11 years ago
[event] is sitting in the park for a breath of fresh air, enjoying the night and the view of the stars.
latest #44
11 years ago
finally finds him and takes a seat beside him. "I feel like I haven't seen you in a while." He states.
11 years ago
blinks as he senses someone incoming, smiling softly up at him. "We work the same store, yet I could say the same," he hums.
11 years ago
nods at that as he glances up at the stars. "I met Alfred. He seems like a good Android."
11 years ago
hums softly. "Ah...." he starts, unsure if Ludwig had realized more about him or not. "I've met that other AI.. the one with brown hair? He cooked for me."
11 years ago
laughs lightly. "It seems we both have one. His name is Lovino."
11 years ago
nods. "Lovino. I'll do my best to remember that," he replies, looking back up to the stars. "And here I was thinking you would be opposed to me suddenly bringing an AI into our home," he smiles a little.
11 years ago
quirks a brow amused. "Hmm, no, it is your shop."
11 years ago
smiles. "I know, but I do not wish to inconvenience you. Also, I apologize for Alfred... he is very new to the world."
11 years ago
has caught on to that. "Be careful with him. I know he means no harm but it's what he might bring around that I worry."
11 years ago
glances back over at Ludwig, a little wary he was onto him after all. "Ah well... yes, that goes the same for any AI," he tries.
11 years ago
's lips thin. "Kiku, I'm not stupid...I know his model and his manufacturer."
11 years ago
looks away again, furrowing his brow slighty. "You weren't supposed to realize," he answers.
11 years ago
can't help but frown. "That was incredibly wishful thinking. I know my robots just as well as you."
11 years ago
sighs softly. "I know..." he answers reluctantly. "You won't report him... will you?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No...I wasn't going to..." He had a feeling that that would just be a bad decision for all of them and especially Alfred.
11 years ago
seems relieved at that. "Thank you." He would likely agree at that now, now that Alfred had been with them for a while now.
11 years ago
smiles and pats him on the shoulder. "Don't think anything of it...." He was sure Kiku would do the same for him.
11 years ago
nods, a little embarrassed that he hadn't just trusted Ludwig with the information from the start.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that there is nothing wrong with being unsure. Sometimes it was hard to tell who to trust.
11 years ago
sighs softly. "So two new androids in our living space... I hope it's okay.."
11 years ago
can't help but chuckle a little. "I don't think they've done any harm and they seem to get along fine."
11 years ago
nods at this, humming softly. "I suppose there's been no damage yet..."
11 years ago
nods at that as well. "It might be naïve of me but I'm not worrying about it too much."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Not naive, per say, but trusting. Both of them seem like they could go off with the wrong trigger."
Ludwig has
11 years ago
never been worried that Lovino would hurt someone. "Hmm, that is a possibility."
11 years ago
hums softly. It wasn't that he was really worried about Lovino... it was more the hidden arsenal Alfred was still equipped with. "I wish I had the confidence to remove Alfred's military
11 years ago
capabilities..." Though really if he removed them then the AI would be in danger if the military did find him again.
11 years ago
had nearly forgotten about that. "What happened to the confidence you did have?"
11 years ago
laughs at that, looking up at him. "I have never had confidence in disarming bombs, Ludwig. It's never been an issue before." He feared there might be an anti-removal safety installed as well.
11 years ago
would have to agree with that...they had never run into a military bot. "Hmm..."
11 years ago
sits back against the bench, looking up to the stars. "I'm simply hoping that it doesn't become an issue," he sighs.
11 years ago
leans forward staring at the ground. "Only time will tell...and honestly, I'd rather it didn't."
11 years ago
hums quietly in agreement. If only he could get a bomb expert to do so... but that would likely tip off the government anyways. "I'm sure it will be fine......"
Ludwig was
11 years ago
unfortunately not very good with disarming bombs but he could research it...if Kiku was that worried.
11 years ago
doesn't want him to take such a risk either!
11 years ago
would do it if it was necessary
Kiku will
11 years ago
wait to see if it becomes necessary or not.... he's too worried about the anti-disarming thing.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
they need to look further into his make. It would mean getting the information from...the government itself without getting caught.
11 years ago
.....would think that would be highly dangerous and wonders how Ludwig planned to do so.
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
it would require quite a bit of planning but it was possible....he didn't believe in impossibilities.
Kiku is
11 years ago
hesitant to agree to help him out... the dangers of such a task seemed large.
11 years ago
think they should only do it if there is no other way. They don't have to jump the gun just yet.
11 years ago
would agree there.
11 years ago
than hopes that it doesn't come to that either.
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