Girl MMXIV is
11 years ago
starting a new PC case today, so will be driving an hour and a half away to a home visit. Meet the kids...both teens...find out if they really don't want to see day like their mom say. and so on
latest #9
Lexipooh wonders
11 years ago
if it went well?
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
well, I always wonder how many times I'm going to meet a family that is too "poor" to pay my fees and therefore qualify for the highest subsidy and then when I go visit them they live in a large farm house with
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
4 horses, 2 peacocks, 7 dogs, 3 cats a chicken and the first 15 minutes of the visit consist of them telling me about the addition they are planning to build along with other remodeling.
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
and they collect welfare and ssdi....seriously WTF! This kind of stuff pisses me off.
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago
But, yes the visit went well. Just another one to have me shaking my head.
11 years ago
Lexipooh says
11 years ago
I'm with JS on this one :-o
mrald says
11 years ago
When someone says PC case, this is what I think of.
Girl MMXIV says
11 years ago about Production Center...that was also the PC
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