[meme] Your character's favorite physical/personality trait of mine? All I can think of is how many people Atem has been a dick to lately this should be interesting :T
latest #21
His name. >]
How does that fall into the realm of physical or personality :|
12 years ago
Judai just really loves him for the card game thing I'M SORRY /unoriginal
12 years ago
But he really admires him, so... ;w;
|D it's okay Atem loves that Juudai is letting him do the card game thing? Which.. ps did you want me to explain my thoughts on this at all oocly I'm sure it's probably sounding kind of weird
12 years ago
You can totes explain it to me OOC if you want!! I don't mind one way or the other. ;w;
I'm sure it will involve a healthy amount of BS regardless
12 years ago
XD I would expect nothing less from anything YGO. =P
just a sign of doing it right
She kind of wants to ruffle his hair?
I dunno she's one of the few people he isn't a dick to, I think
A bit of both because of what can be done with it. (thinking)
:| that probably wouldn't last if she touched his hair uninvited
But seriously Yako is one of the few people he thought was alright at first impression
She wouldn't do it without permission!
12 years ago
She likes the way he holds himself, she finds him regal and elegant.
12 years ago
he likes stars and isn't ezio :I
sdflkj;sfldf what does ezio have to do with this
he didn't even know ezio
shanatic aha in that case she will probably have to wait till he's drunk
12 years ago
(LOL) it's the problem of whether or not he'll drown atem in tea or alcohol. and he totally went with the latter
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