AnissuSuilang wonders
11 years ago
what the hell Sony is thinking. PS4 partially revealed today and apparently no native PS3 backwards compatibility. I call bullshit.
latest #7
HotDonut says
11 years ago
I call executive decision making. :-)
11 years ago
xP It' a bad executive decision! It's making all their previous games useless. If it contained backwards compatibility, I'd show more interest in the system. As of now, it can rot.
HotDonut says
11 years ago
Executives are always bad decision makers. I'm sure they think it'll make people buy all the new games. :-P
albatrosswing says
11 years ago
That bites Maria... what were they thinking?
11 years ago
HotDonut It makes you wonder how the hell they became executives if they keep coming out with bad ideas. Oh that's right, people are sheep sometimes and go with bad ideas. x.x
11 years ago
albatrosswing I'm pretty sure they were thinking, "Oh! How can we make the most amount of money the quickest?"
albatrosswing says
11 years ago
yeah. sighs
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