12 years ago
My landlord doesn't understand why Collin and I are mad that she is waiting 10 days or more to cash our rent check.
latest #9
WhimsyWooooo says
12 years ago
12 years ago
Right? It's like she doesn't function in a world of electronic transfer.
marigayle says
12 years ago
Why does it matter? (I'm just confused)
shayla516 says
12 years ago
marigayle, I don't balance my checkbook/account so it's easy to forget that a check hasn't been cashed and credited after that long of a time period.
shayla516 says
12 years ago
and then you think you have extra money which can easily cause problems
marigayle says
12 years ago
Oh. That makes sense.
12 years ago
My issue is that I have my health insurance payment that comes out on the 9th. If there is money in the account to cover they don't do the deposit from my savings then insurance clears and she bounces my rent.
12 years ago
If I don't do direct deposit I have to pay 7% more.
12 years ago
I've told her this too. I've suggested I give her a casher check or do a direct deposit and none of those are acceptable.
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