11 years ago
[Event] is hanging around outside Kiku's workshop, waiting to see if the man was around. He had enough cash for the eye now... although, he'd gotten a chunk of skin torn off his neck. He was hoping the man_
latest #31
11 years ago
might throw that part in for free...
11 years ago
had been working quietly inside the shop when he noticed a figure standing around outside through the window. Curious, he peeks out the door, smiling when he sees the familiar face. "Well, hello again..."
11 years ago
grins when the man comes out, 'Hey... I think I have enough cash for the new eye... if you're not busy?' He had looked busy, which was why the robot was hesitating.
11 years ago
nods at this, stepping outside fully. "Would you like to set up an appointment for it, or to do it now?" he asks. He of course had other things on his table, but they had next day pickups and he had
11 years ago
time to work.
11 years ago
shrugs, giving the man an easy smile. 'Whatever is best for you... although, maybe it'd be best to get patched up by tomorrow night?' He has a match, although he doesn't say as much. 'I don't wanna be a pain in
11 years ago
the arse, ya know. Unless ya swing that way,' he jokes.
11 years ago
smiles at him, opening the door to let him inside. "I can do it now, if you would like," he offers, cheeks tinting pink at the joke but not commenting on it.
11 years ago
nods, 'If you don't mind.' He notes the tint, recording in his memory that he should probably tone down his jokes for the mechanic. 'How have you been?' he asks, stepping inside. He hovers by the work table_
11 years ago
when he notices something else there.
11 years ago
nods, letting the door close behind him as he follows him to the back. He hurries to clear the workspace so William can hop up.
11 years ago
Smiles softly, Hopping up when the space is cleared. 'Sorry to bother you...' He lies back, 'How long should it take?'l
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nonsense, this is what I do," he assures him, shifting to pull out his tools. "You wanted the exact same as this eye, correct? And it should be completed within the next
11 years ago
couple hours... is there something you needed to get to?"
11 years ago
Hums, 'Nothing that urgent.' They should be done by evening. 'And yeah, the same colour and type... But I only have enough for the eye so...'
11 years ago
nods at this. "Alright, perfect. And don't worry about it then, I will only charge for the part in that case," he smiles at him.
11 years ago
'S shoulders sink in relief. 'Alfred was right, your an alright guy... Oh!' He sits up on one elbow, 'Tell him I have tickets for laser tag this Friday.'
11 years ago
blinks at this, a little embarrassed to hear Alfred was talking praise about him to others. He seems confused though at that, nodding. "Ah.. yes, I'll make sure to tell him," he laughs softly. Robots
11 years ago
playing laser tag.....
11 years ago
nods, soon settling back down. 'We need more team members, so he said he would invite you and Ludwig.'
11 years ago
hums, shaking his head. "I doubt I would be any good at it, really..."
11 years ago
ahhhs, 'Well no one can force you.' He shifts to expose his neck.
11 years ago
smiles at that, and nods. "I will consider it," he answers, before bidding the AI a good rest and switching him off.
11 years ago
goes limp on the table, shutting off so that Kiku can work on him.
11 years ago
sighs as he set about taking out the old eye part carefully, not wanting to damage any connections or his newly repaired face. It doesn't take him too long to find the parts he needs, and within two hours he's
11 years ago
got the eye piece installed with minimal distraction having taken him away from the fighter. He runs a quick diagnostic before patching up the skin and turning him back on now.
11 years ago
blinks awake, shutting them again as he gets used to the new eye. It was rather bright. 'Perhaps you're too good,' he kids, opening them after a moment or two.
11 years ago
watches as the other adjusts, hoping everything was in order. He smiles in relief at the compliment, shaking his head. "I just have a lot of practice," he answers with a soft chuckle. "Can you see well,
11 years ago
then?" he asks, leaning in a little and waving his finger in frontof his line of sight slowly to make sure the eye was directing right.
11 years ago
Follows the hand with both eyes, nodding. 'Looks like it, huh?'
11 years ago
smiles and pulls back. "Excellent, I'm pleased to have installed it properly then. If you have any problems with it though, don't be afraid to come back," he offers.
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