11 years ago
[meme] fandom tattoos
latest #6
11 years ago
so, I'm gonna go under the assumption that bands/music are totally a fandom. (people get song lyrics tattoos all the time!)
11 years ago
I don't have any tattoos now, but for a couple of years I've been thinking of getting a couple small tattoos
11 years ago
The first one would says "Live Love Be Believe" (possibly with the Cruxshadows trifix)
11 years ago
The 2nd one would say "Victory Not Vengeance"
11 years ago
I'm kind of 'ehhhhh' on the idea of doing something so permanent to myself though, so I don't know if I'd ever go through with it.
11 years ago
But music from the Cruxshadows and VNV Nation helped me through some of the darkest times of my life and gave me hope when I wanted everything to end so those 2 mottos have a lot of personal meaning to me.
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