11 years ago
[signal boost] So, apparently there is a post on tumblr telling you how to survive a heart attack. It's false as documented by Snopes.
latest #7
11 years ago
Feel free to get the word out! o>
11 years ago
man this is so old, 2002 chain letters all over again
Tumblr's pretty weird, man.
11 years ago
Tumblr's full of young people. Sometimes it feel like young people with no accumulated memory or experience at all
just lexi. says
11 years ago
Yeah, it's not as if younger internet users are automatically going to know. This is still good to get out.
just lexi. says
11 years ago
Personally, I was using the internet in 2002 and before that and I've never heard of it! It's still useful information.
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