oh god ondorus loves status moves so muc
buffs, debuffs, status conditions, weird effects
he's been coaching olivia on refining teleport so that she can do things besides FLY HOME
trying to figure out the effect of different debuff moves on different targets
he annoys his own pokemon sometimes because they don't often get to land a direct attack
but yeah he's techmage-ing it up with his own pokemon team
olivia only has like three actual direct attacking moves the rest of what she does is spamming bullshit that locks down the battle
as far as giving commands go he doesn't do much commanding in battle itself
he'd hate fighting a metagross XD
most of that happens in training, things like "now if you're against an enemy like this then you want to try this"
since clear body prevents debuffs
he has a few designated actions that he has visual and verbal commands for
but statuses and weird effects are fun
weird things that don't fit into normal strategies
like gunther's thunder, powerful long-range inaccurate attack that they both hate relying on
he thought about teaching gunther rain dance?
he has never been in a RULES battle before so all of his strategies arae for practical combat
so he has a few ~teamwork~ plans
...one of which is this horrifically aggravating staggered protect things
where the whole team clumps together and use protect one after the other to make a chain of invulnerability
during which they can heal or buff or regroup or whatever
he might start looking into enacting some of the combos he's heard about, like weather bonuses
but he hasn't used any TMs besides protect so far
once he discovers the magical world of combos he will never come back
should do things with the shinx
he and olivia are the most powerful members of ondorus' team because they were the only motivated ones for ages
arielle the houndoom has now joined the ranks of the Serious Fighters but most of ondorus' team is casual as all hell
haha is raven's shinx a male....
teach him to be a real man