For some reason I'm like really in the mood to write down these random bad experiences from my life let's do it
I guess so I can like remember them for use later or whatever also just because it feels better to say them???
Since I always remember them randomly and stuff???
Back when I was in high school my mom got sick with something not really that big but she had to go to the hospital and the next day I had like
one part of ap french assignment not completed and I apologized to the teacher and explained why
and she started openly laughing at me and then announced to the class that she had heard excuses like this her entire career and then basically had the class laugh at me
and while she was laughing she said that she was sorry if it was true but how was it possible for her to believe me
Back when I was in high school my friend's boyfriend used to whack me and prod me a lot and constantly call me stupid and I always thought it was a bizarre cultural difference thing because asian guys are total
ass holes and when I yelled at him because he made me spill my drink on myself my friends looked really confused and said that maybe he should stop because it seemed like it was a big deal
And that's always confused me.
He also was tossing a coin or some shit around one time and accidentally tossed it down my shirt and he reached down my shirt to grab it out.
And his girlfriend got mad at me.
Back in middle school I was in marching band and sometimes people I was sort of friends with would try to push me over when they marched behind me.
When I was in highschool I asked a girl who TI was and it was hilarious because TI is hilarious and it's such a stupid question but it ended at her shouting at the entire class that I didn't know who he was
and it culminated into everyone including the teacher asking if I even knew who Justin Timberlake was
and her and several other people actually angrily
Jesus christ you're really fucking stupid
I can't believe how much they must've liked TI?
I'm pretty sure almost all of my close friends from high school have at some point made a comment along the lines of
"Oh I didn't know you were smart"
in relation to me being able to solve any problem or do anything that was school related in front of them
And one of the girls that I hung out with a lot used to say "I can't believe you scored higher than me on SAT's I'm smarter than you!" on a pretty regular basis
the entirety of senior year
I used to play softball when I was little and if I didn't catch well my dad would put my in the backyard and throw baseballs at me as hard as he could until it was dark out
and scream at me when I was too scared the catch it
and one time he hit me in the face and I had bent glasses for the next few months because neither him nor my mom wanted to admit
that anything fucked up had happened