11 years ago
[Event] stood in front of a mirror tucking her hair back into a bun before the passengers boarded the plane.
latest #23
11 years ago
reached over and helped her out. " Here. The bobby pin was loose." She smiles as she was passing by while doing the final checks.
11 years ago
smiled a little. "Tack." She was thankful for the help. "'M Astrid, what's y'er name?"
11 years ago
smiles back, " Dorthe. You're new here right? I've know a fresh face when I see one."
11 years ago
nodded to her. "Mhmm, just startin here t'day
11 years ago
11 years ago
chuckles, " That's good. It's pretty much the usual stuff and checks. If you have any questions, come to me or to the pilots if you want to go chat with them."
11 years ago
nodded to her once more. "'lright." She was glad to have met someone who was nice. "ll be sure t' ask if I have 'ny questions."
11 years ago
smirks and nods, " The passengers would be getting on soon so head to your spot to help them load up and sit down at their seats/"
11 years ago
nodded to her, heading to the door the passengers would be entering, she was excited for this, but also very nervous.
11 years ago
went to help with the first class passengers with their carry-on as they entered the plane first.
11 years ago
began to help the passengers board the plane and with their carry-ons, she was glad no one was having a bad day so far
11 years ago
11 years ago
didn't think it would be too bad since it was a short flight this time.
11 years ago
agreed with that. She went about her business helping those who asked her.
11 years ago
helped anyone who needed it and answer inquiries as needed. She was quite talkative with the passengers.
11 years ago
wasn't very talkative, but she was helpful to the best of her abilities.
11 years ago
thought it was rather cute in a way. She did the checks and helped the passengers get seats and bulked up. The loading part was pretty smooth from the looks of it.
11 years ago
didn't see how it was cute, she was nervous, and some times sputtered over her words as she tried to answer some questions.
11 years ago
hums contently as things seemed to go smoothly. They were starting the taxi soon.
11 years ago
walked back to the flight attendant place to sit as the plane took off.
11 years ago
went to her seat once her task was done before take off. She waited until they climbed to cruising altitude before getting out of her seat to do her duties.
11 years ago
waited until she was allowed to get up to go back to her duties, offering food, and drinks to the guests.
11 years ago
went to deal with the more difficult ones since she was more experienced.
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