11 years ago
Hey, everyone! We've gone ahead and posted up a feedback post for a number of different topics. It'd be pretty wonderful if everyone could read through and contribute?
latest #85
11 years ago
The specific topics in the post are the State of the Game, Game Events, Denizens, the Echeladder, and some general information!
11 years ago
Plus, of course, the little announcement that there is a ~*plot*~ behind the scenes that's going to be unveiled before your very eyes!
11 years ago
f yeah
11 years ago
Look forward to the events as they unfold, everyone, because like it or not... the game's got all kinds of surprises in store for all the players.
And now I'm going to sit here in case there are questions.
11 years ago
wow this is a lot to read I will
11 years ago
maybe have questions tomorrow
11 years ago
I'm sorry I've been really busy trying to be an adult and then being an alcoholic when I'm not
11 years ago
Things will smooth out in like a week or two
Yeah man, don't sweat it. It'll be there for whenever you have time to dedicate your brain to it.
We wanted to get this up so that everyone could have time to take it in, consider it, and respond.
At least three of us are on there! :-D
I'll get on this as soon as I can think straight
Fantastic! Best of luck making your thoughts no longer curved, bent, or anything but straight.
but curved thoughts are fuuuuun
If they curve enough, you get boomerang-thoughts?
Also I am totally going to be regularly replying to this plurk whenever I'm awake to make sure everyone sees it.
11 years ago
skye you are being adorbs jsyk
dgjkdh wait what what whatbahdfjkadhgls
11 years ago
and then i put a metric woop-ton of words onto the feedback post
ghost king
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
ur all kawaii
....woop-ton. Phil oh my god; also I like these words I am reading.
11 years ago
which words? the words like woop-ton or the words arranged into actual sentences in the thread (as opposed to my monkey-slapping-a-typewriter-and-trying-to-shakespeare)
ghost king
11 years ago
all of the words
ghost king
11 years ago
all of them
11 years ago
yes good
Both. Both, yes both is good.
Also the echeladder post gives me starry-eyes.
ghost king
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
oh yeah i guess i ought to say that i'm gonna try and jump back in game sometime this week?
ghost king
11 years ago
provided that RL decides to stop donkey punching me
Oh, yay! (cozy) I'm excited for when you make that a thing.
ghost king
11 years ago
oh yeah i just spontaneously added a column for skypes in the player tab of the spreadsheet so
Oh, hey, fantastic!
11 years ago
/adds in my shit
...and then I laughed heartily at Ky's addition.
Patterns are fantastic.
As promised, bump.
Maybe I should just kyuubey-bump this with emotes instead. Hmmm! Kyuubeys always get people's attention right?
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
Also apparently there is some kind of brand of bra called Coobie
11 years ago
Because I was just looking for that meguca Kyubey and got boobs instead
... .... oh god he's spreading his influence into fashion, now. Kyuubey, QB, Coobie, IT'S ALL HIM AAAA RUN
11 years ago
all this does is make me want a coobie bra
kuhadfhjkadk and then Mouse became a magical girl?
11 years ago
HEY MODS I have a theoretical question for you that I have been musing over
11 years ago
go for it!
11 years ago
It is dancestor-related and involves some inter-session shenanigans
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
UGH Plurk was not showing replies HOPEFULLY I FIXED THIS
11 years ago
Anyway, Lyn is the Rogue of Time, so I figured his dancestor Zosimo could be the Bard of Time!
11 years ago
(As far as I know, there are no conflicts with this? :|a )
11 years ago
That was mostly me going "well, since Lyn has a usually feminine class, let's give Zo a super manly one"
11 years ago
"And Zo's into music THIS IS PERFECT"
11 years ago
But then I went back and read up last night on the role Bards tend to play in sessions
11 years ago
Which is that they're dangerous wildcards who could easily make or break a session with their actions
11 years ago
(Which also fits Zo, as it happens)
11 years ago
And since I'd established as part of Zo's character that he tends to fuck things up horribly for everyone around him...
11 years ago
My first thought was "...yeah Zo is probably the reason the dancestor session flopped"
11 years ago
And then I was thinking how a Bard of Time might fuck over a session
11 years ago
Specifically, I was thinking about how Bards bring destruction through their aspect
11 years ago
And it hit me that maybe Zosimo funneled time from the dancestor session to the Scribs session
11 years ago
Because Lyn, as a Rogue of Time, steals time for the use of the other players
11 years ago
With the use of dream bubbles, he might be able to take time that Zosimo had pulled from the dancestor session for the Scribbles :|a
11 years ago
And given how the Scribbles' session is totally fucked up, Lyn is probably going to need to be able to fuck around with mass swathes of time to keep things going for them all :v
11 years ago
If he was pulling it from an entire other session, they'd have all they needed!
11 years ago
(Also I am totally fine with other Time players being able to pull from the same resource, btw, I can just only speak for Lyn)
ghost king
11 years ago
hmmm (thinking) this will probs have to be discussed among modlytypes some before we can say one way or another,
ghost king
11 years ago
primarily because we don't know how much of the dancestor things we plan on working into scrib canon
11 years ago
yeah dancestor stuff is pretty up in the air
11 years ago
Okay |D
Kids, trolls, ancestors, dancestors, oh my?
Nuuuudging this again. ( ' -')b
Egads, are you out of Kyuubey?
Of course not. I just thought you guys could use a reprieve.
Welp, they didn't get me to comment more to the post today, but they did get me to start watching Madoka. Well played?
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