wei626 says
11 years ago
latest #7
草食動物Kate says
11 years ago
ritahung says
11 years ago
Smithsonia, Washington Monument, White house, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Park, Korean War Memorial...
ritahung says
11 years ago
Georgetown 有比較多好餐廳
wei626 says
11 years ago
ritahung: 你知道真多地方
wei626 says
11 years ago
katechiu: 總統坐的地方是啥?
草食動物Kate says
11 years ago
wei626: 哈哈就是lincoln park (where lincoln sits), jefferson memorial (where jefferson stands), XD
草食動物Kate says
11 years ago
washington monument is closed till 2014 i remeber? because of the earthquake in 2011 XD
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