one of the things i found most interesting is that sartre considers every emotion to be deception.
like if you're happy, you are convincing yourself that everything will be good forever, which is quite clearly false.
and if you're sad, you're convincing yourself that the world is so cruel that nothing will ever go your way, and that allows you to remove yourself from the world.
its all pretty interesting and moderately convincing. I still have some issue with it but i think its pretty good
he also talks about the consciousness being unable to exist without the body.
which is something im pretty big on
did he talk about the effects of uteruses on emotions b/c thats a pretty big one
no but I can extrapolate that someone angry while on their period is that way in an attempt to change their perception to one where they are
able to control things, since the feeling of helplessness at ones body being the source of pain is disagreeable to the consciousness
or it could be because they're in so much pain they just want to burn everything with fire
yeah, that's what i meant by disagreeable to the consciousness. the body is in such a situation that it cannot control its pain, and anger is the only magical respite.
however, your anger is only self-delusion to avoid the feelings of pain and helplessness.
there is no helplessness, only pain.
the helplessness is that you cannot change the fact that you are in pain.
you have to understand that emotions are non-reflective, so you are unable to understand your hopelessness but its there.