latest #23
And also YB. With a ridiculously long prompt
12 years ago
*casually stalks the log.*
12 years ago
I'm tempted to have Bakura see part of that confrontation somehow :-D
Weeeeell there is going to be name dropping in this log :T so that would make things difficult
12 years ago
He can always be far back enough that he can't hear much.
12 years ago
If you don't get too many replies I can pop Nanami over, not sure if she'll be useful at all but just putting it out there. Otherwise, I'd love to do another thread with Atem at some point. =)
can mushu craaaash
maybe YB will whisper those letters into his ear :-)
Ahh yes even if if it's not here I want more Nanami his his life as well. I was particularly disappointed about having to drop her thread when thing got crazy for me the last couple months >:
And Mushu is always welcome where Atem is concerned :T
Since he may or may not be... Atem's favorite "person" in DC right now and I don't know how that happened.
ironykills they could also just ramble in Egyptian again and then no one will understand |D
either or though
12 years ago
Aww no worries. =) Let me know if you have any ideas you'd like to play out.
Ngl I'd love for them to do a mission sometime. Her weapon form would actually be particularly familiar for him and maybe they could end up somewhere fabulous and relaxing in the aftermath :T
12 years ago
Both Nanami and I would absolutely love that ^_^
Yep.^^ They could just switch to that without either of them noticing!
and hopefully that mission will go better than her's with YB! :-D
12 years ago
hahahaha theirs was so awesome though XD
12 years ago
monster slobber and everything
a vacation less ordinary!
12 years ago
it's things like being eaten that make you appreciate not being digested... or something
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