11 years ago
knocks at Nikolaas' door, with two bags in hand.
latest #95
11 years ago
opened it not long after, surprised to see who it was.
11 years ago
smiled a little. "Hej." She held up a paper bag. "Thought we'd have a business meetin t'night." She was obviously joking.
11 years ago
nodded a little and opened the door. "Dorthe is out right now, so I don't see why not."
11 years ago
nodded. "Prob'ly with Søren." She shrugged. "I thought we could both use a 'Den free night'." She believed it was a good idea.
11 years ago
blinked a little before nodding. It wasn't a bad idea, he guessed. He hadn't seen many people besides Dorthe lately anyways...
11 years ago
stepped inside, she hadn't really seen anyone besides Søren lately too. "Y' look stressed." She said quietly, he normally looked stand offish and calm, not like this.
11 years ago
shrugs as he closed the door and went to make some tea. "I've had to work more lately, and Dorthe's emotions are rubbing off on me."
11 years ago
frowned a little. "Y' haven' even smoked in a while, have y'?" She knew and honestly didn't care. She hummed a bit as she took off her shoes.
11 years ago
poured them both a mug of tea. "Is it that noticeable?"
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Mhmm.. Y'er goin t' snap soon if y' don' just r'lax, y' know that." She put the alcohol in the fridge and freezer. "Maybe y' should smoke while 'm here. Does Dorthe not like it or somethin?"
11 years ago
rolled his eyes. "I won't snap. I've been fine this far. And it's not that she doesn't like it... I've just..." He shrugged a bit and sipped tea.
11 years ago
sighed. "Y' will. Y'er tense. 'S not like y'er a passive country. ... Why do y' think I drink?" She joked. She liked to drink because it did keep her calm.
11 years ago
sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know what's wrong with me..."
11 years ago
"... Dorthe's stressful." She shrugged, she knew what Dorthe was like. She loved her, but she was still a pain in the ass. She grabbed a Heinekin. "Here. Drink." She opened it and handed it over.
11 years ago
sighs and shook his head a bit. "I've not drank in a while..."
11 years ago
sighs, she kept her hand out. "All the more reason y' need it. Jus' drink, 'lright?" She put it in his hands. "She's turnin y' into 'n old man."
11 years ago
huffed as he held the beer close. "I'm not an old man..." He took a very small sip.
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "... Ja y' are. 've seen older men who drink better than y' though." Maybe hanging around Søren made her a little rude..
11 years ago
huffed some more and just drank a bit more.
11 years ago
smirked, she knew she could get him to drink. She picked up a beer, opening it, and slowly began to drink it.
11 years ago
sighed and shook his head after. "She says you and the Dane are happy."
11 years ago
nods to him. "Ja. Amazin'ly enough we are." She smiled a bit. She was blushing embarrased, like a young girl with a crush.
11 years ago
sighs. ".. How do you do it?"
11 years ago
blinked and shrugged. "I don' know.. We jus'.. work. I seem t' need t' be with someone.. Completely opposite t' me.. 'nd m' personality. 'M guessin things with Dorthe 'ren't great..?"
11 years ago
leaned against the counter as he drank some more. "I don't know. She's acting so weird, and I just don't know how to handle it... I'm terrible with relationships."
11 years ago
"What do y' mean 'weird'?" She raised an eyebrow.
11 years ago
shook his head. "She's still miserable about me wanting to get rid of the titles with the marriage... she says I'm going against the vows to be with her, so really I lied to her."
11 years ago
stared at him. "... That doesn' make sense.. Marriages don' work with us. She should know that. No marriages work or are needed 'nymore.." She sighed quietly. "'Nythin else?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "That's all that's happened lately... The moment I said I wanted the titles gone, everything went down hill... but really..." He sighed, closing his eyes. "I've not felt the same since before the whole
11 years ago
marriage thing."
11 years ago
nodded, humming. "Hm.. Well.. Do y' still love 'er..?" She did wonder. He seemed more distant than normal.
11 years ago
had to sit down, already starting to not feel well. "I do. At least, I think so... I've not really thought much because she's always in my head... does that count?"
11 years ago
shrugs. 'D'pends on if 's a good or bad way. Can y' not wait t' see 'er? Or do y' dread when she comes home?" She was honestly just trying to help him.
11 years ago
sighs as he closed his eyes. "I don't know. All I think about is 'her'. Nothing about her, just... her."
11 years ago
nods to that. "Hm.. Well... Maybe y' need a little bit 'f time apart..?"
11 years ago
sighs. "We have. A lot."
11 years ago
frowns. "Maybe more time t'gether...?" She didn't know honestly.
11 years ago
didn't know either. "I just... think... I'm depressed."
11 years ago
didn't know what to suggest then. "... When was the last time y' painted? Y'er 'lways happier when y'er paintin."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Long ago... I don't feel like it anymore... or even working in my garden."
11 years ago
stared at him, shocked. "What? Nej. That's not right.. Why don' y' paint t'night?" Drunk painting would be fun.
11 years ago
shrugs. "I'm not in the mood... Just like how I'm not in the mood to drink, or smoke." He didn't want to do anything.
11 years ago
frowned, she needed to get him drunk... "Hmm.. Y'er jus' not feelin y'erself right now are y'?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I don't feel like doing anything. Just sitting and waiting for Dorthe. Then even when she's here, nothing."
11 years ago
"By the gods... Y'er whipped." She felt so badly for him.
11 years ago
frowns. "What do you mean?"
11 years ago
"Y' d'pend on Dorthe for everythin' don't y'? 'nd y'er pretty much lost without 'er... Right?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nee... it's not that at all... I just... don't do anything. It's not because I feel I need her, it's just I worry for her..."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "What? Why? Dorthe can take care 'f herself." She never knew her sister to be a D.I.D. type.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nee... she can't. She needs me constantly... I need to be by her too so she doesn't get hurt."
11 years ago
stared. "What? She never gets hurt. Or.. She never did I guess." She didn't understand.
11 years ago
shrugs. "She's had a few moments... she's recovering right now though, so she'll be okay... hopefully...'
Astrid was
11 years ago
a little shocked. "W-what do y' mean 'recoverin'?" She actually looked worried and a little shaken.
11 years ago
frowns. "She fell from a building not too long ago... She needed surgery on her back, and has been recovering since... it's why she went back to the Danes house for a while. To recover faster than here."
11 years ago
bit her lip. "I-I.. I can't b'lieve her.. She was never like this b'fore.. I was 'lways the bad one with r'lationships.." Finland being her largest mistake. She ran a hand through her hair. "Odin.."
11 years ago
sighed and just put his beer on the table. He didn't really like this...
11 years ago
frowned quietly, this was not what she had in mind. "She makes me angry.. But I do worry 'bout 'er.. Don' tell 'er that though."
11 years ago
smirks faintly. "I'm sure she worries about you too, even if she won't admit it."
11 years ago
nods. "Ja 'm sure.. 'S jus' hard t' forgive someone who took y'er eyesight from y'. Literally 'n eye for 'n eye in our case." She shook her head.
11 years ago
nods at that. "So I've heard..." He sighed and just sat down, resting his arms and head on the table.
11 years ago
frowned. "Has she talked 'bout that? Or 'nythin 'bout her past?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Not much... just the eye for an eye thing."
11 years ago
nods. "Odd, she's normally a loud mouth 'bout 'erself." She shrugged. "Do you want to watch a movie or somethin?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I don't know..." He felt pretty miserable, and doubted she'd stay much longer.
11 years ago
actually wanted to stick around for a while longer. "Come on." She pulled him to the living room.
11 years ago
followed her, not really putting up any resistance.
Astrid was
11 years ago
glad he wasn't. She sat him on the couch and set up the movie. "Y' don' mind kids movies, right?" She hoped he didn't.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I'm with Dorthe. What do you think?"
11 years ago
laughed a little. "True." She turned the movie on, and sat on the couch. "There." She was excited to watch this, she hadn't seen it yet.
11 years ago
just watched the movie idly. He felt like a terrible host right now for not being himself.
11 years ago
didn't mind. She was fairly content watching the movie just like this.
11 years ago
just felt like nothing... He was just a bit awkward feeling.
11 years ago
could tell, but she wasn't going to push him, especially after the movie started.
Netherlands was
11 years ago
at least glad she was enjoying herself.
11 years ago
didn't mind silence honestly, she was just used to it from her life.
11 years ago
watched the movie quietly then, some what glad for company even if it was awkward.
11 years ago
agreed with him. She was just happy to get out of the house and visit a friend.
11 years ago
sighed after a while and ran a hand through his hair.
11 years ago
looked at him when he sighed. "Hm?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I don't feel like a good host."
11 years ago
shrugs. "'S not like y'er bein rude or 'nythin, I don' mind how y' are."
11 years ago
nods at that, guessing he'd continue being quiet.
Astrid was
11 years ago
completely fine with silence. She was normally silent anyway.
11 years ago
guessed it wasn't awkward too, since they were friends.
11 years ago
agreed with that thought and fact.
Netherlands was
11 years ago
glad to not be alone at least.
11 years ago
sighed, she shifted and tucked her feet under her comfortably.
11 years ago
almost started to fall asleep.
11 years ago
did too, as she slowly drifted, her glasses slipped down her nose.
11 years ago
snapped out of it a bit and signed. "We should sleep."
11 years ago
blinked herself awake. "A-ah... Ja.. Maybe." She would have felt foolish for falling asleep like that.
11 years ago
got up and ran a hand through his hair. "The guest room should be set up, so you can sleep there."
11 years ago
looked at him and nodded. "Ah.. Tack, Niko." She smiled a little bit, she always felt odd smiling.
11 years ago
made a quiet sound as he walked her up to the room. He hadn't heard that nickname in a long time.
11 years ago
heard that sound. "Hm? Did.. did I say somethin wrong?"
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