11 years ago
I have to rant about this girl again, I'm sorry.
latest #21
11 years ago
She always makes posts talking about how lonely she is and can't get a boyfriend and gets over-dramatic and wonders why no one interacts w/ her on tumblr and shit
11 years ago
So she just made a LJ post which mentioned how "all anime fans like anymore is western crap". This isn't the first time she's said something along those same lines btw
11 years ago
So I was like, "Could you just not say that kind of stuff? I respect your opinion, so please don't disrespect those of us who do like western stuff." and she was like "No, and I'm done talking about this."
11 years ago
Like, um, okay??? didn't realize your feelings were the only ones that mattered?
11 years ago
Like, I am opinionated. I will fight you to the death to defend Taylor Swift lmfao. But she is a hundred times worse. She acts like her opinion is the only one that matters all the time.
11 years ago
(she meaning this girl, not Taylor Swift fyi)
11 years ago
Constantly defending myself with this girl ugh
equinewhisper dit
11 years ago
wait... so do you follow her or something? because you're referring to her posts a lot... but not in a very positive light obviously. she sounds extremely irritating
11 years ago
Well we are friends...kind of. We're friends on facebook but I unfollowed her on Tumblr b/c I didn't like/relate to most of the things she posted. And I'd unadd her on FB too but I'd feel bad since we go
11 years ago
to the same convention every year :/
equinewhisper dit
11 years ago
ohhhhh i see... i mean i was thinking things wouldn't still be a prob if it was just someone on the internet. sorry that you have to be in the company of someone like that.
equinewhisper dit
11 years ago
though i suppose she's tolerable at times because you guys are sort of friends?
11 years ago
It's okay. She used to be okay, but now it seems like she's just annoying. But she does tend to be nice to me in general so idk.
11 years ago
we used to talk all the time but now she just makes me frustrated
Finn the Human
11 years ago
kill her
11 years ago
lmfao no
Finn the Human
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
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