11 years ago
[event] leaned back and sighed, finally getting to relax on the employee lounge couch, she was glad to be back on the ground.
latest #19
11 years ago
walked into the lounge, going straight to get some tea.
11 years ago
may have used the last tea bag.. She didn't realize he was going for tea.
11 years ago
frowned a bit as he looked around for the tea. He sighed and decided to get some coffee instead, and just drown out the bitterness with sugar.
11 years ago
looked up, she frowned a little bit, as she stood. "Hej." She said quietly. "I think I used the last tea bag.. Let me buy y' a tea from the shop."
11 years ago
looks her over quickly, not recognising her. "You don't need to, I might need the coffee to help keep me more awake."
11 years ago
made a face. "Coffee 's disgustinly bitter though. Come on, 's no problem. It'd keep me awake t' walk 'round 'nyway."
11 years ago
nodded at that, unable to really walk away from a free drink. "Do you know where the shops are?"
11 years ago
shook her head. "Nej, but, it can't be that far.. Right?" She started to head to the exit.
11 years ago
followed behind her. "They aren't, it's just a little bit of a maze to find."
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Mhmm.. 'M Astrid by the way." She forgot to mention her name earlier.
11 years ago
looked over to her. "... Are you the new flight attendant?"
11 years ago
blinked in slight shock. "A-ah ja, I am, how'd y' guess?"
11 years ago
put his hands in his pocket. "We got word of you joining our crew."
11 years ago
flushed a little from embarrassment. "A-ah.. I see." She looked at the floor as she walked.
11 years ago
got to the tea shop not too long after. "Have you flown before, or is this your first time as an attendant?"
11 years ago
bit her lip a little. "'S m' first time as a flight attendant, but 've flown norm'lly b'fore.." She cringed a little at how much her accent showed through in that sentence.
11 years ago
could tell she might have some issues with talking to people, but shrugged at it. "I'm sure it'll be what it is. If you don't like it, you can do something different."
11 years ago
shook her head. "Nej, I do like it, I just have t' cover m' accent." She called it an accent even if it really wasn't.
11 years ago
shrugged. "It's not that bad." He got a nice tea that he liked.
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