Turkey hopes
11 years ago
that Ludwig is feeling better now.
latest #85
Ludwig is
11 years ago
feeling considerably better. He actually has something for the Turk as a thank you. He knows the other doesn't want anything but he insists.
11 years ago
really doesn't want anything, but he will come visit him again.
11 years ago
will be more than happy to host him properly...this time.
11 years ago
really doesn't think he needs to worry about any of that at all.
11 years ago
can't really help it but will try not too?
11 years ago
can't fault him for it. He knocked on his door soon enough. He had a bottle of wine in his hand.
11 years ago
answers the door on the second knock. He had been making strudel. "Sadik...come in." He smiles.
11 years ago
smiles and holds out the bottle of wine as he stepped inside. "Hello Ludwig, glad to see you on your feet again."
Ludwig is
11 years ago
glad he's on his feet again. "It's definitely better." He agrees as he glances at the wine. "Should I get us two glasses in that case?"
11 years ago
raises a brow at the question as he handed the bottle over to the German. "Only if you want to."
11 years ago
|"I assumed that's why you brought the wine. But seeing as it's white I could chill and save it for another day."
11 years ago
shrugs a bit, "it's a gift. I never visit anyone without bringing something for the host."
11 years ago
nods lightly. "I thought we were passed that by now." He says as he takes the wine and heads to the bar to put it in the wine cooler.
11 years ago
shrugged a bit as he he followed him. "We can be... I still wanted to bring it for you."
11 years ago
doesn`t really give that a response besides a quick thank you. "I made strudel...are you hungry?"
11 years ago
noticed that but decides against saying anything as he nodded. "Sure, if you're interested."
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that reply. "Well, of course, I did go through the effort of making it. I also made fresh creme."
11 years ago
(I am so sorry, I have no idea why I wrote that._
11 years ago
( Haha, it's okay. )
11 years ago
( Should we rewind? )
11 years ago
(Yeah maybe xD)
11 years ago
( Alright, go for it. xD)
11 years ago
noticed that but decides against saying anything as he nodded. "Sure, I wouldn't mind joining you for a meal."
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "It's just dessert but it's fresh so I hope you enjoy it." He says as he starts for the kitchen.
11 years ago
follows him and smiles a bit in return. "I am sure I will."
11 years ago
uses the spatula to gently dislodge the strudels from the pan before placing them on a plate. He then goes to the fridge and pulls out the
11 years ago
the creme dishing some out on each strudel before placing a fork on each and taking it to the table placing it down. "Guten appetite."
11 years ago
took a seat and thanked him, waiting for the German to sit down as well before he dug in. He took a bite and smiled, "mm it's delicious Ludwig."
11 years ago
took a seat seconds later as he took his time to appreciate the dessert before taking a bit of his own. He was pleased with the way it had
11 years ago
turned out. His features brighten a fraction at the compliment. "I'm glad you liked. I'll make sure to give you some to take away with you."
11 years ago
glanced over at him as he ate, it was really good. He smiled at the offer. "You don't have to do that."
11 years ago
knows that. "I know but I want too. At least you'll be able to appreciate it."
11 years ago
nods, he couldn't really argue with Ludwig. "So how are things?"
11 years ago
brings his fork down momentarily to contemplate that question. Busy was probably an understatement. "They've been going, what about on your end?"
11 years ago
nods and smiles at him as he took another bite. "Good, I suppose, quiet on the personal front, busy on the work one."
11 years ago
can imagine. The Turk was just as hard working he had noticed. "At least you're keeping busy which isn't a bad thing."
11 years ago
shakes his head, "no it's not a bad thing at all."
11 years ago
takes another bite of his dessert, chewing it slowly. "Do you have any future plans for things to do?"
11 years ago
shakes his head, "nothing personally. How about you?"
11 years ago
gently cuts more into the strudel. "I was hoping to go visit somewhere for the long weekend. Get out of the cold." He admits.
11 years ago
raised a brow as he took another bite of the dessert. It was really good. "You are welcome to come stay with me for the long weekend."
11 years ago
pauses to think about it. Turkey wasn't that far at all it would be very plausible. "How's the weather in Istanbul?"
11 years ago
sets his fork down and nods a bit. "It's warm, sunny. Not to bad actually."
Ludwig likes
11 years ago
that. "In that case expect a visit..would you like me to plan things we can do or would you like to do that?"
11 years ago
thought about that for a moment, "you can plan if you would like, that way we can see what you want to see.:
11 years ago
11 years ago
nods, he had no problem with that. "I can do that."
11 years ago
smiles a bit and nods, "I'll make sure to cook for you as well then."
11 years ago
's features brighten at that. "Could we grab some donairs from a street vendor. I'd like to try them from your house."
11 years ago
blinks and nods, "sure. I'll take you where ever you want."
11 years ago
had already started making a plan in his head. "I'm looking forward to the visit."
11 years ago
smiled and nodded, "I'll make up the guest room and everything. It will be nice to have company in the house for a bit."
11 years ago
nods. "Don't go out of your way if you don't have too."
11 years ago
shakes his head as he watched him, "not going out of my way at all."
11 years ago
hoped not.
11 years ago
got up and moved onto the bed, he stretched out next to him, moving close and wrapping an arm around him.
11 years ago
hadn't expected that at all and blinks before settling gently against him and placing the book down on his lap to get comfortable.
11 years ago
felt like he needed some kind of comforting, or something.
11 years ago
wonders if that's really the reason but doesn't question him on it. "Let me know when I'm too hot and you need to cool down." His fever
11 years ago
wasn't that high but it was still noticeably so.
11 years ago
blinked at the comment and shook his head lightly as he kissed him on the forehead. "Your fever isn't that bad."
11 years ago
fights the flush that wants to make it's way on his features before tentatively leaning his head on the Turk's shoulder. "That's good..."
11 years ago
shifted to run his fingers through the German's hair and nodded.
11 years ago
sighs, liking that a lot. He lets out a small him and leans into the touch closing his eyes.
11 years ago
kept doing that for a while, he remembered Greece and the other little ones liking it when they'd been sick. Not that he'd done it a lot for them. Normally a servant had.
11 years ago
wasn't going to complain to his comforting actions. "You're going to unravel me..." He chuckles lightly.
11 years ago
raises a brow at that as he glanced over at him curiously. "Unravel you? I think I've done that on a few occasions already."
11 years ago
flushes. "Not that kind of unraveling."
11 years ago
smirks at the flush and lightly touched his forehead again before deciding he was fine. "I should let you rest."
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "I've been resting all day but if you have to go, I understand."
11 years ago
shakes his head, "I just feel like I'm not helping you getting better at all."
11 years ago
can't help but be amused by that. "Unless you have magical powers I doubt you could actually heal me. But I do feel considerably better since you've arrived. Maybe your good health is rubbing off on me." He
11 years ago
knew that wasn't the case but maybe it'd make Sadik feel better.
11 years ago
shifted to get out of the bed, making sure Ludwig stayed tucked in.
11 years ago
settles down glancing up at him. "Thanks for coming anyway." He smiles lightly. "I appreciate it."
11 years ago
returned the smile and nodded, "it's my pleasure Ludwig. I'll hang around for a bit and make you some more meals, I put them in the freezer for you so all you have to do is heat them up."
11 years ago
smiles at him again. "And here you go doing more than you have too. Danke...really."
11 years ago
raises a brow at that and leaned down to pat him on the head. "You don't have to thank me... friends do this kind of thing for one another do they not?"
11 years ago
nods at that. "Ja, I guess they do."
11 years ago
headed for the door smiling a bit to himself. "Maybe when you're better I'll get you to thank me." He was entirely joking of course.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that and shakes his head lightly. "Of course." There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
11 years ago
headed back down stairs and set about making him at least three meals he could heat up when he wanted them.
11 years ago
decides maybe sleeping some more wouldn't kill him or if it didn't he wouldn't be aware.
11 years ago
finished up his cooking soon enough and made sure to clean up everything and checked on him one last time before he'd leave.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
fast asleep.\
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