11 years ago
Plans of the Game- except this is really the State of the Game in disguise. Head right over to the Dreamwidth post to comment and plan!
latest #113
11 years ago
"This week, we also encourage all players to discuss short or long term goals for their characters! Have ideas you want to flesh out? Mention them! Have no clue where you're going and need some brainstorming?"
11 years ago
"More than a "State of the Game", this week is also a "Plan for the Game!" Post up a big idea, or toss up smaller ideas, or anything you'd like. This week is all about discussion."
11 years ago
"Since 02/12/13's SotG, the following in-game posts have been made:
• Komesh - [Open Memo] - 2/21/13
• [S] Perrix: GRIND x2 COMBO - 2/22/13
• [S] Avispa: Alchemize - 2/23/13"
11 years ago
All of that is also in the post; and after the feedback post this week's SotG will be DW-based, so head over to DW to do some plotting and theorizing or request plotting and theorizing!
11 years ago
May the plotting be ever in your favor.
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
/adds B_D to friendslist. FRIEND ALL THE SCRIBBLES.
11 years ago
magmortar: YEAH!
All of the comments so far are totally acceptable; and I'm pretty sure all the comments to come will be acceptable! Now y'all just get to spool through eachothers' comments and realize "Oh god"
Especially when you notice the potential for possible horrible shenanigans to go down.
11 years ago
horrible shenanigans ftw!
'tis what the game's all about! Horrible shenanigans! Also I'll be hitting up the post and ALL the comments (because I am horrible) after getting food. ... bluh food.
11 years ago
11 years ago
food ftw!!!
<- I am now going to go do this to food; like right now
doop doop placeholder comment for when I get back from my errands
And now that I'm finally getting to go comment on it, just gon' nudge this plurk.
11 years ago
As a reminder, for anyone who hasn't written up their character's planet description in the spreadsheet, replying to the feedback post with that information would be awesome!
11 years ago
Either replying there, adding it to the spreadsheet, or both would be awesome.
stheno ☆
11 years ago
this is a placeholder since I'm hella swamped today and running on no food
Oh god- Tiv go eat!! D:
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I CAN'T there's no food in the house
stheno ☆
11 years ago
we're going grocery shopping tomorrow
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I am contemplating cracking and ordering a pizza
stheno ☆
11 years ago
except if I order a pizza I'll want to get a soda with it and I gave up soda for Lent :'|
D': ... Oh no- tea or water??
stheno ☆
11 years ago
oh I still have leaves in my tins that's true
stheno ☆
11 years ago
yes I can make this work
Delicious tea you must drink!
stheno ☆
11 years ago
bless you, Skie
Giving this a little nudge now that I've replied to literally everyone who posted so far, dohohoho.
/nudges again
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
/attempts to remember to look at this after work
I mean if you ping yourself or have someone ping you then you have an email notification, too.
11 years ago
ooh yes excellent idea
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
raythmolba: you are silly
Y'know, just for posterity... raythmolba:
Oh wait a minute didn't I say I'd bump these with Kyuubey? My bad.
shanatic itsonlyforever strangecookie chumproll Vyndasia gameover Degen yo we haven't seen much of y'all in a while, wassup?
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
gj on making copypasta of my eloquent words, skie
11 years ago
I... need to get my butt into gear for this game again...
11 years ago
11 years ago
^ ;;
11 years ago
Sorry, I've been very out of it with roleplay in general lately...
I need to get back in action.
I...think maybe I've worked out some ideas
ghost king is
11 years ago
cool, we just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about us ;u; we have some neat stuff coming up in the next week that'll be an opportunity to jump in
11 years ago
I'll give you some thoughts when it's not surprise 1am over here? The game's not forgotten or anything, I know I still owe a post and a bunch of tags and drabbles.
11 years ago
It's just been. A bit tough in the RL department and I'm slow coming back. I'm very sorry. Sorta fell off my game for... time.
11 years ago
eeeep 1am- but oh no RL things; at the least, (cozy) and good luck?
feelings jenga
11 years ago
oh I should do the things
ghost king
11 years ago
oh noooo ;o; hope everything's okay! (cozy) yeah if RL's slaying you (it was doing it to me for a while) then don't worry bb
(And yeah RL things take priority no matter what, because RL things always trump; take the time you need)
Meanwhile plurks will be bumped and nudged occasionally and whenever plotting or playing can be a thing, there will be ALL THE THINGS. (yea)
11 years ago
11 years ago
well RL has finally let me out of its clutches it seems like, I just needed a bit to recover.
ghost king
11 years ago
that's fine! <3
ghost king
11 years ago
strangecookie: All the things? ALL THE HUGS, THEN. (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy) (cozy)
11 years ago
well I... tossed up some words? I do not think they
11 years ago
...hit return early... are good words.
11 years ago
But they are there! For other people to see!
/nudges this!
11 years ago
Degen: oh I am also game for helping with alchememe stuff too so yeah
...Reading that post for Chrysi reminds me that I need to figure out Durian's protypings, if I'm going to make a post for him any day soon. Sprite shenanigans are required.
11 years ago
I am preparing a post currently!
11 years ago
> realize that Pherae had a moiral who really wanted her to FLARP with him
11 years ago
so many more costume possibilities
11 years ago
...moirail, even, I can spell
eeee shenanigans
and posts and plots oh my
11 years ago
oh right and I need to officially update Pherae's prototyping list, since luminata-sprite is happening
/internal screaming
11 years ago
11 years ago
ilu both
doom triangle
11 years ago
luminata are frands
Can't I just.. hide...? Forever? Please?
11 years ago
11 years ago
...but do I want her second prototyping to achieve that to be a squiddle plushie or, idk, a spool of thread
11 years ago
I was going to say that the former made a bit more sense, but then I realized that the latter might make sense if she was trying to choose something innocuous that wouldn't change deermom much.
11 years ago
(gj sweetie)
Another innocent bump,
REMINDER: There've been a bunch of new posts, everyone! Be sure to go look and plot with your fellow players! You're gonna need it, and you're gonna be terrified... because in under 24 hours...?
...there will be.... things.
Disclaimer: Suffering is included for your characters at no extra charge.
oh god
Of course, this could happen as early as 9 hours from now, or as long as 24 hours from now... I wonder what you'd all prefer...? Huhuhuhu...
[s] Players: Sign contracts
ghost king
11 years ago
oh dang it is tuesday isn't it
ghost king
11 years ago
doom triangle
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
The time. It flies. Pchoooooooooo.
11 years ago
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