11 years ago
[Event] sat in a bean bag, with her knees tucked up and her nose in a book. She didn't really think she was noticeable.
latest #72
11 years ago
could notice her easily~ He sat on the top edge of the bean bag, making him sink into it. "Yo."
11 years ago
made a sound when she almost fell out of the bean bag chair. "Hej." She said blinking up at him. "Y'er makin me fall outta m' chair."
11 years ago
chuckles and put an arm lightly around her shoulders. "Wouldn't be the first time, eh?" He poked to the book. "What're ye readin'?"
11 years ago
sighed and leaned against him. "'S called Wicked." She hit him lightly. "Ja, y' like knockin me outta m' seat, don' y'?"
11 years ago
hums. "Not on purpose." He ruffled her hair a bit before taking the book from her and looking it over.
11 years ago
rolls her eyes. "I don' know if I believe that." She mumbled quietly, watching him. "What are y' doin?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Lookin' through this. Looks cool." He hadned it back to her after.
11 years ago
took it back, nodding. "Mhmm.. 'S the story 'f the Wicked Witch 'f the West..." She opened the book back to her page.
11 years ago
leaned his head against hers a bit. "So our mor?"
11 years ago
covered her mouth, hiding a smile and laugh. "Nej. This one 's green."
11 years ago
hums. "... So, our mor?" He chuckled, rubbing her arm lightly.
11 years ago
's shoulders shook a little bit. "Ja I guess. But she's quiet like me.. 'nd jus sits 'nd observes what's goin on.. While Galinda 's like y'. Loud. Bubbly. 'nd.. well.. Popular."
11 years ago
laughed a little at that. "Neat. Seems like a good book. If I ever get into readin' stuff like that I'll give it a try."
11 years ago
rolled her eyes, but smiled a little. "Mhmm.. There's a musical version too. But I doubt y'd want t' see that."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nope. Not my kinda thing. Unless I was high or somethin'."
11 years ago
rolled her eyes once more. "Mhmm, knew that was comin." She looked up at him, trying to pull her best 'little sister face' "What if I begged y' 'nd said it'd make me happy?"
11 years ago
looked at her for a moment before smiling and brushing some hair from her face. "Then I wouldn't be able to say nej, would I?"
11 years ago
smiled a little and bit her lip. "Ja, 'xactly." She hugged him, and pulled him off the top of the bean bag onto the floor taking her seat fully back.
11 years ago
smiled and hugged her back, before flailing and yelping as he fell to the floor. "Hey! That was mean!"
11 years ago
smiled still at him. "Y' were pushin me out 'f m' chair, bror." She stood for a moment and adjusted her bean bag.
11 years ago
sighed and just laid on the ground, his arms spread out. He fiddled with the ends of his sweater cuffs a bit out of habit.
11 years ago
watched him. "Y'er not goin t' get up are y'?" She was getting a few stares from people who were in her class, she NEVER talked this much. "Come on, up. Y'er not a speed bump." She offered him her hand.
11 years ago
chuckles as he looked to her. "I'm actually kinda comfy here." He liked how much she talked around him. Back at home it was the only comforting voice he heard.
Astrid was
11 years ago
never sure how he heard her over their parent's screaming, but she loved being able to comfort her brother.
11 years ago
needed it a lot. Even if it couldn't always help him, he still appreciated the effort. It was good to know that she at least cared for him. Or that's what he thought.
11 years ago
cared for him deeply. She hated seeing her brother hurt or upset and always tried to keep him smiling and happy. But that was hard. "Bror.. Up. Floor's dirty.
11 years ago
smirks a bit before sighing and sitting up. "Fiiiine. Whatever ye say, søster."
11 years ago
stuck her tongue out. "Y' grew up in Sweden, why do y' still speak Danish so much?" She had always wondered why he chose to speak Danish.
11 years ago
shrugs. "I was surrounded by Swedish... besides, I feel it's good to know 'bout my heritage. Even if I barely remember any Danish..."
11 years ago
nods. "Makes sense... Carry on." She laughed a little bit. "Y' should learn Danish fully then."
11 years ago
nods as he shifted to sit beside the bean bag chair. "I will, once I'm done with University. It's hard enough focusin' on my studies..."
11 years ago
nods again. "Mhmm.. That's true. 'll learn it with y'." She smiled a bit. "Mom 'nd dad don' know Danish.. it'd be like havin our own language 'gain." She joked.
11 years ago
smiled at that. "Really? I'd love that. Ja, for sure. We can learn together. That way we'll always have a way of talkin' to each other, even if they're around..."
11 years ago
"Ja. 'nd that'd be great." She did like that they wouldn't have to tip toe around if their parents were in the room.
11 years ago
didn't like how their parents were always so nosy too... He needed freedom.
11 years ago
agreed with that. "Bein here 's nice though, hm?" She breathed out. "No parents to yell or hit.."
11 years ago
nodded. "Tell me 'bout it... " He looked to her a moment after. "... I was thinkin' of takin' another few years here, until ye were done.
11 years ago
stared at him. "Really? Y' want t' stay here till 'm done?" She didn't mind that. "I'd like that.. So y' don' have t' go back t' mum 'nd dad all by y'erself.'
11 years ago
"I don't plan on livin' there ever again..."
11 years ago
nods to him. "I don' want to either."
11 years ago
smiled as he turned more towards her. "This is what I have planned, then. If I gradute with honours I'll be given a small job with one of my profs. Then I'll take a few more classes so I'm still studyin', and
11 years ago
I'll work to save up money so once ye're done we can get a place on our own... and we'd only have to go home to get our stuff. Then we're free." He smiled more. "Forever..."
11 years ago
looked shocked. "I.. I can't wait. Y' know mum said 'd never amount t' 'nythin? Cause 'f how I talk." She was glad to think about not having to go back there.
11 years ago
chuckles and stroked her hair a bit. "Ye'll be great, I can see it now. Ye just gotta believe in yerself. Don't listen to what mum and dad say... they're wrong. They're so wrong 'bout ye..."
11 years ago
"Y' think so?" She breathed out a sigh. "I try not to.. but it jus' happens." She looked at him. "Y' don' listen to 'em 'ny more now, right?"
11 years ago
leaned his forehead against hers lightly. "Think so? Heh, I know so." He kept quiet about the other part, not wanting to talk about it..
11 years ago
frowned quietly when he didn't answer her, she hugged him. "Don' tell me that y' still hurt y'erself..."
11 years ago
smirks a bit and closes his eyes as he hugged her back. "S'not as bad as before... in most cases..."
11 years ago
frowned and hugged him tighter. "I wish y'd stop."
11 years ago
sighed and stroked her hair lightly. "I'll be fine... I know what's safe and not... and ye know I'd not risk my life again."
11 years ago
shook her head, she closed her eyes. "I don' like it.. It scares me."
11 years ago
frowned a little and leaned his head against hers some more. "I promise I won't get worse... they're barely noticable now..."
11 years ago
frowned, sniffing a little. "Y' swear?"
11 years ago
just held her a little closer...
11 years ago
frowned still. "They are noticeable huh?"
11 years ago
sighed. "I do still wear sweaters constantly..."
11 years ago
held onto his sweater tightly. "Søren..." She hated this "I don' like it..."
11 years ago
sighed again as he closed his eyes. "Once we've distanced ourselves from our parents then everythin' will be perfect..."
11 years ago
nods to him. "Mhmm.. We could finally be happy." She mumbled.
11 years ago
sighed and patted her back a bit. "I'm gonna head back to my room soon... anythin' I can get ye before I go?"
11 years ago
thought for a moment. "Ja. Y'er blades." She said quietly. She was serious though.
11 years ago
paled a bit and frowned. He just looked down and off to the side. "... Anythin' but that."
11 years ago
frowns and shakes her head. "Nej.. Then there 'sn't 'nythin."
11 years ago
nods a little as he stroked her hair some more. "I'll make it up to ye... some time..."
11 years ago
looked up at him, nodding. "'lright.." She mumbled sadly, watching him.
11 years ago
just smiled at her, reassuringly.
11 years ago
smiled slightly back at him.
11 years ago
kissed her forehead once more. "Ye know ye can come visit me whenever ye want, ja? Don't even need to text."
11 years ago
nodded to him, smiling a bit wider. "Ja, I know that." She was happy about that fact.
11 years ago
ruffled her hair a bit before starting to head off. "Take care, Sis~"
11 years ago
raised a hand in a slightly wave. "Be safe, bror..."
11 years ago
would be, for her sake.
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