Goodness me, look at this, I'M ALIVE! (honest)
latest #14
how are you? (beyond alive, that is)
11 years ago
I'm good, sorting out moving to a new flat
Did a weeks filming of my first speaking part in a feature film a while ago!
It's not exactly top quality but A SPEAKING PART! IN A FULL LENGTH FILM!!
I was excite.
11 years ago
Wooohoooo! What was said film called?
That's awesome! Congrats <3
Breaking the Eye, it was a black comedy about a struggling actor. It was a little self indulgent, as the guy starring in it also wrote and directed it and it was basically autobiographical.
But work is work. And SPEAKING PART!
11 years ago
EXACTLY! Work is brilliant!
Do you know where/when it's going to be shown?
11 years ago
A viewing party!
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