11 years ago
[Event] fell asleep at his work space...again.
latest #21
11 years ago
had forgotten his book down in the shop and is creeping back downstairs to retrieve it. He blinks at the figure slumped over the desk though, a small smile gracing his lips. This
11 years ago
wasn't an unusual sight for either of them really. He tiptoes over to the larger man gently, carefully tapping his shoulder so as not to awaken him rudely. "Ludwig...."
11 years ago
had been fast asleep but the gentle touch is just enough to stir him awake. It takes him a few seconds to register what's going
11 years ago
on "Kiku...? What time is it?" He yawns.
11 years ago
smiles as the other wakes slowly, waiting until he seemed coherent. "It's just a little after 10pm," he replies, walking off to grab his book that he had forgotten. "I hope you slept well?"
11 years ago
goes to fix his hair as he sits upright. "Better than I probably should have considering." He starts to organize his work space a bit. "Heading to bed?"
11 years ago
chuckles softly at that. "Good to hear, I suppose. I was thinking on a little light reading first," he nods, holding up the book.
11 years ago
studies the book for a few seconds and smiles. "Not a bad idea." He says as he stretches a bit. "I feel like I haven't seen you in a while Kiku."
11 years ago
hums softly, sliding into his desk seat. "I feel the same... I suppose it's been pretty busy around here."
11 years ago
nods. "A little more than's surprising to say the least."
11 years ago
smiles softly. "Especially with the two androids living here now...."
11 years ago
nods again. "But, if anything, they've been helpful when needed. A nice distraction."
11 years ago
nods, trying not to think of the other... 'help' he'd gotten. "I suppose they are..." he hums, flipping idly through his book. "Oh... in related things, I couldn't find the paperwork for an AI I had to fix
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up... he said his owner was Fritz but I couldn't see it. Do you know where that went?"
11 years ago
had also fixed him up once. "Hmm, did you put it in the filing cabinet?"
11 years ago
blinks at him. "I didn't put it anywhere, though I told him to go back to his spot to hibernate until his owner came to get him..."
11 years ago
's lip thins. "His owner is dead." His gaze scans the shop. "Do you think he took it?"
11 years ago
looks surprised at that... the android hadn't mentioned that. "Oh... does he know yet?" he asks, wondering what to do with him now. "He seemed as clueless as I. Perhaps it slipped through a crack somewhere."
Ludwig has
11 years ago
to try and recollect if Gilbert did know. "I'm certain he knows. He's been wondering on his own for years."
Kiku is
11 years ago
lost. "...then I am fairly certain he lied to me..." he hums, not looking pleased. He didn't like robots that lied.
11 years ago
studies his friend. "I could go look for him if you want?"
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