AnissuSuilang is
12 years ago
getting a headache from Jason shouting at Resident Evil 6. x.x
latest #8
HotDonut says
12 years ago
Is that game available for the Super Nintendo? :-)
12 years ago
x3 Nay, I'm afraid not.
HotDonut says
12 years ago
That's too bad. :-( They are really losing touch with their audience. :-(
12 years ago
x3 That's okay, people need to invest in computers and simulators anyway.
HotDonut says
12 years ago
My TI-57 is all the computer I need. :-)
12 years ago
x3 I'll be honest, had to google that. LOL
HotDonut says
12 years ago
Fancy, aien't it? :-)
12 years ago
xD High tech, I tell you what.
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