[rf4] ....oh my god, these updates
latest #17
"[RF4 Recording Special Report] Musings from Lin Fa's session: "Why does she need to have 10+ variations of 'meow'???"
"[RF4 Recording Special Report] Feelings on Dolce's VO: "That voice... so butter. Butter with a KNIFE.""
"[RF4 Recording Report] Blossom has so many outtakes that are, uh, unsuitable for public consumption. Haven't laughed this much since Porco."
"[RF4 Recording Report] Blossom has 8 sets of laughs, the latter of which all sound like a cassowary on tilt. Or a disgruntled chicken."
[RF4 Recording Special Report] Oh, Blossom. Oh my... (High Lvl Friendship Line) "If I were a little younger, I'd be all over you."
it looks like they're not changing any names, that's pretty awesome
i'm curious about lin fa's meows tho
Blossom sounds like a cool lady
i'm convinced that everyone in rf grows up to be a total boss
have we had an elderly character who isn't kind of awesome
rune factory one is full of boring characters (expect for mist) :v (but we don't talk about that)
even the middle-aged ones are like....nancy
whose ENTHUSIASM pose i can't find rn but jesus she is a boss from what i have seen
she uses fist-class weapons
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