It's been pretty obvious lately (in the past few months) that I'm kinda distracted. There's a lot going on in my RL. I've been trying to sell my jewellery and other crafty things to establish an income for
my family since I am technically unemployed and my hubby has just graduated from uni. It's been a bit tough going, especially with a five year old just starting school. Anyways...that's just to give
perspective as to why I've been so horribly spotty lately.
So...I've been thinking long and hard about my current rp situation and I think some changes are going to have to be made. I'm in three games with Wes but I think I will be dropping two of them.
Para and BN are currently on the chopping block. I love my CR dearly, but I feel as if I've lost so much motivation in both places, and S4 Wes is feeling burnt out to me.
Scorched Wes is doing well, there's a lot to explore with him S1-S2 and I think I want to keep him there to have one remaining Wes game for now, since I love him so much.
I'm still thinking strongly about apping to Amat with Lilah because I believe I need to switch things up, play a different muse for a bit. I'm excited about the possibilities.
<-- my joy
I feel bad about thinking of dropping two games I've been in for over two years, but it's just gotten to a point where I feel I am letting down the people Wes should be active with. I try to get excited about
My heart. I kind of expected it, just because I know you've been overwhelmed, but sob.
plots and ideas but I end up not following through and it really kills me to know that I'm dropping the ball so much. So clearly, it's time to reassess what I can realistically do with my time and considering
my RL goals at the same time.
whatever you gotta do :|b
So, I guess that's where I am at mentally right now and I thank you lovely peeps who are CR for your patience and support. I wish I could be more consistent and active than I currently am.
where does that leave your current (newer) threads, do you think? With your RL stuffs being such a big factor, &c
I know that feeling so well.
I just hope your life chills out, RL always comes first!
I hope you the best whatever you decide you need to od
I want to finish those threads as much as I can. This is just a warning. I am not dropping overnight. But might do so at the end of the month or so
socialramen : it's been such a long time, but I was thinking about app stuff today, so it's still all on.
cherto : I am so sorry, I love Lana to pieces, but it's likely both Wes and Fred are going at the end of the month.
cherto: You blame Ezio for everything
Sadness. I was really looking forward to Wes becoming a full-time justice bro.
patrickjane: I will be focusing on wrapping things up in BN before I skedaddle, it will be a while yet before I head out, I think.
magicink: I am bummed since we have had so much fun with Julian, but he was a bright spot considering I've been floundering for months now
>.< totally sad but I'll get over it
magicom: I know, I am sorry, it would have been glorious and more time with the difficult Erik is always good. My lovely CR is why I've stayed as long as I have. You, SJ, and a few others have really kept me
invested, but I know I'm not giving it the attention it deserves.
: D I am sorry about theb urn out stuff. At least you're more ... on top of it then I am I'd just stick around until people would get annoyed so.
Lots of people are busy with school and jobs and the like and I admire them for getting as much done as they do rp-wise. I just hate being half-arsed about things. So yeah, I think it's best to focus on what I
can handle and pare back a bit.
So you're pretty set on dropping both games?
yeah, I gave myself a couple of months already to see if I could re-motivate myself and I did to some degree but I go through cycles of being active and on top and then things come up and I'm not tagging for
days on end and am not checking up on the games enough etc.
I've been in both para and BN for over two years with S4 Wes. It;s been a wonderful run and I've shared some amazing scenes and stories with awesome CR. I just feel it's time to admit I can't handle 3 games
you gotta do what you gotta do
i'm heartbroken but you should take that as a compliment rather than a bad thing /snuggles
i'll pester your wesley again one day
I can relate to the feeling of getting excited and then it just fizzles. Feeling stuck or unmotivated. <3
You have all been so wonderful , I couldn't ask for better canonmates, gamemates and CR. Truly. You are my escape, and I thank you all for what you give me on a daily basis.
I miss playing with you like burning but I understand :c
I hope you find something that works for you