11 years ago
sighed, everything seemed to be pissing her off today.
latest #243
11 years ago
hummed loudly as he walked by her, idly looking for Loki.
11 years ago
groaned to herself. "Could y' stop that?" She said sharply.
11 years ago
blinks and looks to her. "Why?"
11 years ago
"'S annoyin." She snapped again, she was just unhappy today.
11 years ago
pouts. "But ye normally like iiiitttt..."
11 years ago
looks at him. "Well I find it 'nnoyin t'day." She rolled her eyes, clearly unhappy.
11 years ago
pouted more. "But it's fuuuuun." He didn't know why she was so annoyed.
11 years ago
"Jus. Stop." She didn't want to hear it, happy things made her angry. She shook her head, standing abruptly, heading toward her room.
11 years ago
blinks as he followed her. "What's wrong?
11 years ago
"Nothin. Leave me 'lone." she didn't want to be followed.
11 years ago
kept following her, eventually wrapping his arms around her waist. "Maybe ye just need some snuggle time~"
11 years ago
made a sound, even this contact was bad right now. "Nej." She pulled his arms off. "I jus' want t' go t' m' room 'nd go t' bed. That's all."
11 years ago
frowns. "But..." He pouted some more, normally not use to her refusing the affection.
11 years ago
normally loved his affection and attention. But she didn't want it right now. "Jus' let me go t' bed. Maybe 'll be fine then."
11 years ago
nodded a little and let her be. He headed to the kitchen, planning to make her happy by making some food
11 years ago
just went and crawled into bed in the clothes she was wearing. She just didn't care. She tried to sleep it off, her nap only lasted about an hour and it didn't really help. Now she was just tired.
11 years ago
quietly came into the room a bit after with some food for her, smiling. "Hej~"
11 years ago
groaned a little, rubbing her eyes, trying to wake herself up more. "Hej... What the hell?" She mumbled over her eyes, not really sure what he was doing.
11 years ago
smiled and held out a tray. "I made ye some danishes!"
11 years ago
blinked and stared at him. "... Why?" She had been an ass to him, and he was still being so nice?
11 years ago
smiles more. "'Cause I thought ye'd want somethin' sweet to help wake ye up.."
11 years ago
nodded a little. "Ah.." She was confused at this point. "Even after I kept snappin at y'?"
11 years ago
chuckles a bit and put them on the bedside table. "Well, bein' mad at ye won't make ye happy any quicker, and the best way to make someone happy is to be happy yerself, so..."
11 years ago
nodded a bit, but just groaned a little. "I don' know.. jus' everythin 's pissin me off t'day 'nd I don' want t' be happy it seems."
11 years ago
sat on the edge of the bed. "Well, is it 'cause ye've been inside a lot? Or work? Or anythin' even slightly annoyin' ye?"
11 years ago
shakes her head. "Nej, I jus' ... 'S stuff." She mumbled, trying to not get annoyed.
11 years ago
nods and kissed her forehead. "I'll let ye have some space, then."
11 years ago
nodded. "Tack. 'll.. jus' talk t' y' later." She wanted him to leave.
11 years ago
nods, stroking her hair a bit. "Text me if ye want anythin'..." He smiled before walking out, leaving the danishes there for her.
11 years ago
sighed and took a danish after he left, she munched it idly, wishing it was chocolate instead, but the thought was very nice and sweet.
11 years ago
had that planned for later~
11 years ago
didn't know that. She slipped her glasses on and took the plate of danishes back downstairs after she decided to stop moping. (HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU SPELL THAT? Is that right? Ugh idk.)
11 years ago
((Wow that's hilarious Sve calm yer tits jesus Odin christ))
Søren was
11 years ago
humming away happily in the kitchen as he was stirring some chocolate that he had made.
11 years ago
(NEJ. At least you know what I mean though.)
11 years ago
thought something smelled wonderful. She made her way to the kitchen to set the plate down. ".. Hej..."
11 years ago
((Well I don't think she's usin' a mop to get down stairs in a bad mood so yeah))
11 years ago
turned to see her and smiled. "Hej. I wasn't expectin' ye."
11 years ago
11 years ago
nodded, she rubbed the back of her neck. "Ja.. 'M tryin not t' be a bitch right now.." She said quietly. She was still particularly annoyed, but she didn't want to show it.
11 years ago
stroked her hair a moment before going back to stirring. "Well, ye can bitch at me. I'll just be makin' chocolate."
11 years ago
looked at him, and then the chocolate. "Why are y' makin chocolate?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "I thought it'd help yer mood improve. I'm makin' it sweet and rich."
11 years ago
flushed a bit, she couldn't believe that he was still being so nice, most people avoided angry women like the plauge. "Ah.. Tack..."
11 years ago
just smiled happily at her. "Do what ye want, I'll bring it to ye when it's done."
11 years ago
walked up to him, and hugged him. ".. Tack. 'M serious.. Tack." She felt so bad for this.
11 years ago
chuckles and leaned into her touch, putting a hand over hers. "For what? I just wanna make ye happy."
11 years ago
shrugged, she just frowned and held onto him. She didn't want to talk, she didn't want him to talk, she just wanted to stand here like this.
11 years ago
kept quiet, with his hand on hers still as he stirred the chocolate.
11 years ago
sighed quietly, nuzzling her face into his back. She hated feeling like this. She hated feeling like she wanted to punch someone.
11 years ago
thought if it helped she could punch him.
11 years ago
thought though that offer was tempting, she didn't want to hurt him.
Søren thinks
11 years ago
she could go outside and swing her sword at some poor defenseless trees?
Astrid was
11 years ago
thinking about that. She let him go, going to get an elastic to tie her hair in a pony tail and to get her sword.
11 years ago
let her slip away from him as he focused on solidifying the chocolate now.
11 years ago
went out to the back and started to beat up a tree cutting hunks out of it.
11 years ago
waited for the chocolates to cool, and spied on her occasionally from the kitchen.
Astrid was
11 years ago
just hacking at the same tree. She had no clue the damage she was doing to the poor tree.
11 years ago
wasn't noticing that. He was just admiring her...
11 years ago
finally stopped after she had effectively tired herself out. She stuck the tip of her sword into the ground and leaning on it with a sigh.
11 years ago
walked out a bit later, looking her over some more as he licked his lips.
11 years ago
looked up at him. "Hm?" She noticed him liking his lips, she raised an eyebrow.
11 years ago
smirks. "It's just hot seein' ye move like that. I love gettin' reminders that ye're a strong Viking."
11 years ago
smiles a bit, nodding. she felt better right now because of frustration being taken out. "Ah.." She looked at the tree. "... Damn."
11 years ago
chuckles, walking around the tree a few times. "Well, we could use it for fire wood."
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Ja.. It'd be cruel t' leave it like this." She felt badly even though it's a tree.
11 years ago
chuckled and walked back. "Chop it down, then."
11 years ago
looked at her sword. "Get me an axe. I don' want t' dull this 'ny more then it 'lready is." She felt worse for her sword than the tree.
11 years ago
nods and went to get a regular axe. He doubted she'd be able to lift his still.
11 years ago
didn't think she could lift his and use it effectively. She didn't mind using a normal axe though.
11 years ago
came back a bit later and put it in her hands. "Enjoy~"
11 years ago
took the axe and began to hack the tree, soon causing it to fall onto the earth. ".. 'S this even legal?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Who cares." He took the end of it and started dragging it back home.
11 years ago
picked up her sword and started walking with him. That was a question she proably should have asked first.
11 years ago
doesn't think it mattered. They could always say they needed it for heating the house.
11 years ago
agreed, she just sighed, assuming no one would really care.
11 years ago
brought it to the side of the house and dropped it down, sighing. "Ye wanna chop it up now, or save it for later?"
11 years ago
looked at the tree. "Do we need 'ny fire wood right now?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "We can set it up beside the house with the rest."
11 years ago
nods to him. "'lright..." She thought for a moment. "... B'fore everythin melts we should have 'n old vikin meal.. 'round a fire."
11 years ago
raises his brow as he looks to her. "Ye think?" He didn't think it was a bad idea at all. "Only if we dress the part too."
11 years ago
smiled and nodded. "Maybe not the armour though. Jus' clothes would be nice." She frowned after. ".. I don' have 'ny 'f m' old clothes.." They were all like magically gone when the world glitched them together.
11 years ago
hums. "We could try and make ye some... we could use material from some that I don't wear anymore. Well, don't like I guess."
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Ja, I could probably modify y'ers." She was kind of excited about this.
Søren was
11 years ago
too. "We can do that once we've got the wood chopped. Even if we just look at the clothes and decide what to do." He went to go get an axe himself to help her, though not his large one.
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Ja, that'd be nice." She began to chop the tree up while he was gone.
11 years ago
started on the other end, having fun with this.
11 years ago
had fun doing this. She cut off a few large pieces and then began to work on turning them into fire wood while he chopped the trunk smaller.
11 years ago
did much the same, glad to be bonding over something like this even if it was simple.
11 years ago
found this task relaxing and tiring, in a very good way. She did like doing actual physical labour.
11 years ago
loved that about her as well. He chopped until he was close to her, letting her have the last bit of the tree left.
11 years ago
chopped it, smiling a little bit at him. She breathed out quietly, humming after. "That was fun." She said, moving some of her hair.
11 years ago
nods as he put the axe in his belt and moved the wood closer to pile against the house. "Jaaaa."
11 years ago
moved the wood closer to the house sighing happily. This was very nice and made her feel better.
Søren was
11 years ago
glad she was in a better mood~ He smiled and headed inside after. "Come on, let's go find ye clothes."
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Ah right." She smiled a little. "'nd after that chocolate."
11 years ago
chuckles and nods. "Ja, it's probably done coolin' now so it's all ready to go~" He headed up to the attic, dropping off the axe on the way.
11 years ago
put the axe with the other, and she put her sword in her room before following him up to the attic.
11 years ago
got a few boxes full of clothes and items from that time, smiling as he opened them. So many memories came back to him..
11 years ago
took one of the boxes kneeling in front of it, looking through. These looked a little odd for Søren's clothes.
Søren was
11 years ago
too distracted with the box he was at currently, pulling out things he loved and ones he was planning to give her.
11 years ago
pulled out a long but slim shirt, she stared at it. It was covered in blood that looked like it ran down from the face of the wearer. She gasped a little and dropped the shirt, this was Berwald's.
11 years ago
blinks and looked over to her. "Somethin' wrong-" He noticed the shirt and stared at it, slightly shocked.
11 years ago
knew what that was, her clothes looked the same from then. "S-Søren..." She said quietly. "This 's Berwald's.. From b'fore he needed glasses.. Ja?"
11 years ago
nodded as he leaned over to pick it up, his fingers running over the blood stains.
11 years ago
shivered a little, remembering what happened to her. "A-ah.." She looked at the floor, coughing into her fist a little awkwardly.
11 years ago
went to the box it came from and pulled out a few more articles of clothing, ones that held importance to him of Berwald. "The rest ye can look through..."
11 years ago
watched him, she wondered what he had taken out. "Ah.. 'lright..." She looked at the box and started to look through quietly again.
11 years ago
had just taken a few articles from Berwald, and put them into another box. He didn't want to lose them...
11 years ago
would understand that. She found some blue fabric, she realized it was an old cape. ".. I had one like this." She smiled fondly.
11 years ago
looked over and smiled faintly. "That ye can have. Keep lookin', we can make ye a ton of stuff."
11 years ago
smiled still, nodding. "'lright." She folded it carefully and began to search once more. She found some other clothes she liked.
11 years ago
took out a few things he liked, mainly his classic tunic and cloak. He just needed pants and shoes now...
11 years ago
didn't have shoes... She would just go barefoot.
11 years ago
thought they could make some...
11 years ago
didn't matter to her. She would survive being barefoot.
11 years ago
could always let her borrow his shoes too if she wanted.
11 years ago
didn't think his shoes would fit her. Her feet were smaller than his.
11 years ago
guessed so... He'd wear them then. He missed them.
Astrid was
11 years ago
completely fine with being barefoot. She just was more concerened with making her outfit.
11 years ago
would help her to make it awesome and durable to the weather. Even if it was warming up a bit.
11 years ago
didn't exactly need the help, but she would accept it, because she knew he wanted to help.
11 years ago
hums as he gathered his things in his arms. "Ready to start makin' stuff?"
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Ja." She smiled a bit, excited. "Do y' even know how t' sew?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Please. Nor and Sve ripped their clothes all the time. And I didn't wanna keep askin' the women of the villages to help." He headed downstairs after, going to the living room to set up a
11 years ago
sewing area.
11 years ago
bundled her materials and followed him. "'lright. Well 'll b'lieve y' about it then." She smiled a little and set her things down in the living room.
11 years ago
sighs. "Now... I don't actually have a sewin' machine. But I got thread and needles and that."
11 years ago
nods. ''I have a sewin machine but I don' want t' wreck the fabric with it. Cause it 's so old.
11 years ago
11 years ago
nodded as he went to get some needles and thread for them. Along with scissors and measuring tape.
11 years ago
went to get a pad of paper to sketch out what she wanted.
Søren was
11 years ago
excited for this~ He got everything organised and smiled, waiting for her.
11 years ago
hummed as she finished the drawing. "Think y' can help me make this?" She showed him the dress.
11 years ago
looked it over and smiled, nodding. "M'sure. It can't be too hard with us doin' it together."
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Ja that's true." She started to draft out the pattern for it.
11 years ago
organised the clothes into colours before starting to rip the seams.
11 years ago
continued to draft out the pattern, cutting it out when she was finally happy with it.
11 years ago
got most of the clothes ripped so they had fabric to work with. "Ye wanna do the placn' and cuttin'? Or want me to help?"
11 years ago
shook her head. "Nej, I can do it m'self." She hummed as she placed the patterna nd cut out the fabric pieces. "There."
11 years ago
watched her as she worked, finding this fun. He helped pin pieces to other pieces. "I guess ye'd want help sewin', since this is a lotta fabric?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, if y' want t' help me." She didn't mind if she had to sew it herself, she knew she could.
11 years ago
got some thread and a needle for himself and started sewing.
11 years ago
picked up a needle and thread and began to sew it. She was so pleased with doing this with him.
11 years ago
liked doing something with her. It was fun, and he liked making clothes for her. He could make them tighter in certain places.....
Astrid was
11 years ago
sure that he would do that. "Don' make 'em too tight or they won' fit."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I woooon't. Don't worry~"
11 years ago
"Liar." She mumbled as she sewed FOLLOWING HER PATTERN. BI
Søren was
11 years ago
following it! He just took it in a bit.
Astrid was
11 years ago
honestly just hoping he would leave enough room for it to for her.
11 years ago
would. He wanted her to be comfortable while walking around.
11 years ago
11 years ago
|Hours later they finished the dress.
11 years ago
smiles as he poked her. "Go try it on."
11 years ago
nods to him, picking up the dress and starting to leave the room before pausing, and stripping off her clothes. She had no problem with nudity.
11 years ago
watched her intently.
11 years ago
squirmed a little, she wasn't used to getting SO watched. She slipped the dress on, letting out the ties on the sides of her chest slightly. "How's it look?"
11 years ago
smiles. "It looks great on ye..."
11 years ago
smiles a little "Tack.. 'S a little tight on ' chest though." she didn't like things super tight on her chest.
11 years ago
just smiiiiiled.
11 years ago
just frowned at him. "I can 'lways let it out."
11 years ago
pouts. "But it looks good..."
11 years ago
sighed. "I don' 'lways need this much shown.." She was sure that this looked odd on her.
11 years ago
pouts. "Just leave iiittttt."
11 years ago
sighed. "Fine." She shook her head slightly.
11 years ago
smiled widely. "Okay. When do we wanna do this whole thing now?"
11 years ago
shrugged. "Whenever y' want t' I don' mind." She was starting to pull the dress off.
11 years ago
hums as he watched her. "We can prepare today and spend all of tomorrow bein' Vikings."
11 years ago
nods smiling, as she got her clothes back on. "That'll work." She was happy.
11 years ago
watched as she got dressed again before putting every thing away. "We gonna hunt or buy our food? I doubt there's much here to hunt if we go out, though..."
11 years ago
hummed a little. "Buy it then? 'S jus' easier now a days."
11 years ago
sighed and nodded. "We can at least cook it traditionally tomorrow. What do ye want? Or should I just get a variety of meats?"
11 years ago
"... Moose.." She flushed a little and smiled, she couldn't help what she liked.
11 years ago
made a quiet sound but nodded. It'd at least be less scary to get meat from one this way...
11 years ago
bit her lip. "What?" She heard that sound, and he looked a little nervous.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nothin'. It's... it's fine." He smiled after, just a little nervous about moose. Alive moose though.
11 years ago
liked moose, and wasn't afraid of them. "Y'er scared 'f livin moose, aren't y'?" She was shocked.
11 years ago
huffs and pouted. "Nej."
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Y' are..!" She was shocked. "That's adorable."
11 years ago
pouted more. "Nej! I'm not!" He crossed his arms, huffing at her.
11 years ago
kissed his cheek. "Ja y' are." She couldn't believe that.
11 years ago
stuck his tongue out. It wasn't his fault that there were no moose in Denmark. In fact, the biggest animal they had really was a fox or so...
11 years ago
laughed a little behind her hand. "Didn' y' freak out when that Moose got 'cross the Öresund?"
11 years ago
just looked to the side. "... It was sudden okay."
11 years ago
stares. "'S jus' a moose." She shrugged. "They 'ren't that bad."
11 years ago
"They're huge!" He threw up his arms as high as he could. "They're like this tall, and are massive! And would kill ye easily!"
11 years ago
".... 'Ve ridden a moose." She said off handedly, she wasn't lying, but she wanted to see his reaction. "B'sides. Mermaids can kill, but y' love 'em."
11 years ago
made a sound. "Ye rode one?! How did ye not get trampled? And mermaids are different. They're nice to me."
11 years ago
shook her head. "Nej, they aren't. They're mean, 'nd crash ships." Mermaids weren't fond of her. "Ja I rode one. ... b'cause I didn' get under her hooves?"
11 years ago
huffs. "It must have been small. And mermaids are just misunderstood! It's not like that plan to crash the ships. Just the sailors get distracted by their beauty."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "'nd drownin the sailors? Ja, they don' 'lways do it m'liciously. But they can be m'licious 'bout it. Nej, it was a full grown moose. I wouldn' try t' ride a young one."
11 years ago
pouts. "They don't know any better. They forget humans can't breath underwater like they can..." He just stared at her, huffing more. He couldn't imagine her riding a full grown moose.
11 years ago
thought it was fun. She couldn't believe trusting the mermaids. "Are y' sure 'bout that? I swear some do know that we can't breathe under water." She realized she said 'we'. ".......... Uh... They...."
11 years ago
smirks. "Ye think? Let's go find out, then." Heh eaded to the door after. He didn't even take into account that she mixed the two up, thinking she was just scared of mermaids.
11 years ago
wasn't scared of mermaids! They just didn't like her! "What do y' mean, let's go find out?"
11 years ago
hums. "We're gonna go visit 'em."
11 years ago
frowns. "Why?" She followed him regardless of wanting to or not.
11 years ago
shrugs "Why not? It's been a while."
11 years ago
frowned to herself. "Nevermind.." She always had them hissing at her, and trying to bring her into the water.
11 years ago
thought this would be a better time~
11 years ago
sighed and just followed him to the mermaids. She stayed back from the edge, not trusting them.
11 years ago
wasn't even shy as he climbed over the rocks to get to the ledge where the water was. He smiled and stuck his hands in the water, quietly calling them closer.
11 years ago
made a face. "Søren... Don' do that." She didn't like this.
11 years ago
sighs. "Don't worry... they'll be nice to ye. Maybe..." He knew they liked to try and kiss and play with him, but he was loyal to Astrid.
11 years ago
didn't like that. She slowly walked toward the edge of the water, watching for them.
11 years ago
smiled as he saw some shimmering scales. He waited a bit longer before he was pulled in suddenly.
11 years ago
gasped when she saw that, she dashed in after him.
11 years ago
just got to the surface a bit later, laughing. He forgot that that happened quite often..
Astrid was
11 years ago
now in the water, she wrapped her arms around him, thankful he was back up. "What in Odin's name happened?"
11 years ago
chuckles and shakes his head. "It's okay... they just pulled me in." Soon enough a few mermaids surface, only having their eyes above the water though.
11 years ago
looked at the mermaids wearily. She held onto Søren, but kept herself a float.
11 years ago
got them back to the edge of the rocks and pulled them both up, but left his legs in the water. "They're friendly." He pulled out some kroner coins from his pocket and tossed a few in, watching them swim a
11 years ago
after the shiny metal.
11 years ago
climbed onto the rock, watching them swim away. "There are so many.." She was amazed none had hissed at her yet.
11 years ago
nods. "I'm glad they came... they're not always here when I come randomly."
11 years ago
frowned a little and nodded. She noticed one, and kind of tensed. "One 's starin at us."
11 years ago
blinks and looks to her, smiling. "Hej." He held out his hand towards her. "Come here... we won't hurt ye. Trust us."
11 years ago
|The mermaid looked between Astrid and Søren. She shrank back a little, but came foreward slowly, her eyes lingering on the blond female. Astried stayed quiet, she didn't want to scare the creature, but she
11 years ago
didn't want it too close either.
11 years ago
smiled as he brought his hand back and got another kroner, handing it to Astrid. "Give it to her."
11 years ago
nodded, she took the kroner and held it out to the mermaid. The Mermaid looked from the shiney object, to Astrid and back. She quickly reached out, snatching Astrid's wrist, pulling her into the water, wrapping
11 years ago
her arms around the blond, and leaning her head against the other, kissing her cheek. Astrid yelped a little as she fell into the water. "S-Søren..." Astrid had no idea what to do now that she was in the water.
11 years ago
laughs at that. "Aww, how cute~ She likes ye!" He kicked his feet a little, making the water splash around them as other mermaids giggled and laughed too.
11 years ago
made a few sounds, she yelped as the mermaid pulled and moved Astrid to push her lips right against the country's. Astrid squeaked and froze she didn't know how to react. She started to flail a little.
11 years ago
chuckles a bit as he leaned towards them a little. "Ye know, there's a rumour that if ye're kissed by a mermaid ye can breath underwater for 10 minutes."
Astrid was
11 years ago
honestly panicking . She would rather have not been kissed. The Mermaid pulled away and smiled at Astrid, a flush on her face. She started to pull the country down. Astrid began to get scared. "N-nej!" She
11 years ago
did NOT want to test that rumour. She reached for Søren, trying to get away as the Mermaid tightened her grip, and made quiet upset sounds.
11 years ago
chuckles a bit and took Astrid's hand, pulling her back. "Maybe next time, little one. She's a litlte new to mermaids still."
11 years ago
pretty much clung to Søren. Death didn't scare her, but drowning, her lungs filling with water did. That would be a painful way to wake up too. The Mermaid pouted and reached for Astrid again, making a few more
11 years ago
sad sounds. She wanted Astrid in the water, and to have Astrid come down to her home.
11 years ago
patted the mermaids head lightly . "Don't worry. We'll be back another time. Maybe then she'll be up for more adventure."
11 years ago
|She cringed down from the touch, but started to smile widely, nodding. She pulled Astrid's hand and kissed it before disappearing into the water. Astrid shivered a little. "Um.. What now?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "We can go, if ye want. I've told the others I'd come back another time to play with 'em."
11 years ago
nodded to him. "Ja. 'M cold." She wanted to go home. "Let's go."
11 years ago
helped her out of the water, shaking like a dog before walking out.
11 years ago
rung out her hair slightly after she got out of the water. "Tack."
11 years ago
kissed her lightly, smiling a bit before waving to the mermaids who were sad they were leaving, but knew they'd be back. "I'll bring more shiny stuff with me next time, girls. Don't worry~"
11 years ago
didn't wave, she just kind of hunched her shoulders inward. She was not okay with the fact that she got kissed.
11 years ago
wondered why. He thought it was a rare thing to happen! She should be happy!
11 years ago
didn't know how to handle that sort of thing, and she didn't want him mad at her for kissing someone else.
11 years ago
would have been mad if it was anyone else, but for mermaids it was more of a greeting. Besides, he knew she wouldn't go running off with them. Even though they were beautiful.
11 years ago
didn't like to kiss other people. She also wasn't fond of most mermaids, she wasn't sure that the mermaid would not try to kill her.
11 years ago
rubbed her back as he got her back inside the house. "Ye don't have to come next time. I don't want ye to be uncomfortable..."
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