Romano is
11 years ago
[event]cooking up a storm. He'd gone to visit his family -just to see how they were doing!- and they seemed to love the new now he's doing something that will take up most of his usage.
latest #89
Ludwig has
11 years ago
been smelling all sorts of different things from the kitchen and has gone to investigate. He pauses for a few seconds taking in the state of the kitchen and then things begin to click. He strides over to Lovino
11 years ago
and wraps his arms around him restraining him from cooking anymore. " have to stop...what are you doing?"
11 years ago
jumps at Ludwig's touch, fighting the urge to "I'm cooking." Cooking everything he knew how, and a few things he didn't really know.
11 years ago
frowns. "You've cooked for an army Lovino....what's wrong?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Per favore...I don't want the rice to burn..."
11 years ago
slowly releases him. "When the rice is done I want you to stop....sit down and we'll talk about whatever it is that's bothering you."
11 years ago
nods, moving away to stir the rice and pull a tray of salmon out of the oven.
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
who's going to eat all this food. He hovers around the kitchen arms crossed.
Romano is
11 years ago
sure he and Kiku would be able to eat some, and keep some for the rest of the week. The rest...well, he wasn't sure. They could give some to the humans that didn't have much.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's a great idea. He'll look into shelters and then drive some of the food over later.
Romano is
11 years ago
glad his food is being enjoyed somewhere. He finally finishes up, turning around, hands at his sides. He's...well, stopped.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
still frowning. "Sit down."
Romano feels
11 years ago
like the other is upset with him. "perdon..." He moves to the table, sitting carefully.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
not upset with him just wants to understand why he seems so depressed and frenzied lately. "Gut, now, explain what brought this on? This isn't typical behaviour."
Romano is
11 years ago
staring at the table. "I...I know I said I had to move on, but I went to see know. Only Felicia asked for me? The boys, and their mother were fine with the new android. They were happy..."
11 years ago
sighs softly. "I understand it's hard...Lovino...I wish I could help you more but..." His lips thin instinctively. "I'm horrible when it comes to comforting...but understand this, you do have a home here if you
11 years ago
so wish."
11 years ago
nods. "Si, I would love for this to be my home...with you. I..." Hm. "All my data and memory is with them. It's difficult to move on, but I want to stay here with you."
11 years ago
finally smiles. "Then stay....we'll make new memories."
11 years ago
might have to upgrade his RAM... "Really? I mean...grazie, this means a lot to me."
11 years ago
can help with that as well. "I guess we should start with me eating some of the food."
11 years ago
flushes a little bit. "Si...there's a lot of German food if you wish." He'd also made Japanese cuisine for Kiku, and his regular Italian dishes.
11 years ago
glances around and spots a few dishes. "I think we'll have to freeze a lot of this...." He goes over to one of the dishes and brings it over to the table.
Romano thinks
11 years ago
so as well. "Grazie, for...putting up with me, I guess. You didn't have to buy all the groceries I cook with, or what I needed, but you did..."
11 years ago
had started on the dish and ends up pausing to glance up at him. "It's really no problem at all. I've told you that."
11 years ago
[...replace putting up with, with indulging 8D ]
11 years ago
( Sounds good. )
11 years ago
would blush, and instead averts his eyes. "Si,'s a lot of money..."
11 years ago
laughs lightly and shrugs. "As long as your not selling my limps I think we should be fine on money."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, I would never do that." He's so grateful for the home he's been given here...
11 years ago
wasn't worried. "Gut, then we should be fine."
11 years ago
supposes so. "But..please tell me if I'm getting out of hand...per favore."
11 years ago
would let him know, he's never the type to not say what's on his mind. "I will. But as it is, you haven't been out of hand."
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "Buono." Although he thinks maaaybe he overdid it a little with the cooking just possible.
11 years ago
11 years ago
Would have to agree with that. "This food is great by the way." He compliments as he finishes off the plate.
11 years ago
flusters a little at that. "Grazie, that means a lot..." Moreso coming from him.
11 years ago
gets up. "Alright, lets get started on putting these in containers and freezing them." He goes and grabs a punch of tupeware and starts on the task.
11 years ago
perks up, and scrambles to help out. He didn't think Ludwig had enough containers...but they could try.
11 years ago
would have to agree they would have to use saran-wrap.
11 years ago
can definitely get on that once they run out of containers, which seems to be soon.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
gone through quite a few before he starts with plates and bowls and saran-wrap.
11 years ago
mimics him, looking back and forth. "Ludwig..."
11 years ago
pauses and glances over his shoulder at the AI. "Ja?"
Romano feels
11 years ago
a little embarrassed to ask. "I have a friend, this other AI...he says he gets this strange feeling whenever he's with his owner. Do you think that could be a problem with his system?"
11 years ago
frowns pensively. "A strange feeling? Can you describe it a bit's quite vague."
11 years ago
flusters a little. "It's...jittery, and happy, and his fans are always turning on. Like he's overheating all the time..."
11 years ago
had read those symptoms somewhere. He laughs lightly. "It seems that article I read and dismissed a few years back wasn't full of shit. This other AI seems to have fallen in love with their owner."
11 years ago
might have been talking about himself the whole time, and can hear his fans kicking into overdrive when Ludwig gives his prognosis. "...Oh. I s-see...I'll tell him then..."
11 years ago
had no idea Lovino had been talking about himself. "That's interesting. I'd like to meet him if you get a chance. I've never seen an AI in love up close."
Romano is
11 years ago
trying not to fluster too much. "W-well, he's quite shy you know. Also how different can it be from a human in love? Aside know. Mechanics, and all that..."
11 years ago
had never really seen a human in love either. "Well...I wouldn't know about that either if I'm being completely honest."
11 years ago
tilts his head a little "Oh. You've never been in love, Ludwig? Or known anyone that was in love?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nein, I was always so busy with my studies. I've never given it much thought." He flushes.
11 years ago
isn't used to seeing Ludwig flush, and finds he likes it very much. "Ah, that you're finished with your studies...I mean, if you ever find someone.."
Ludwig feels
11 years ago
like he's missing something. "Have you ever wanted to fall in love Lovino?"
11 years ago
finds that question confusing. "Do humans want to fall in love? I thought it just...happened..."
11 years ago
| "Some do, others don't think about it and it just happens."
11 years ago
hums softly. "I think...if I were to, it would just happen..."
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
it would just happen to him too since he didn't pay much attention to love.
Romano thinks
11 years ago
Ludwig is very...stoic despite how caring he is. Or at least gives off that image.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
always had that type of personality even as a child.
11 years ago
would have loved to see him as a child.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
it wouldn't have been that exciting if he was being honest. He was very easy to take care of.
11 years ago
would take him to the park, and out for dessert. At least Ludwig wouldn't run off the second he turned his head...
11 years ago
wouldn't have, no.
11 years ago
would adore Ludwig as a child.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's an amusing thought but he probably would have liked his childhood a bit more with Lovino there to take care of him.
11 years ago
would have loved taking care of him. He's happy he has adult Ludwig now though.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
happy to be an adult.
Romano thinks
11 years ago
that they're almost done wrapping up all the food. "Should we go see if Kiku wants anything to eat?"
11 years ago
nods. "Actually that would be a great idea. Care to go look for him as I organize the freezer?"
11 years ago
nods, before heading off to Kiku's workshop.
Kiku is
11 years ago
busy tinkering with a robotic dog that had been brought in, trying to make sure it listened to commands correctly.
11 years ago
peeks around the corner when he sees him. "Ah...Kiku, we seem to have...a lot of food. Would you like to come have some?"
11 years ago
blinks up at this, seeming surprised at the invite. He was still not used to having someone else prepare food for him. "Ah... yes, thank you. That would be lovely."
11 years ago
smiles at that, happy to have someone else to eat his food. "Buono. We're in the kitchen." He'd cooked quite a few Japanese dishes for him anyways.
11 years ago
smiles softly, setting his tools down. "I will be in in a minute, then, thank you," he nods.
11 years ago
had managed to store most of the containers in the had almost been like playing tetris.
11 years ago
nods at Kiku, and then runs off to join Ludwig. "Did you finish eating?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, and I fixed most of the food into the freezer."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Wow, you must be really good at tetris.."
11 years ago
laughs. "I'm not bad. I haven't played it in a while."
11 years ago
steps into the kitchen, though he tries not to interrupt them as he goes for the food left out for him.
11 years ago
glances over as soon as Kiku steps in. "Please have as much as you like. If you know anyone that would like some food as well..." Then he was more than welcome to take some for them.
11 years ago
glances at Kiku and smiles. "We have food for a while." He chuckles lightly.
11 years ago
smiles at that, taking a seat at the table. "Much better than the lack of cooking we did before."
11 years ago
fusses a little, pulling out some of the Japanese dishes. "What would you like to eat?"
11 years ago
nods. "That I can agree with."
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