Mattie is
11 years ago
getting a bit sick of the snow.
latest #152
11 years ago
wouldn't mind doing that at all as long as he can spend every minute with Al.
11 years ago
isn't all to surprised by his eagerness. He nodded and smiled as he kissed him on the cheek lightly. "Are you driving to then?"
11 years ago
nods and smiles a bit as he wrapped him in a hug and kissed him again before pulling back. "Sounds like fun."
11 years ago
nods as he squeezed his hand lightly and pulled back from him to get the bags in the car.
11 years ago
put his seat belt on and smiled over at him, excited to get away.
11 years ago
blinks at the hand grabbing his but smiles and squeezes his hand lightly. "Me too, we can relax on the beach and enjoy some sun."
11 years ago
shifted to watch him as he nodded.
11 years ago
smiles and nods as he kisses him lightly as soon as the car is parked. "Sounds like a good way to spend a plane ride to me."
11 years ago
held his hand lightly as he followed him through the airport. He was sure they knew their way around almost every airport by now.
11 years ago
smiled a bit at the cuddling and moved kiss him on the lips lightly. He hummed a bit and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I love you Al."
11 years ago
settled close to him and kept an eye on the clock so they would miss the boarding. "I'd like that," he agreed.
11 years ago
smiles again as he shifted to rest his head on Al's shoulder. "Mm and lots of alone time, without work."
11 years ago
flushed lightly and kissed him back gently, happy. "What would you like to do first when we get there?"
11 years ago
listened and nodded as he took Al's hand and help onto it. "Sounds good, and order in some dinner?"
11 years ago
slowly got up as well and yawned a bit nodding. "Sounds good to me."
11 years ago
follows him onto the plan and nods absently, he was a bit sleepy. He held his hand though as he walked. "Emm hm."
11 years ago
nods, waiting so he could put his own bag into the overhead before he slid down into his seat. He looked over at Al and flushed a bit, people were watching them curiously, but he really didn't mind that at all.
11 years ago
doesn't mind it one bit. He shifted to rest his head on Al's shoulder as he curled his fingers through Al's and held his hand.
11 years ago
smiles and nods a bit as he kissed him back lightly. "Sounds like a good plan," he was already starting to doze off a bit as he spoke, yawning softly.
11 years ago
slept easily like that with Al, he probably wouldn't wake up for food himself.
11 years ago
slept through the whole plan ride and woke up when they were landing. He blinked a bit and rubbed sleep from his eyes as he stifled a yawn.
11 years ago
fixed his glasses on his nose and nodded with a smile. "Em hm." He leaned over to kiss him on the cheek lightly.
11 years ago
smiles and nods as he waited till they could get out of their seats and off the plane.
11 years ago
follow Al closely and smiled holding his hand for most of the trip.
11 years ago
nods as he shifted to get his bag into the cab when it pulled up for them. "Sounds like a good plan."
11 years ago
didn't mind that at all as he leaned against him, sliding one of his hands to Al's thigh.
11 years ago
laughs a bit and nods as he kisses him on the cheek. "Sounds like a good plan."
11 years ago
flushed a bit at the kiss, he smiled at him though and nodded slightly. "Any time with you is good Al."
11 years ago
nods again and smiles as he leaned into Al a bit now, liking how comfortable he is. "That's true."
11 years ago
followed his attention out the window, holding Al's hand lightly. "Sure."
11 years ago
follows him out of the car trying to help with the bags but quickly giving up and instead focusing on getting doors for him.
11 years ago
grins at the comment and nods at the question as he kissed him back lightly on the cheek. "Sure, then we'll go out and have some fun?"
11 years ago
grabbed his own beach clothes and nods in response moving to change as well. "Yep."
11 years ago
flushed and jumped a bit at the grope. "I'm glad you think so," he pulled on his swim shorts and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "You're sexier though."
11 years ago
smiled and kissed him back lightly, pausing in his own dressing to grope Al's butt in return. "And you're all mine."
11 years ago
laughs as with him and squeaks a bit at the grope. He kissed him again for good measure and pulled away. "I like the sound of that, it had better be a private beach though."
11 years ago
held his hand in return, squeezing lightly as he smiled. "Sounds good to me."
11 years ago
followed along next to him happily, enjoying the walk.
11 years ago
glanced down the path and smiled as he held Al's hand a bit tighter. "Lead the way then."
Mattie is
11 years ago
distracted by the sand and the sun and the water as he followed Al, nodding absently as he smiled. "Oh it's gorgeous."
11 years ago
flushes and blinks when Al takes off for the water, he paused and watched after him for a few seconds then took off to follow, chasing him the lapping blue waves
11 years ago
11 years ago
jumps back at the splash, not expecting the cool water on his face. He tumbled back into the water and laughed splashing Al in return.
11 years ago
grins and laughs as he splashes backwards in the water, moving back from him.
11 years ago
yelps as he stumbles, he can't quite keep his footing in the wet sand and water. He flailed a bit before grabbing hold of Al to keep himself above the water.
Mattie is
11 years ago
completely caught off guard by the sudden kiss, his hands trying to grab hold of him as he gasped against his lips.
Mattie is
11 years ago
to overwhelmed to mind giving him the control of the kiss as he kissed him back, finally catching his hands on the waist band of Al's shorts.
11 years ago
pressed closer to him, enjoying this to much. The hand in his hair pulled a moan from him. God he loved kissing his boyfriend, he loved everything about him really, but this was good.
11 years ago
hummed softly in response, barely able to get much out than that between kisses. He really liked this. He managed to moved one of his hands, letting it slide up Al's back to his shoulders.
Mattie has
11 years ago
no complaints about this as he settled in his lap, only pausing for a moment to catch his breath. "Al this was a really good idea."
11 years ago
laughs softly and kisses him again gently. "Mm it's perfect and you are pretty smart huh?"
11 years ago
closed his eyes and just enjoyed the touches and the sun against his back and the water. He took a moment before he tilted his head to kiss him again, less chastely than Al had kissed his jaw.
11 years ago
didn't want this moment to end, it felt so perfect. He couldn't have asked for more really as he wrapped his own arms around Al's shoulders, letting his fingers trace patterns on Al's back absently.
11 years ago
really enjoyed this, he smiled into the kiss as he let Al have the control. His fingers continued to draw patterns on his shoulders as he relaxed his boyfriend's lap and into the kisses.
11 years ago
smiles brightly as he caught his own breath nodding and licking his lips. "Mm I really like kissing you and this beach is just a bonus."
11 years ago
holds onto him flushed from the kisses and from the sun. When he's looking up at Al from the sand though he goes darker and nods. "Mm we're all alone on a private beach, I couldn't ask for a better
11 years ago
setting to kiss you in."
11 years ago
gasped a bit when he felt his hands being moved and pinned. He kissed him back though eagerly. The warm breeze and water still clinging to them making him shiver.
11 years ago
arched up against Al, wanting to feel more skin pressed against his. One of his hands found purchase in Al's hair lightly when it was released as he moaned into the kiss.
11 years ago
felt the heat were Al's fingers caressed his body, it was pleasant and he only wanted more of it as he tightened his hold on his hair, completely taken by the kiss.
11 years ago
groaned, feeling the slight pain from the grip but it only turned him on more than anything as he pressed his hips up against Al's as much as those hands would allow him to. The kiss stopped him from getting so
11 years ago
much as word out in demand for Al to do more.
11 years ago
gasped and jolted from the hard grope, his hips rolling into Al's. His head fell back into the sand as Al's kisses moved down his neck, rewarding his efforts with another pleasured groan. "A-Al... God this is
11 years ago
11 years ago
bit his lower lip at the sudden spike of pleasure and nods, moaning softly. "Y-you feel amazing... fuck..."
11 years ago
half chuckled half moaned in response, his hands combing through Al's hair now as he flushed darkly. "I don't think I want to stop you."
11 years ago
gasped, more than gladly pressing into Al and into his grinding. It was certainly working to get him hard. He caught his boyfriend's lips in a kiss, rough and needy and completely glad for the private beach.
11 years ago
squirmed a bit under him as he tried to help him to get the swim trunks off. His own hands left Al's hair and tried to fumble with the other's shorts, wanting them gone as much as he had his own.
11 years ago
wrapped his arms around Al as soon as he was pressed close again, tilting his head for the nips as he let out soft moans. He really loved when Al did that, it made his toes curl in pleasure.
11 years ago
shuddered, arching up and pressing against him more. "A-Al... god I love you." He hadn't even thought about the lack of lube yet but it wouldn't be on his list of concerns.
11 years ago
flushes darkly at the question, he kissed him on the lips and shook his head. "I... I just want you."
11 years ago
hummed thoughtfully, he was to flustered to really think about it though as he kissed him again. "D-Don't care right now," he let his own hands slide down to grope Al, hoping to prove his point.
11 years ago
smirked at the expression. He had to move his hand off Al when the other's kisses moved down his body. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sun and touches.
11 years ago
groaned softly, his fingers tangling in Al's hair as much as they could. He didn't mind the teasing one bit, it made him shiver.
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