Alex shares
11 years ago
Google honors Cesar Chavez on Easter
Another reason I flip Google the middle fingers and don't use it.
latest #11
11 years ago
or Easter fell on Cesar Chavez Day. For many of us he's a very important figure but I can understand how people would want to see an Easter theme (bunnies and eggs and all that) instead.
11 years ago
I doubt they'd put up a picture of Jesus being resurrected.
Alex says
11 years ago
they should have put up a picture based on the national holiday. Far more people celebrate Easter for Religion beliefs than either stupid bunnies or Cesar; but then
11 years ago
that wouldn't fit into Google theme of things.
11 years ago
so rather than honoring a civil rights activist on his designated day and birthday, you'd rather see a religious depiction of Easter?
11 years ago
another "national" holiday going on right now is Passover. why should that not be depicted?
11 years ago
I have no complaint on passover. But once again it doesnt fit Googles theme so they wont do it.
11 years ago
as for civil rights activist, i would have to disagree.. while he might have been a good man his actions was what I call modern day slavery
11 years ago
using people for manual labor knowing they were earning less than national standards.
Ela June says
11 years ago
to play devil's advocate, where's my google doodle made of matzah?
11 years ago
ask I stopped using google couple years ago.
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