Ludwig was
11 years ago
tidying the house. It was not dirty but it looked disorganized and Ludwig couldn't have that.
latest #239
Gabriel wonders
11 years ago
if he wants help?
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
he should be fine but he would not be adverse to the company. They could go out for a walk or a drink afterwards if Gabriel wanted.
11 years ago
smiles a bit. "A drink would suit me fine." he hums, walking in. "What do you need help with? Is your room's door painted, or is it still with my flag?" he jokes.
11 years ago
chuckles. "I fixed after you grew up. You were quite adamant on having it on the door. Sit down and relax. I just have one more thing to do and we can go out."
11 years ago
sits down on the couch, his hair shorter than usual in the ponytail. "Ah, was I? The perks of being a child... Very well, I'll wait."
11 years ago
makes quick but good work on the last touch up before heading back to the living room and sitting beside the Portuguese man with a sigh. "Do you care the bar?"
11 years ago
Shakes his head. "I don't suppose there's any where smoking is allowed, right?" He winces, but pats the other's shoulder in greeting.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the wince but has to really think of a place. "We could go to a shisha bar? That would be the only place I can really think of that we can smoke."
11 years ago
hums. "Well, that works, if there's any nearby." He chuckles, tapping the other's knee and standing up. "Off we go?"
11 years ago
gets up. "There are many in Berlin. I think you forget where Sadik's people like to come live and work....other than their own country."
11 years ago
laughs at that. "Ah, I do... That still didn't get him into EU," he hums, placing jis hands in his povkets, thinking a bit.
11 years ago
chuckles lightly. "I'm not the only one that needs to vote for him to come in. He has a long way to go regardless. Anyway, I think I know a decent one. So whenever you're ready."
11 years ago
nods. "I'm more than ready. So unless you need to fetch something, we can go." He waves a hand, already standing up. "So you might as well be even speaking Turkish by now, hmm?"
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the comment as he gets up and heads for the door making sure to grab his jacket in the process. "My Turkish isn't too bad." He replies with a slight smile. "It would be bad if I couldn't
11 years ago
understand just a little bit." He opens the door for Gabriel.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Shame..." he sighs, faking disappointment as he walks out to the streets, putting his hands on his pockets and smiling at the sun.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that as he unlocks the car with the remote. "Shame?"
11 years ago
nods. "I'm just joking, it isn't that bad of a language, although Portuguese is much better. He grins a little, opening the passenger door and taking a seat.
11 years ago
slips into the drivers seat and starts the car. "If there were more Portuguese immigrants I'd certainly make it a priority to learn the language." He says as he reverses out of his drive way.
11 years ago
should make a plan for that... But the way his people protest against Merkel, that'd be a hard thing to do. "Perhaps... However, my people keep going to Spain, or even Brazil instead."
11 years ago
can see why they would do that. "I feel like many people are angry at me lately." He sighs as he hits the autobahn and makes his way to Berlin.
11 years ago
smiles softly at him, ruffling his hair affectionately. "It's not you... And don't feel down, a crisis leaves us all stressed." he offers, watching the scenery outside. "I honestly think the only good thing_
11 years ago
this whole mess did, of good, is that it brought me and my brother together."
11 years ago
can't even fix his hair and only ducks under the reach after a while. "That is good." He agrees as he finally makes it into Berlin and goes to find a place to park. They could walk to the place.
11 years ago
snickers at that, shaking his head. "There's a place." He points to the far left, a parking lot. "Can you park there?"
Ludwig is
11 years ago
glad Gabriel pointed it out. "Ja, that should be fine." He doesn't waste time and parks the car, getting out and waiting for the other.
11 years ago
walks out, stretching and following after him. "Where to, Ludwig?"
11 years ago
walks onto the side walk and starts heading north. "It's not to far. Two blocks at most."
11 years ago
nods. "Ah, perfect." He walks by the other's side, looking around to admire the city, even though he's been there before. "So, what set you into the cleaning mood today?"
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
if he wants the truth or not. "I saw something out of place...." He admits embarrassingly enough. He crosses the street making sure Gabriel is beside him before opening the door of the shisha lounge.
11 years ago
laughs at that, shaking his head as he facepalms. "You're impossible..." He walks in, looking around at the place, a bit surprised such lounge exists in Germany of all places. "Right, I think you'll have to_
11 years ago
guide me here..." He comments idly, standing proud despite the slight embarrassment at the request.
11 years ago
chuckles lightly as he passes the shorter man and makes his way to the back and slides into a booth, the menus were already on the table. "If you need help reading anything let me know."
11 years ago
follows after him, soon sitting down and reaching over for the menus. "I think I can figure this out on myself." He sighs and looks down, thinking a bit. "I never asked: this is not driving you away from work,_
Gabriel is
11 years ago
11 years ago
had been scanning the menu when the question was asked and he can't help but glance up to meet Gabriel's gaze. "No, if I had time to clean, going out would not be pulling me away from anything." He had woken
11 years ago
really early to get his work done. He hated having to work later than necessary even though that happened more than not.
11 years ago
chuckles. "Ah, true." He shakes his head then, scanning the menu. "Are we going to eat anything too?" he taps the menu, a bit hungry himself. "I don't... Wait, you do smoke?"
11 years ago
smiles. "If you want to eat. The food is good so don't be shy." He says as he sets the menu down. ", not usually but I've never been one to say no to shisha every now and then."
11 years ago
smiles. "Then I'll eat a snack. Sfiha?" He laughs a bit. "Ah, really? Turkey got me into smoking it once... Not bad, grape scent." He explains a bit, trying to remember. "It's been a long time... Well, that's_
11 years ago
why you don't usually complain when I smoke." He hums, taking a look at the details on the shisha, still feeling somewhat out of place.
11 years ago
doesn't think Gabriel should feel too out of place. There were equal amounts of Turks as Germans and tourists even. "What do you think of apple flavour?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I think it's a nice one, sure." He grins. "You're the host here." He jokes, pointing at Ludwig. "I'm just waiting to be impressed."
11 years ago
's lip quirks up. "Impressed huh? Well, I'll see what I can do." He flags the waiter and orders them both some tea, the Sfiha and the shisha before turning his attention back on his guest. "So what impresses
11 years ago
you Gabriel? Is there much that can anymore?"
11 years ago
chuckles. "Well, now asking me just takes all the fun away, no?" He hums. "But there is a handful, I'm not that old..."
11 years ago
smirks lightly. "I like the more direct approach regardless it will be fun if you want interesting." He replies.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Direct, direct... That's sadly not how I work." He chuckles next. "Still, it's a very different place here, almost got me impressed."
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "So you make it hard for a person. You know we aren't mind readers." He's glad when the tea is brought out to them.
11 years ago
leans in. "Don't underestimate body language." He hints it, playfully, glad for his own tea. "Why, are you trying to read mine?"
11 years ago
tilts his head a bit before leaning back against the booth. "You asked me to make it interesting. I would have to know what's vaguely going through your head to assure you get what you want."
11 years ago
hums. "You've been to my house times enough." He adds simply, honestly not planning on taking this anywhere and just having a little game. "Perhaps you can impress me from there?"
11 years ago
can't argue that. "I guess we'll have to see." He says as he sips at his tea, the food being brought out for Gabriel and the shisha soon following.
11 years ago
smiles and grabs his sfiha, taking a bite from it and going quiet for a moment.
11 years ago
grabs the pipe and gives the coal a bit of time to start burning before he begins to smoke it. He doesn't linger to long with it passing it
11 years ago
to Gabriel with a slight cough. It's been a while.
11 years ago
murmurs a thanks as he smokes, smiling. He needed that. "It's nice, different." He chuckles, passing the pipe back. "Careful there, drink some of the tea."
11 years ago
nods as he takes the pipe but sips his tea before even attempting to smoke it again. He would probably get light headed..."It is different, although, I've never actually tried to smoke."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Never? Huh, that's interesting..." He pauses a bit to eat his food. "Well, try not to get too light-headed, I have no idea how to take you back to your home." Then again, Ludwig took care of him_
11 years ago
when he had been drunk, it was the least he could do. "I don't even remember when I started."
11 years ago
meant never smoked cigarettes but essentially yes. "Don't worry about me." He says as he takes it slower when smoking the hookah.
11 years ago
shrugs, stretching a hand out. "Nonsense, I do worry, especially since you're not a smoker." He explains, shrugging. "Can you pass me the nargile a bit?"
11 years ago
nods, passing the pipe over to him thankful that he didn't have to smoke at the moment. "I know my limits on smoking."
11 years ago
could smoke it himself, alone, but that'd be unkind. He laughs at the other's reaction, actually, smoking and then blowing some smoke on the other's face. "Of course you do, you're not a child anymore..."
11 years ago
fans the smile away with a bit of a frown. If he wanted to smoke it all he would not object. "No, I'm not." He concentrates on sipping his
11 years ago
tea and refilling it.
11 years ago
chuckles, curling his toes as he leans back on his seat, smoking peacefully. "Thank you, by the way, for bringing me here..."
11 years ago
glances up curiously at first before nodding. "You're my guest. It's the least I can do."
11 years ago
chuckles. "I insist it's kindness, so obrigado." he closes his eyes, happy with the nargile. "I had forgotten how smoking those felt like..." he pauses, then grins. "Another reason I should just quit already."
11 years ago
laughs. "Well it hasn't killed you yet." He smirks.
11 years ago
smirks back. "Now you just sound like Sadik, no more tea and narguile for you."
11 years ago
flushes at that. "Seems like I've been spending to much time with him."
11 years ago
raises one eyebrow at the visible blush. "So it seems..." He narrows his eyes, in a know-it-all, parenting manner.
11 years ago
takes a sip of his tea trying to avoid that look.
11 years ago
chuckles at the reaction, shaking his head. "I'm mocking you. Just.. Do whatever makes you happy." He shrugs, taking a long drag.
11 years ago
places his cup down. "Ja...right.." He smiles a little awkwardly.
11 years ago
smiles. "Stop being awkward about it, it's no big deal..." He waves a hand, sipping his tea. "Want another drag?" He offers the pipe again.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I'm fine, thanks. You can smoke the rest of it."
11 years ago
nods. "Thanks." He looks down, there's only a bit left. He takes another long drag, nostrils flaring as he exhales, watching the smoke swirl around.
11 years ago
finds Gabriel's fascination with smoke interesting. "Did you want to stay over tonight. I can ready the guest room for you."
11 years ago
smiles. "I could take up the couch just fine... And I could accept that, before I get a bit light-headed." He chuckles, shaking his head. "You seriously need to stop being so kind to me, there's no way I can_
11 years ago
repay you..." He hums, blushing heavily.
11 years ago
quirks at the blush. "I wouldn't let you sleep on the couch" He says. "Repay me. I told you you didn't have too..."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow at him. "Sure it won't be a bother?" He insists, then nods at his question. "And yes. But I'll figure something out."
11 years ago
shakes his head lightly. "None at all. You couldn't be worse than Italy."
11 years ago
huffs. "Now you offend me!" he pretends to be hurt, hiding a smile. "Italy? Honestly!"
11 years ago
snorts. "That was a compliment."
11 years ago
hums. "Worse than it, only if you mixed me up with Spain." he grins.
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "I'll remember that for next time."
11 years ago
chuckles, resting the pipe aside. "How are you and Italy anyway? Did you finally make a move?"
11 years ago
sighs. "I think I've given up on that." He says honestly.
Gabriel is
11 years ago
a bit surprised. "Oh? Well, something happened?" He is hesitant to ask, feeling nosy, but there's a small, concerned frown on his face.
11 years ago
sips at his tea to give him time to form a proper answer. "We barely see each other and I don't think he feels the same way." He explains simply, it was a little painful to think about it.
11 years ago
can understand that. "Ah... Well, I'm sure you'll find something else." he pats his shoulders gently. "Don't think much about it." he isn't sure what to say, so he just sips his tea, going quiet.
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a small smile. He had come to terms with it a while ago. "It would only distract me from work anyway." He says as he finishes his tea. "Done smoking?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Distraction from work actually sounds like what you need, Ludwig..." he jokes, setting his tea aside, nodding. "Done with everything, you can order the bill, unless you want to smoke more?" he_
11 years ago
jokes a bit, grinning.
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him an amused look at the smoking comment. He really wasn't much of a smoker even if he had wanted too. "Ja, no. I think I'm good for the rest of my life." He says as he catches the attention of one of the
11 years ago
workers and manages to pay. "After you."
11 years ago
hums. "Sure you don't want to split the bill?" He offers, reaching for his wallet as he stands up.
11 years ago
would actually rather that. "You can give me your half when we're back at my place. I just figured it would be easier for one person to pay."
11 years ago
pockets his wallet, nodding. "Ah, figures. Let's go?" He hums, walking outside.
11 years ago
follows after him as they head back the way they came. He unlocks the door a few meters away before eventually sliding into the drivers seat
11 years ago
and starting up the car. "Need anything from Berlin before we leave?"
11 years ago
slides into the passenger's seat, shaking his head. "Not really..." He hums. "Do you need anything? Prussia needs anything?"
11 years ago
shakes his head as he reverses out of his parking spot and heads for the autobahn.
11 years ago
hums, closing his eyes a bit, the narguile having made him a bit lightheaded.
11 years ago
is glad he stopped when he did or this drive home would have been interesting. It doesn't take them long to make it back to his place. The
11 years ago
car comes to a stop and the engine cut.
Gabriel has
11 years ago
fallen asleep along the ride, waking up only qhen the car stops and even then, slowly. "Toni?"
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Nein, Ludwig." He corrects.
11 years ago
opens his eyes, blushing. "Oh. Oh, right." He laughs a bit, stretching awkwardly and getting out of the car. "Right, we've arrived!"
11 years ago
chuckles lightly as he gets out of the car and closes the door beside him before heading to his front door and unlocking it for the both of them.
11 years ago
covers his mouth to hide a yawn, walking after him. He hears one of the dogs, possibly Astor, and grins a bit. "Ahh, much warmer here, thankfully." He coos.
11 years ago
locks the door from where he is and closes the house door behind them. Astor bounds towards them and goes over to Gabriel tail wagging wildlly.
11 years ago
grins, kneeling down. "Hey girl, do you remember me?" he laughs, hugging and playing a bit with the dog, grinning. "Ludwig, last time she saw me I was a miúdo, how does she know?"
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "Your scent hasn't changed."
11 years ago
chuckles. "You'd expect it to..." he hums, groaning as she rolls around and he begins to scrub her belly. "What a cute thing! I'm taking you home, do you want to come?"
11 years ago
snorts at that. "I'm not sure if you want to take her with you." Astor rolls around by Gabriel.
11 years ago
hums. "True, she'd miss you... But hey, there's a warm welcome." He grins, watching her. "You should learn a bit with your dogs, Ludwig. Or at least, with this one."
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "You'd like me to greet you, wagging tail and tongue hanging out?"
11 years ago
pauses and laughs loudly at the mental image. "No! Céus, não... I meant you should be happier, light-hearted as Astor is. She doesn't get wrinkles from stress."
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a look. "Are you saying I have wrinkles. I'll remind you that I'm still younger than you." Bl
11 years ago
smiles at him. "I'm saying that you will have, if you keep with that look, but it's still not as bad as my scar." He taps his right cheek.
11 years ago
doesn't think there is anything wrong with Gabriel's scar. "Your scar is a part of you. I don't think it looks bad." He says honestly.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Doesn't mean it looks good." he replies simply, avoiding his stare as he busies himself with the dog. "Ah, yes, part.. I suppose so."
11 years ago
notices this but decides not to comment on it. "If it counts, I think it looks good on you. I wouldn't have you any other way."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Flattery will get you nowhere." He looks up, a faint blush on his cheeks. "But thank you, anyway, Ludwig."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
flushing a little too. "It's nothing really."
11 years ago
stands up, hugging him tight. No one really comments about his scar being a good thing, not when he lost a king when he gained it. "Thank you."
11 years ago
flushes a little darker at the hug but eventually does wrap his arms around him hugging him back. " was nothing." He says softly.
11 years ago
laughs. "Look at us, blushing like little girls..." He teased, pulling back. "It's just.. Nevermind, yes? Just thanks."
11 years ago
clears his throat at the comment. "No...please what were you going to say?"
11 years ago
pats his cheeks. "Forget it, my heartaches shouldn't trouble you." He sighs. "It's just an uncommon thing to hear, it's all."
11 years ago
leads him over to the couch. "If you want to talk about it...I've been told it helps." Not that he followed his own advice much either.
11 years ago
sits doen on the couch anyway, leaning back. "Coming from you..." He adds, smiling. "It's nothing, don't worry."
11 years ago
nods, he wasn't about to press the issue further. "A beer in that case?" It wasn't that late yet anyway.
11 years ago
smiles. "A beer, certainly." He nods, and this might not be a good idea as he's already light-headed, but very well. At least he wouldn't think much.
11 years ago
goes and fetches two beers, opening them before heading back and passing want to Gabriel.
11 years ago
grabs one and nods in thank-you, taking a sip. "Needless to say, the beer's good." he laughs. "But since you're always insisting on Rhine wine, I'll let you know our mini isn't half-bad."
11 years ago
laughs. "Well, just remember that I'm not that big into wine so my tastes would be a lot pickier than most."
11 years ago
grins. "I'll let you try the beer once you come by... I'll let you know that only the strongest men can take it, however." He jokes, swirling the bottle a bit. "Besides, we can't all enjoy everything."
11 years ago
nods at that intrigued by this beer already. "The strongest of men. How well do you take it?"
11 years ago
hums. "I'm Portuguese, aren't I?" Actually, it tasted.. well, different, but not that Ludwig needed to know that. "It's a little curse that befalls me everytime Sporting and Benfica play." he changes his voice_
11 years ago
tone, as if he was telling a horror story.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the change of tone finding it mildly amusing. "I think we all get taken away when it comes to some of our favourite teams." He knew he tended to get wasted in the biergartens during huge
11 years ago
sporting events.
11 years ago
grins. "It goes basically like this, yes..." He nods, sipping his beer again. "Also works as a nice distraction from work."
11 years ago
smiles lightly at that. "That is does. Stress relief." He continues as he takes a good swig from his beer.
11 years ago
leans back on the couch, keeping the bottle pressed against his lips as he smiles a bit, observing the place, Astor curled against his leg.
11 years ago
had taken a seat across from Gabriel. "Let me know if you want another...there are plenty were that came from."
11 years ago
hums. "Are you trying to get me drunk, Ludwig?"
11 years ago
chuckles lightly. "If I wanted to get you drunk I wouldn't have given you an option for more alcohol or not."
11 years ago
- "Such harsh words... But it's true. Also why you'd even want me drunk escapes my thoughts." He ponders, sipping the bottle again.
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's the truth. And you drunk I found can be very strange." He finishes his beer.
11 years ago
pauses at that. "You've seen me drunk?" He... doesn't remember that. Hmm, maybe that explains the weird and large coat on his place.
11 years ago
quirks a brow and nods. "I had to drag you home...and that costume...I have no idea where you got that from."
11 years ago
covers his face, then just looks aside. "I.. didn't do anything inappropriate, did I?" He is a bit shocked he doesn't remember. "Ah, that costume.. I have worse ones."
11 years ago
leans forward in his chair a bit. "If by inappropriate you mean soaking me completely than yes."
11 years ago
smiles, he didn't then. "I apologize." He insists, snickering. "Usually it's my brothers who deals with me, and I with him."
11 years ago
had stumbled upon the Portuguese man so he had to deal with him. "Don't worry, it was nothing. I'm sure you would have done the same."
11 years ago
nods. "Probably." He looks over at the German, trying to imagine him drunk.
11 years ago
doesn't think it should be too hard. He could probably ask Prussia for some stories about Ludwig. "I'm going to go get another you want one?" He says as he gets up from his chair.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Why not? Not like I'll leave this couch." he grins, tapping it. "It's a good place to sleep, too."
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that as he fetches them two more beers and passes one to Gabriel when he returns. "You are determined to sleep on the couch aren't you?"
11 years ago
laughs. "I just don't really wantto cause you trouble." He hums, shaking his head. "Nonsense, I'll take up the guest room."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I told you it was no trouble at all but good."
11 years ago
nods, picking up the beer and opening it, taking a sip. "You're a good friend."
11 years ago
flushes lightly at sips at his beer too unsure how to comment on that.
11 years ago
just smiles at him and sips his beer again, finding the blush cute but not commenting anything.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
the silence between them is nice and comfortable.
11 years ago
can enjoy the silence too, as he rarely has it, so he just leans back and drinks his beer. "Have you... Had any news of England?"
11 years ago
had been about to drink his beer. He stops midway before lowering it. ", I haven't. I haven't heard any news about him...are you worried?"
11 years ago
bites his lips and shakes his head. "Of course not." He laughs awkwardly, as it's obvious he's worried, but simply sips his beer instead.
11 years ago
catches on to that. "Do you still have feelings for him?" He asks quietly.
11 years ago
licks his lips quietly. "I do..." He chuckles. "It's stupid, no, that I still love him so?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. " two have history makes sense."
11 years ago
chuckles. "You have no idea." He laughs dryly, sipping his beer. "I like to think we're over that, and there are such easier ways to warm a bed, but my own feelings trip me." He rolls his eyes at himself.
11 years ago
leans forward in his chair gently stirring the liquid in his beer bottle. "I think it's harder for us to get over things considering..."
11 years ago
sighs heavily, then downs his beer, setting the bottle aside. "True." He groans, looking at the other's direction, watching him.
11 years ago
finishes his as well as he runs a hand through his hair. "I find beer makes it feel a little better.."
11 years ago
nods. "Just like a good wine... You're right, it does help forgetting." He hums, wondering if that's how he's been coping with the crisis.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
had a few drunken nights alone in his office when he just can't take anymore. But no one needed to know that besides him. "Shall we continue in that case? Like I said there is still a lot of beer left."
11 years ago
hums. "Of course." He agrees, after all, why not? "It's been a long time since I've gotten drunk, anyway." He smiles.
11 years ago
grins at him as he gets up and grabs them two more beers each since they were going through it quite quickly. He passes the two to Gabriel. "We need to fix that in that case."
11 years ago
raises one eyebrow. "If you insist..." He hums, taking a seat on the couch again, opening one with a small smile. "But I'm not getting drunk alone!"
11 years ago
laughs. "Of course not. I'm planning to do the same." He says as he lifts his beer to toast.
11 years ago
grins. "Then, drunk we'll be!" He cheers, clicking their beers together in a toast and drinking it. It'll take only a couple more beers for him to be drunk, having already smoked quite a bit.
11 years ago
hadn't eaten too much so would probably be drunk by the same amount. He downs half of his beer in one go.
11 years ago
sits back on the couch and leans heavily against Ludwig, drinking his own beer fast.
11 years ago
doesn't mind at all as he starts on his second one now.
11 years ago
chuckles, reaching over for his third one, cheeks red. "So, what ya wanna talk about?"
11 years ago
(( When I meant second...I actually meant third. xD ))
11 years ago
glances at Gabriel. "Well, did you ever finish those books I lent you?"
11 years ago
blinks. "Some of them, some not yet... Remind me to give 'em back next time I come." He chuckles, laughing after.
11 years ago
(( When I mean third....I actually meant fourth. >> ))
11 years ago
nods at that. "I'll message you before you leave your house."
11 years ago
nods, patting his knee. "Remind me of it when I'm sober, alright?" He smiles, taking a large gulp of his beer.
Ludwig will
11 years ago
hopefully remember to do that. "Don't get drunk before me." He says with a slight chuckle as he goes to take another drink from his beer.
11 years ago
finds it hard, he's been quite weak to hold his alcohol lately. "Sure!" He grins, tipsy.
11 years ago
can already tell it'll be a losing battle with Gabriel. He finishes his beer and goes for the next. He was feeling it.
11 years ago
hums, sipping his beer and stretching his legs, taking his shoes off with his own feet.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
glad he's at least getting comfortable as he quietly sips at his beer.
11 years ago
snuggles the other quietly, much like his own brother, as he drinks.
11 years ago
flushes lightly and shifts his arm so it's resting on top of the couch nearly around Gabriel. He wasn't sure if he was as comfy as Antonio
11 years ago
but if it works it works.
11 years ago
notices his blush, but mistakens it for tipsyness. "Ah, you're already getting drunk..." He laughs softly, looking up.
11 years ago
glances down at him and tilts his head from side to side. "I'm not sober if that's what you mean but I don't think I'm drunk yet." He
11 years ago
admits. "Ah..." His flush deepens. "Are you comfortable there?" He asks for good measure.
11 years ago
hums. "Then drink more." He chuckles softly, then nods a few times. "Yeah, you're pretty comfortable." he shrugs. "Do you mind?"
11 years ago
grabs another beer. "No, not at all. Sometimes when Gilbert is really drunk he lays on me."
11 years ago
pats his knee. "Not your brother, Ludwig..." he hums, sipping his beer. "And I'm not that drunk either."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
aware Gabriel wasn't his brother. "You look like you're getting to that point of drunkness." He says as he sips at his beer, forgetting what number he was on.
11 years ago
looks up at him. "What do you mean, 'that point'?" he huffs a bit.
11 years ago
quirks a brow. "You know exactly what I mean."
11 years ago
stares back, the empty bottle of beer still on his hand. "It's not funny..." he pouts becausehe can't guess, so he just closes his eyes and huffs again, looking away. "Rude."
11 years ago
chuckles lightly at that. When he was drunk he was a lot more relaxed. "Come now, don't be like that. There's nothing wrong with it."
11 years ago
smiles softly, looking up at him again. "Glad there isn't." Though he still doesn't know what 'that point' meant. Maybe it's the alcohol. "Look at you, you can smile." He grins, stealing the beer from him.
11 years ago
blinks when his beer is stolen and just goes to grab one near him. "Is it that hard to believe?"
11 years ago
sips his beer. "Not really, but you should smile more... you child self did it a lot, it's odd to see the changes."
11 years ago
11 years ago
sighs lightly. "Lately, I don't have that much to smile about..."
11 years ago
sis up so he's facing Ludwig instead. "Lies, if I find reasons to smile, I'm sure you csn too... Or change your life until you do."
11 years ago
hums lightly. "I said lately, I'm sure once this time has passed I can properly smile again."
11 years ago
nods. "Yes... If I don't die, I'll sure smile more too." He laughs, then hugs the other. "Don't be sad."
11 years ago
blinks at the hug. "I doubt you'll die, Gabriel..." He says before slowly returning the hug.
11 years ago
hums. "I should sleep.." He apologizes after pulling back, curling against the couch.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
a little bewildered by the sudden need to sleep. "Give me a few seconds to make up your bed and you can certainly sleep." He says as he gets up to head to the guest room.
11 years ago
actually wasn't sleepy, he just felt like not talking anymore. "Aye..." He reaches over for another beer, sipping it as he waits, looking around.
11 years ago
doesn't waste time fixing up the room for Gabriel before returning downstairs to advise him. "The bed is if you want too, feel free."
11 years ago
smiles, leaving the bottle still halfway full as he stands up and clumisily makes his way to the bedroom. "Wake me up tomorrow, ok?" he smiles, and oh fuck, stairs.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at how unstabled he looked. "Ah, ja...are you sure you'll be fine getting up the stairs?" He was light headed sure, but getting around his house was easy for him in the state of unsoberness.
11 years ago
narrows his eyes. "Sim, Antonio's houses have stairs too, and ginja is worse." He smiles, climbing up a bit clumsily but successfully.
11 years ago
makes sure to remain close by just in case but is glad he didn't actually need help. "Well, you can never be too sure.""
11 years ago
laughs at him, waving with a grin before he falls asleep.
11 years ago
( Standing up? xD)
11 years ago
(Eeep, no! Woah, I think I'm the drunk one.. No, I meant 'he goes to sleep', yikes)
11 years ago
( Ah haha, okay, okay, that makes sense. I was wondering if I needed to catch him. )
11 years ago
also goes to sleep.
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