Dirk Talamasca
12 years ago
latest #9
Dirk Talamasca
12 years ago
RFL Flower Tower Club
Eshi Otawara with Dirk Talamasca
Eshi builds the Relay For Life Flower Tower Club on Rhiannon in Second Life.
This build will be for sale at this years RFL event.
Lady Bintley
12 years ago
I don't have any words for it...speechless!
Demon Lacie
12 years ago
Eshi is awesome, love what you've done together!
12 years ago
absolutely stunning!
Chestnut is
12 years ago
that a black and white photo or is it really black and white?
Dirk Talamasca
12 years ago
Chestnut: It's really a black and white Filter. Click through to Flickr for colour shots.
12 years ago
can you share the flickr link? I am not able to click through for some reason
12 years ago
Those flowers look familiar from the one day build project a few years ago
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