11 years ago
coughed into her sleeve.
latest #64
11 years ago
handed her a tissue as she passed by. " Here."
11 years ago
blinked a little as she took the tissue. "T-ta-" She sneezed into the tissue. "Tack..." She did NOT want to get sick..
11 years ago
stared at that, " I guess someone thinks you're a good topic."
11 years ago
shrugged. "I think I might be gettin sick.."
11 years ago
raised a brow, " Does that mean I have to take care of you?"
11 years ago
pulled a face. "Nej, y' don' have t'.. Søren could, or I can take care 'f m'self.." She didn't think that Dorthe HAD to take care of her.
11 years ago
smirks, " Good. I've got a ton of work to do and I'm not going to be able to babysit you again."
11 years ago
glared a little. "I don' need y' t' baby sit m-" She sneezed into the tissue again. "Me..." She groaned a little. "Why are y' doin so much work? Søren should be helpin.."
11 years ago
shrugs and stuck her tongue out at her. " Whatever." She handed her the tissue box after. " I just felt like it and your boyfriend needs a break after the one I took."
11 years ago
shrugged. "He's fine with his work load honestly." She took the box of tissues, nodding a thanks. She was just feeling worse and worse. "I think I have a fever.."
11 years ago
sighs, and checked the other's forehead briefly with her hand " Go take medication and get to your bed then."
11 years ago
shook her head. "Nej, I got stuff t' do."
11 years ago
flicks the other's forehead. " Like what? Get yourself killed?" She raised a brow, intending to get the other fired up.
11 years ago
made a face, and raised an eyebrow. "Wha..? Killed? I won' get killed.." She obviously didin't catch what the other was getting at.
11 years ago
ushered the other to Sve's bedroom. " Then off to sleep you go. I don't want to be cleaning up after your mess."
11 years ago
shook her head, pushing against Dorthe. "Syster, nej." She said, trying to get past the smaller female. "Y' don' have t' clean up after me."
11 years ago
shrugs and went to her own room after. " Alright but if you've passed out somewhere in the house today, don't say I didn't warn you."
11 years ago
made a face at that. "Won' happen." She took a step and tripped on the carpet, falling into her sister. "... Proves nothin."
11 years ago
barely caught her in time and sighed. " Totally." She helped her straighten up.
11 years ago
frowned at her, as she fixed her shirt. "I jus' tripped on the carpet.." She didn't want to believe she was ill or that it was bad enough to affect her funciton.
11 years ago
pats her head, obviously amused by this. " I'll be in my room if you need me."
11 years ago
frowned a little and nodded, feeling like a child again. "Fine..."
11 years ago
smirks and went to her own room after to do some paperwork.
11 years ago
changed into some pajamas and tried to lay down, but she couldn't relax.. After a while she got up and went to Dorthe's room, opening the door. "Syster.. Can I lay in y'er bed?" She had a thing about sleeping
11 years ago
in her own bed when she was sick and that she didn't like it.
11 years ago
glanced over from her computer and nodded as she shifted her own glasses so they would stay up. " Ja. Just mind the bearded dragon. The lizard doesn't like getting squished."
11 years ago
nodded. "Right.." She sat on the bed, moving the little lizard so she could lay down.
11 years ago
reached over and picked up the lizard by the tail before setting it on her table where there was a mini pillow there for it. She went back to type after, going through some reports.
11 years ago
laid and got comfortable, she closed her eyes, just breathing quietly. She felt like a kid and right now she didn't care.
11 years ago
glanced over every now ad then but didn't say anything. She went to open the windows slightly let fresh air in and make a batch of honey lemon tea for Astrid.
11 years ago
didn't want to inconvenience her, she just wanted to lay somewhere that wasn't her bed. She shifted as she felt the breeze, it was nice. "Dorthe.. Do y' r'member when I was little 'nd would climb int' y'er bed
11 years ago
when I was sick..?" She hadn't thought of that for a very long time.
11 years ago
nods as she place the pot of tea and the mugs on the nightstand. " Mhmm. You would take up all the room in the bed too." She sat down at her desk to work again.
11 years ago
frowned a little. "'s not like y' pushed me out 'f the way t' get more room.. I thought it was fine.." She coudl smell the tea.
11 years ago
rolls her eyes, " I only let you take over the bed because you were sick." She poured a mug of tea and handed it to her after.
11 years ago
took the tea, nodding a thank you. She took a small sip and set it aside. "Y' could 've moved me."
11 years ago
shrugs, " You're always bigger than me so its a pain to move you."
11 years ago
rolled her eyes. "Nej, not 'lways. I didn' get bigger than y' 'ntil puberty."
11 years ago
scoffs, " We still hit puberty pretty damn quickly though."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Not how I r'member it."
11 years ago
shrugs as she went back to work after.
11 years ago
sighed and settled back into the bed again.
11 years ago
glances over to her, " Just focus on getting better."
11 years ago
nodded to her and sighed a little. "Ja ja.... 'm tryin.
11 years ago
11 years ago
smirks, " Good." She didn't want to seem like she cared but she still worried for the other regardless.
11 years ago
knew the other worried for her, but she said nothing on the subject.
11 years ago
continued to work for another while before glanced to the other again. " You awake?"
11 years ago
"Mhmm.." she mumbled, half awake. "What do y' want..?"
11 years ago
shrugs, " I'm making some food. Would you like some?"
11 years ago
nodded a little. "Ja.. sure. Not 'nythin big."
11 years ago
nods before getting up and heading downstairs.
11 years ago
rolled around a little in the bed, curling up in the blanket.
11 years ago
made something simple for the other to eat since being sick was never fun.
11 years ago
couldn't have agreed more, she just laid on the bed with her eyes closed, even as she felt the lizard climbing on her head. "....."
11 years ago
snorts as she tried not to laugh before prying her lizard off the other's head once she set the food down on the table. " He fancies you in a way."
11 years ago
stared at her. "... B'cause he climbed on m' head...?" She didn't understand.
11 years ago
laughs and nods, " Maybe or he just likes the head coming from your head." She helped the other sit up after. " Do i have to feed you as well?"
11 years ago
shook her head as she started to sit up. "Nej nej.. I can feed m'self." She made a face at her as she started to eat.
11 years ago
rolled her eyes, " I didn't do anything to the cooking." She shook her head as she ate her own portion as well.
11 years ago
"Never said y' did." She assumed the other didn't want to watch over her all night, so the food would be fine.
11 years ago
didn't have any choice if the other decided to rest in her bedroom...
11 years ago
just wanted to lay there, she had no problem with being ignored by the other honestly.
11 years ago
might have cared about the other's well being....
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