so i dont really use plurk anymore?
not really sure why i guess cause who really even cares
but i guess during times like this its good
where i can just rant to myself? and id rather put my thoughts down somewhere so i can hear myself think and not leave myself with my thoughts
but anyway im just not okay
I guess i need to go back to seeing my therapist again or see a new one.
i stopped going cause of health insurance reasons but now that i have it i should just go back
especially with the way i've been feeling lately
I've just felt really numb lately and i guess depressed
not like IM DEPRESSED just i feel its more lingering and dampening than just reoccurring sadness
just im so angry and frustrated and i dont know why???
everything pisses me off. everyone is grating. and i constantly want to be left alone
but at the same time im really lonely ??? like im not even sure how that makes any sense and i feel really fucking immature and 15
like i broke up with my "girlfriend" fling i had and i didn't give a shit
i got rejected by my crush and didn't really give a shit
i then immediately got high and had sex with this girl i started hanging out with
and i just didn't even give a shit
like she's really nice and sweet and honest and cute and im just fucking lying to her face about giving a shit
im just so bored i figured why the fuck not
i feel like im starting to become a bad person cause im just starting to give less of a shit about what people think of me
and NOT in a self confidence kind of way.
like I know i SHOULD feel bad, but lately im just starting to feel less and less guilty
and all i really want to do is smoke A LOT of weed and drink a lot
and i feel like thats really unhealthy and NOT solving anything and making shit worse and im just fed up with my own bullshit
like im some fucking tortured soul boo hoo waaah poor me when i have nothing to fucking complain about
im a cis white-passing man, financially supportive mother, a pretty healthy family, friends, loved ones, i've had successful relationships and im perfectly physically healthy
ranting to no one but myself on some social fucking media site
about what? fucking nothing really
i guess i feel like a big fucking baby and i need to grow the fuck up, go see a therapist or just fucking shut up
i guess i can't be full of confidence and sunshine 100% of the time
just wanna get over it all ready and move on
yeah i agree with nicole. and also like... having sex with someone just cuz also doesn't really make you a bad person? i would just talk to a therapist about it though
you also have therapists at your school so you should take advantage of that if nothing else
Third-ing this also, even though I'm late. Because I don't use plurk alot lately either T__T But yeah, I hope you can get everything sorted out with therapy. And feel free to hit me up for a talk if you want