I'm having a hard time deciding what to do, because I've known this person for a long time and I still feel emotionally attached. But I've tried, and tried and tried and they never want to make an effort
to keep any sort of connection between us. They tell me one thing, but their actions and choices show the opposite. He was one of my closest friends even though we only met in highschool.
be with ppl who want to be with you and dont lie to youabout how there gonna change and stuff. and if they cannot change he should tryand ask for help to do so.
if they are makeing no effort to go see you... then why should you make all the effort? I personally think that friendships dont work like that. you see someone because you want to... not because
so i say that if he was a true friend.... there would be very little lies (because lets face it everyone lies) and effort in seeing ur friends would exist. tell him stright up how u feel.