you?"
11 years ago
pushes the mower forward, considering his answer - which isn't much of an answer at all, really. "What a shame. You always make yourself busy with something constructive, though!" He chuckles, then huffs _
11 years ago
lightly, blowing his fringe out of his face. "Augh, these- presidents and maybe-presidents. Such a mess, Ludwig! Do you know how desperate this situation is?" He forces the mower over a few stones in the _
11 years ago
grass. "We're choosing celebrities now. Ridicolo.."
11 years ago
nods lightly. "I heard, wasn't he a comedian? Or still is, I should say." He wasn't sure what to think but Grillo doesn't seem all that bad...not in comparison with Burlesconi."
11 years ago
sighs in exasperation, nodding regretfully. "One of them, sì.. My people is just lost on the subject, I think. Neither do I know who would be good." He shakes his head, making another turn. "Ah, well! Mostly_
11 years ago
work has occupied me, you see. Nothing special personally. What has kept you 'busy', though?"
11 years ago
leans forward resting his elbows on his knees. "The economic state of the European Union." He stats simply. "Everyone is waiting on me to make a decision on what to do..." Which he was still unsure of himself.
11 years ago
pauses for a moment, then nods. "Sì, of course. I know this.." He falls silent as his mind wanders, eyes on the rotating blades of the mower cutting through the long grass.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
he's really killed the conversation. He shifts awkwardly before taking up the cup of lemon juice and sipping at it.
11 years ago
isn't upset at Ludwig over this, more so the entire situation in itself. He remains quiet for a little while, until his thoughts are completely other places again and he hums on a happy little melody he'd heard
11 years ago
on the radio not too long ago.
11 years ago
listens to the melody being hummed and increasingly impressed with the amount of work the Italian was getting done. He should have brought a camera.
11 years ago
(( You killed me with that last line lhkdsfa |D ))
11 years ago
finds it easier to work if he's doing something he enjoys at the same time. Like singing, or talking to Ludwig. He mumbles some of the words, though they are English lyrics and he'd probably misunderstood them.
11 years ago
( Ah haha, well...you know. German mind set he's working off of. )
11 years ago
didn't quite catch those words but knew he had said something. "What was that?" He asks, wanting clarification as if Feliciano had been addressing him the entire time.
11 years ago
(( It's perfect. ))
11 years ago
( : ) )
11 years ago
blinks and looks up, trying to remember the lines he'd just tried to repeat. "I'm not sure.. 'We're not.. uhm..broken just bent, and we can learn to love again'?"
11 years ago
blinks too, at the lyrics, subconsciously flushing. "I think I've heard that song." He admits.
11 years ago
smiles brightly, because apparently he's gotten the lyrics right! He makes a turn again, and continues the song. "I never stopped, you're still written in the scars on my heart~" It takes some seconds _
11 years ago
before he comprehends what he's just sung, and finds himself immensily glad he'd turned his back on the other. With a small cough, he keeps singing the song and pushes the mower.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
picked up the glass of lemon juice again as he clears his throat. "When you're done...did you have spare time?" He asks finally.
11 years ago
nods meekly, then more excitedly. "Sì, sì! Not that much left now..!" He smiles at him, looking over the patch of uncut grass. "I'd like to clean up first. Do you have anything in mind?"
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "I was thinking dinner and then maybe a night stroll?"
11 years ago
beams, obviously approving of that suggestion. "Alright! Oh." He grimaces a bit, having to backtrack and remove a stone from the grass in front. "Do you mean restaurant then, or here?" He asks curiously, _
11 years ago
tossing the stone onto the garden path.
11 years ago
thought it might be nice to go to a restaurant. "A restaurant? Unless you prefer here."
11 years ago
| "Oh, no, I'd like a restaurant!" He hums, pausing in his work at the thought of food. "It's been a long while since I've been to one. Just gelateria.." He daydreams for a little while, then snaps out of it _
11 years ago
and continues mowing. "It'll be fun!"
11 years ago
watches him mildly amused by his daydreaming state since he had been doing so well until that point. "Was there one you specifically wanted to go too or can we come to an agreement on one.
11 years ago
shakes his head, huffing a bit as he trudges on. "No, but I can recommend a few places~" He says, then laughs. "I've taken you to a lot of them already in the past though! Do you remember one you liked maybe? _
11 years ago
_ They're all excellent to me~!"
11 years ago
pauses to think. "There was that one near Piazza San Marco. It was on the water front."
11 years ago
| "There, done!" He shouts happily and throws his hands in the air, forgetting the handle of the mower in his little moment of victory and simply lets it fall to the ground. Walking over, he giggles a little _
11 years ago
at Germany's accent when using Italian, though appreciates the effort. He brushes his hair back and picks up a glass, taking a grateful sip before he responds. "Ah, sì! That is Grand Canal or Terrazza _
11 years ago
Danieli, which has outside tables too."
11 years ago
gets up and turns it off, a little worried for what the mower could do if let like ethat. "Terrazza Danieli sounds like the better option of the two."
11 years ago
blinks, only realising he should've turned it off when Ludwig walks over to it - though he doesn't seem at all fazed by the fact. He smiles and drinks the rest of the lemonade. "Mm, and we'd have to book at the
11 years ago
other one! I'll just go get ready then-" He concludes, gathering the cups and all. "And make yourself comfortable meanwhile of course!" He adds at one point between running to the kitchen then upstairs.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
fixing up the lawn mower and putting it away as he nods lightly. "I'll wait for you here." He gets in before the Italian disappears.
11 years ago
goes to the bathroom to wash up, and dress in something more suited for going out. Nothing too fancy; a fitting peach t-shirt and white slim pants held up with a black belt. He hums and joins Ludwig in the _
11 years ago
hallway, leaning on the railing of the stairs. "You did not arrive in your car, did you? It'll be easiest to drive."
11 years ago
gets up and dusts his pants when Feliciano comes back outside. His gaze does a one over of the Italian's outfit before focusing on his face. "I did but I thought Piazza San Marco was not accessibly by car?"
11 years ago
laughs lightly and shakes his head. "Oh, no, of course not! We can park outside the city, but it's not cheap." He tilts his head a bit to the left. "Unless you'd like to take a public transport?"
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
about it for a few seconds. "I don't mind." He finally says as he pulls his keys from his pocket. "It's not everyday we go out to a restaurant." He smiles lightly.
11 years ago
practically lights up, though more so from Ludwig's expression than his words. "Alright! Let me just-" He finds his own keys and locks the front door, then skips down the stairs and passes Ludwig. "No, it _
11 years ago
isn't! And I know you'll like Danieli - you've been there before, sì, but it is possibly even better now!" He chatters on, complimenting a new chef as they get in the car.
11 years ago
can't help but keep the smile as he slips into the drivers seat and makes sure that Feliciano buckles up before they depart in the direction of Venice. It doesn't take too long to get to the parking lot outside
11 years ago
of the city and he pays at the gate before driving in and finding a good parking spot.
11 years ago
found himself wanting to usher on the German's driving speed a few times, but managed to keep himself distracted with his own light talk about the restaurant and some recent things that had happened in _
11 years ago
Venice. His talk lessens as they near the collection of islands. Once he steps out of the car he takes a deep breath, and mumbles some words of adoration towards the place in native.
11 years ago
had made sure to keep to the speed limit and had noticed Feliciano get a little antsy at his obedience to the rules of the road. When they step out of the car he locks the door and takes in the smell of the
11 years ago
sea. "You'll have to lead me. I'm still not that familiar with this part of Venice."
11 years ago
turns towards Ludwig and nods eagerly. "Come, this way!" He grabs his hand and leads him away from the car park and into the narrow streets bordered by canals and colourful houses.
11 years ago
flushes when his hand is grabbed but doesn't say anything as he re-adjusts his hold following the Italian through the streets. He had always liked this city.
Feliciano is
11 years ago
pleasantly surprised he doesn't pull away, though he lets out an innocent laugh when he glances back to see his blushing face. Some things about the German never changed. Simply being in Venezia lifts his _
11 years ago
spirit, and there is no trace of his typical collapsed state after doing actual work. "Just a few more turns now~" He comments, slowing down a bit as he's distracted by a street musician.
11 years ago
walks beside him in silence as he takes in the scenery. He tries not to think about the hand in his as Feliciano gets distracted by a street
11 years ago
performer. He pays attention mildly before gently tugging the other's hand. "We can come back if you want." He suggests.
11 years ago
blinks and averts his attention from the man with the accordion, and nods after a few moments. "Sì, I mean no - it's not a problem. Down here, Ludwig!" He's quickly back on track again and they reach the
11 years ago
restaurant by rounding the next corner.
11 years ago
releases Feliciano's hand and steps inside signalling the host for a table for two. It wasn't that busy and he was glad for that. It would
11 years ago
be easier to chat.
11 years ago
hums and swings his hands behind his back, wandering after the host and exchanges a few idle words with him. He smiles as they're shown their table, and he sits down while the host finds a waiter. "It's a _
11 years ago
beautiful day, isn't it?"
11 years ago
nods. "We were really lucky. Berlin has been a little cold lately."
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