Finn the Human
11 years ago
TW: Death
latest #29
Finn the Human
11 years ago
there's this girl who i went to school with for 1 year in 4th grade who apparently died today.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
she had a pretty sever neurological degenerative disease for the entire time i knew her.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
I feel bad that she died, but like everyone is posting these heartfelt statuses, and all i feel is "oh, that's a shame"
Finn the Human
11 years ago
am i a bad person?
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
I don't think so, especially if you haven't spoken to her in a long time.
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
There isn't that much to be done if you didn't know a person very well. We all feel it when it's someone close, and when it's strangers, we usually feel something but not much, instinctively. In-between it can
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
get really murky.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
I mean it was pretty well known that she would make it to maybe 25 at most cause of the disease, so i can't say it was even unexpected. I feel very meh about it.
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
That makes a difference too. Personally, with things like that, I always mentally brace myself because I feel like it will help me understand it and grieve better when it happens.
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
I suspect a lot of people prefer to just never think about it. To each their own, I guess.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
true. I mean I guess I've never really felt particularly strongly about death in general unless its someone close to me.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
its kinda odd cause i've had 2 aunts die (one maternal one paternal) and I was really only upset by the former's death.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
its weird that it really doesn't phase me except in like 2 situations.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
especially cause im over emotional about tons of stuff.
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
It can be a little weird but I honestly think that it's just different in every situation.
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
Like I said, I mentally prepare myself for this stuff and have done it in the past for people who have died or who will die. It's a little grisly and I don't enjoy it, but when my grandmother died unexpectedly,
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
it was such a shock that it really changed the way I think about it. Even then, the way I grieve is to just be left alone and to do something and remember the person honestly, and that doesn't always fit with
Ƒailure Ηero ×
11 years ago
how people expect you to be.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
That's my major thing. I want to remember people honestly, not some glorified version of them where they did no wrong.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
at my grandpa's funeral, we told stories about what an asshole he could be. Turns out, a lot of them were pretty funny in retrospect.
11 years ago
You know, that's the way I'd love it when I die... I'd want people telling stories about some stupid things I'd done and laughing their heads off.
11 years ago
Grief is a very personal issue. Some people handle it openly and prefer to be with others. Some deal with it on their own quietly.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
i know you sing a lot at funerals, so you must see all kinds of grievers, am i moderately normal.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
11 years ago
And preparation plays a BIG key. When my dad died, I knew it was going to happen. I was sad, but it didn't hit me really hard. At least not for a while. However, others have just crushed me.
11 years ago
You're distanced from the situation, so I think your reaction is totally normal. Now if you went to school for 6 years, or maybe went to high school together for 3-4 years, that might be a different case.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
true, it was after all only like a month ago that one of my hs friends ODed on ketamine. That case was super different.
11 years ago
I had someone I went to school with for 9 years who passed away a few years ago. Thing is, I hadn't heard a thing from her for nearly 20 years, so it was just "Oh god... I'm so sorry to hear that."
11 years ago
I had someone I knew for about 2 years in college who passed away... even though I knew he was really sick, it was just a shock because it was RIGHT THERE. Hell, I had to tell one of our professors about it.
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