11 years ago
[event] is downloading Japanese and German recipes for Kiku and Ludwig.
latest #98
11 years ago
notices the AI is doing something. He quirks a brow as he nears the android. "What are you doing?"
11 years ago
startles, but manages to keep himself under control. "Ah...downloading new recipes...I thought you and Kiku might get tired of all the pasta...."
11 years ago
blinks at the knowledge. A small smile graces his features. "Danke..." He thanks patting Lovino's shoulder affectionately.
11 years ago
flusters a little at the affection. "Y-you're welcome."
11 years ago
| "So what kind of German dishes are you downloading?" He was curious.
11 years ago
doesn't really know. He's not used to it... "A lot of these dishes have potatoes..."
11 years ago
laughs at the remark. "Most do, ja." His brow quirks up a second time...he hadn't noticed the curl before and tentatively grasps it between his forefinger and thumb, peering closer at it, trying to figure out
11 years ago
what it is.
11 years ago
goes still for a moment, and then "Pleasure-bot mode activated." He watches Ludwig from beneath his lashes, going through all his data. It tell him that unlike Kiku, Ludwig is more likely to want _
11 years ago
_to be on top of him.
11 years ago
freezes....had he heard that right? He releases the curl face flushed. "...nein...Lovino...deactivate pleasure-bot mode..."
11 years ago
stills again for a quick moment, before slipping back into his natural state. It takes another moment, before Lovino thinks again, that if he were human, he would be bright red. "I...That mode. It...she was)
11 years ago
_a single mother, she was lonely sometimes, so..." He doesn't understand why he's so flustered, needing to explain himself.
11 years ago
doesn't blame him for that. "It's fine...Lovino, really, you don't have to explain was my fault..."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, I should have told you...It's..okay." He felt to...he didn't know! This feeling was not in any of his databases. He'd...well, slept..he supposed...with Kiku, and didn't know how to _
11 years ago
_process Ludwig blatently not wanting...that mode. Did it mean Ludwig found him undesireable? Was he an unfit android, or just not to Ludwig's standards?
11 years ago
doesn't think Lovino should think like that at all. He just doesn't want to take advantage of the android or make him think he needs to repay him in any way at all. "When was the mode installed?"
11 years ago
blinks as he goes back through his logs. "Feburary 14th, 2008"
11 years ago
glances at him pensively. "Would you like me to remove it?"
11 years ago
looks at him in surprise. "I.." He doesn't know.. "Do you want me to remove it?" Then again, if he goes back to his family, and the mode isn't there when his mistress requires it...
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. "Well..." He flushes lightly. "It's really not up to me...I have nothing against you having it..." Gott, the thoughts sometimes.
11 years ago
doesn't think it's up to him either. "Well...I don't want to delete the mistress' upgrades. I suppose...if you don't wish to make use of that mode, you know what triggers it now."
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's fair since he would be going back to the family. "I can upgrade it further for her..." His face has turned a bright red.
11 years ago
doesn't really understand why Ludwig is red, but all he knows is that if he's better than normal, they'll have to take him back. "Per favore! I'm sure she would love that!"
11 years ago
swallows at that. "Follow me...we'll have to do the upgrades in my room." He'd rather not Kiku walk in on him upgrading a pleasure mode. He leads the android to his room and motions him to sit on the bed.
11 years ago
follows him up, taking a seat on the bed. "She complains about it being too vanilla. My data searches have come up with zero queries. Do you know what she means?"
11 years ago
does actually and he can't help himself from going a little redder. "I can fix that..." He pulls a stool up to him so he can get into Lovino's database. "Does she like it rough?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Sometimes. It depends on her mood, and how her day at work goes." He lets Ludwig have access to whatever he needs.
11 years ago
begins upgrading the system to include rough, sensual, sexy and many other types of love making.
11 years ago
immediately starts processing all the new information, curious by it all.
11 years ago
sits back giving it time to process.
11 years ago
finishes up in a few minutes. "Oh...that's why she was frustrated when I didn't understand the handcuffs..."
11 years ago
laughs lightly. "You had an interesting owner."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "She was wonderful. She worked so hard for the children...and myself."
11 years ago
can tell how fond of her he was. "Well I hope it works out and you can go back."
11 years ago
grins, truly happy at the prospect. "And go back with more recipes, too! The children will be very excited that I've expanded my dessert menu."
11 years ago
chuckles. "There are numerous German desserts so you won't exhaust your list any time soon."
11 years ago
perks up at that. "Would you like me to make one for you?"
11 years ago
blinks, he hadn't had some in a long time. "If you don't's been a while."
11 years ago
nods. He'd do absolutely anything Ludwig asked of him. "Si, si, what would you like me to make?"
11 years ago
wouldn't even know there were so many options. "Ah, apfel strudel?"
11 years ago
perks up at that. It was pretty simply to make. "Si, si, I can do that. I picked up fresh apples yesterday."
11 years ago
11 years ago
's expression brightens. It had been much too long. "Do you need help?"
11 years ago
smiles at that. "If you would like, si..."
11 years ago
wouldn't mind. "Just tell me what to do."
11 years ago
nods, pulling out the flour, and eggs, and other things. "Per favore, can you please start cutting up the apples?"
11 years ago
nods as he washes them and starts slicing them."
11 years ago
starts to make the dough for the crust. "Grazie, Ludwig."
11 years ago
had actually been trying to learn some Italian for Lovino. "Prego." It probably sounded strange coming from him but he was sure Lovino would
11 years ago
correct him.
11 years ago
almost startles, staring at him for a long moment before grinning broadly "Meraviglioso! That's really great, are you..." He'd blush if he could "Ah...have any interest in learning?"
11 years ago
smiles at him. "I do actually. I've been trying to learn for you."
Romano feels
11 years ago
like he should look like a tomato right now. "Ah...for me? W-why for me?" He's so flattered, and happy, and he doesn't know what to do with himself...
11 years ago
| "I wanted you to feel at home. And it never hurts to learn another language, right."
11 years ago
can hear his fan whirring. Maybe he's not outwardly blushing, but he's clearly overheating a little. "I..." He glances away, fidgeting. "You're could I not feel at home?" He felt like Ludwig was his_
11 years ago
_home now, wasn't he?
11 years ago
would hope Lovino would think so. His brows knit together when he hears the fan. "Is everything alright with your system....or your fan?" He asks momentarily distracted.
11 years ago
startles a little, not expecting Ludwig to pick up on that, but it was ridiculous considering his occupation. "Fine! I'm fine...I've even had less..outbursts."
Ludwig feels
11 years ago
bad that he hasn't been making more time to touch up on the things he had been working on in Lovino. "Would you have time for me to look over a few things in your system?"
11 years ago
knows Ludwig has been extremely busy! "Oh...if you have the time, that would good." He always had time for Ludwig. Unless maybe something was close to burning in the kitchen...
11 years ago
nods. "I do but I'll have to turn you off. So if you can come with me to my work station. I can get started."
11 years ago
doesn't really like being turned off...but it was Ludwig, so it would be alright. Nodding, he followed him towards workstation and tried not to fidget.
11 years ago
places a comforting hand on his shoulder as he sits the AI down. "Ready?"
11 years ago
hesitates a little, before giving a slightly nervous nod. "Si...go ahead."
11 years ago
snakes his hand to the back of Lovino's neck, opens a small compartment and presses the turn off button.
11 years ago
[asdfg I thought he was going to randomly kiss him for a second xD]
11 years ago
keeps his focus on Ludwig until the switch is hit, and he goes offline, taking a few moments before he's completely shut down.
11 years ago
( Ah haha, that can be later. ; ) ))
11 years ago
catches Lovino when he slumps forward and starts to fix up what he could so Lovino didn't have to be shut off for so long.
11 years ago
11 years ago
would be happy to know Ludwig still takes his discomfort with being shut off into consideration.
Ludwig is
11 years ago
done in only two hours and he when he's sure everything is in it's place he turns Lovino back on.
11 years ago
takes awhile to boot up, eventually blinking his eyes, and testing his parts. "Running start-up diagnostic..."
11 years ago
sits back and waits.
11 years ago
finishes up, everything and his gaze focuses on Ludwig as he dismisses the little green font in his retina display. "Was everything alright?"
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
him a small smile. "I think I've got everything this time."
11 years ago
blinks at him. "Everything? All the mood defects?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, it looked like it unless I need to dig deeper. But I guess only time will really tell."
11 years ago
grins broadly. "Grazie! Grazie so much!" He hugs Ludwig tight, so happy that the other had been able to fix that portion of him.
11 years ago
hugs him back with a slight chuckle. "I'm glad I could help."
11 years ago
clings to him, so happy. "You are the greatest human ever, Ludwig."
11 years ago
flushes at the compliment. "I'm sure there are others...."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No. Maybe..maybe the greatest adult human." Because he did love the children more than anything.
11 years ago
smiles at that. "I can take that."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Thank you again...I don't know how I'll ever repay you..."
Ludwig wonders
11 years ago
why he's always dead set on repaying him. "Why do you want to repay me when I told you you didn't have too."
Romano is
11 years ago
just...used to people wanting repayment. "Ah, si. Right....sorry, I just. I don't know how else to show my appreciation." That was another part of it too.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
over time it will show itself. "Only time will tell."
11 years ago
watches him with a little confusion, but nods. "I suppose..."
11 years ago
smiles. "I have to head out for a bit. I have an appointment with a client in an hour. Will you be fine on your own?"
11 years ago
nods. "Si. What would you like for dinner tonight?"
11 years ago
wasn't sure. There could be so many choices with Lovino. "Surprise me?"
11 years ago
smiles at that. "I have three different cuisines to choose from, are you suuure?"
11 years ago
nods. "I'm always satisfied with your food. I'm sure whatever you do cook will be just as good."
11 years ago
scratches his cheek, a little embarrassed under the praise. "Then a surprise it is. Be safe on your job, okay?"
11 years ago
nods. "I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll see you later this evening Lovino." With that he gets up and heads out.
11 years ago
watches him go until he's out of sight, before heading back inside.
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