you knew this day would come
HOWEVER, you realize you'll be repaid in kind, yes? B]
I will have my revenge. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
(I say, showcasing my startling sensitivity 8) )
orz I need to crawl out of my bucket o fail and do something

oh, I'm sorry, I thought that emoticon was in response to the post itself, UM
You've been busy! Ej isn't going anywhere for a while.
It was, haha, but it's also kind of a summary of Sarah's life recently but particularly this weekend.
;u; Oh, well, in that case, my cruelly dancing banana only applies to the rp-related feels. Everything else gets a hug! /hugs
widereceiver: Did you want me to respond to Ej's post? Or did someone already?
You can if you want, but it's just an open post
It's up for grabs, so it's up to you :3
widereceiver: Ahhh I'm sorry. Plurk is supposed to email notifs when you @ someone.
I wasn't sure god I feel pathetically out of the loop.
Nah, don't feel bad. Not much has happened in-game, really, since before Christmas. You haven't missed a lot, except a few muns bowing out of the game, like Ratchet's.
I saw First Aid's post, seemed like a lot of stuff
Oh, with Chromedome and all that? That pretty much JUST happened over the past few days. The only other thing I can think of is that Ratchet, Brainstorm, and Wheeljack were going to try and work on a cure.
But them working together didn't really pan out since Ratchet-mun kinda up and disappeared soon after. All you really need to know, I think, is already in Aid's summary post thing.
But if you have questions, widereciever and I can answer.
What did you want to do with it?
To do with Eject's passing?
Yeah, most of the stuff that's happened as been VERY recent, we've been pretty dead!
I don't really have anything concrete, but I was thinking that it would be both IC and extra tragic for Brainstorm to be still working on the cure and not find out until later that Eject died
The hazards of being a workaholic, see.
But if there's an idea you have, I'm open to them, too!
Well when Swerve finds out he's likely to go to Storm for comfort
I figured.

He'd probably tell him right away too, wouldn't he? Like, if Swerve was the one to find him.