11 years ago
[Event] is sweeping the floor of the shop, having spilled a container of screws and trying to get them all before anyone could step on them.
latest #53
11 years ago
kneels down to help him scoop them up, giving the man an easy smile. 'I heard you're a dab hand at repairing robots?' he asks, still picking up the screws. It's fairly obvious he needs a repair. He'd torn the_
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synthetic skin over his nose in the last fight and done something to his left eye. 'I have the cash though, don't worry.'
11 years ago
blinks in surprise at the sudden helping hand, glancing up at the newcomer. "Ah, yes.. this is a repair shop run by me and a colleague," he smiles, looking up and catching sight of the damage. "I would
11 years ago
be more than happy to assist you."
William gives
11 years ago
Kiku a big grin, 'Brill. I was knocked about a bit... although, ya should see the other guy.' He had perhaps picked up some bad speaking habits from the people he worked with.' He skims his hand over the floor,
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activating a magnet in his hand to catch the stray screws.
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nods, smiling at this. He didn't quite realize the implications yet, though he's surprised to see the magnet in the AI's hand, considering how dangerous such a tool could be around this many electronics.
11 years ago
"Ah.. well, I am sure I can patch up your eye and nose quite easily. Can you still see out of it?" he asks, dumping the swept up screws into the container and planning to wash them later.
11 years ago
nods, 'Yeah... although it does get a bit static-y from time to time... How much do you think it'll cost?' He deactivates his magnet, hand pushing back his hair to give the man a better look. 'I could live_
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without a perfect eye, if it's gonna be costly. I just need to look cosmetically alright there.'
11 years ago
hums, reaching up to tilt the android's head to inspect it. "A new eyepiece in it's entirety is upwards of a couple hundred dollars. A skin patch would be a lot less..." he answers, humming as he let
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go of his face. "Where is your owner...?" he asks.
11 years ago
rubs the back of his neck at the question, gaze shifting away from the man. 'I don't have one, in the traditional sense... we look after ourselves. How about we do a skin patch the now and I'll save up for a_
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new eye?'
11 years ago
furrows his brow slightly at that, but nods. It seems he kept coming across more unowned AI lately than normal. "That sounds good, just give me one moment to grab the paperwork."
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Nods, reaching for his wallet. 'I'll pay up front, just so you know I won't run on you... That okay?'
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nods, passing over the paper for him to sign and ringing up the sale. "I guarantee my work, as well," he mentions, smiling at him, "In case you're wary."
11 years ago
Looks around, shrugging. 'Out of all of the places I've been in, this has set off the least warning signs.' He signs, handing out the amount detailed. 'I don't just power down for anyone.'
11 years ago
looks a little surprised at that, but nods, thanking him as he hands back the change. "Well, I am glad that you seem to trust my shop, then," he smiles, leading the other around to the work area of the shop.
William has
11 years ago
been in some shade-y places in his short life. He follows the man into the shop, looking around as he goes.
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doesn't really realize that yet, unsure what the AI does to get beaten like this anyways. He motions for William to get up on the workbench, moving
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to grab his tools. "This shouldn't take very long to do, but I will need you to power down all the same, I'm afraid."
11 years ago
Nods, settling on the Worktop. 'You know what to do,' is his consent, giving the mechanic a reassuring smile. When Kiku opened him up, he'd come to realise the amount of repairs the android has been under. If_
11 years ago
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Parts aren't welded back together it's because they're new.
11 years ago
11 years ago
smiles reassuringly at him as he shuts the AI down for work. What he's doing is mostly surface work, but as he starts working on tearing away the old skin to replace it, he can see the strange array of parts
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and fixes on his face alone. Soon enough he's pieced the man's face back together and placed it back on securely, running a diagnostics check with his touchscreen first to make sure everything was back
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in it's place.
William is
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lucky to have been able to keep both of his original eyes this far... Although it was only a matter of time. He remains motionless on the table as Kiku works on him, softly whirring as he runs his check.
Kiku is
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amazed at the work that he can tell had been done on the android just from the check, tapping his screen in a bit of disbelief. It was the first time he had seen an AI with
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this many repaired parts. He doesn't know what to make of it though, and soon enough has finished up the test and powered him back up.
11 years ago
Softly whirs into life, eyes blinking 'awake.' It takes him a few moments to get his groundings, but when he does he turns to face the mechanic with an easy grin. 'How do I look, doc?'
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watches him come back to life, admiring his own work in the face. "Excellent, if I say so. But there is a mirror on the wall over there, if you'd like to see yourself," he offers,stepping aside to let him down.
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Hops up off the table when he's given the room, moving to peer in the mirror. 'Perfect,' he comments, fingers skimming over his nose and eyelid. 'You did great, thanks.' He might have to come back again, if_
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Only for cosmetics. He estimated he wouldn't be able to afford proper work./
11 years ago
smiles at him, pleased to see that he was happy with it. "I'm glad you approve. If you ever need more repair, I'm always here," he offers, hopeful to have a new customer.. though he always hoped the bots
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he worked on didn't need repairs that often.
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Laughs, a remnant of his companionship programming shining through, 'If I could afford it I'd come to you after every fight.' He doesn't quite realise what he has let slip there, turning to face the mechanic._
11 years ago
'I'll let you get back to your job then, huh?'
11 years ago
smiles still... but the comment makes him pause. "...fight?" he asks, furrowing his brow a bit.
11 years ago
'S eyes widen... Perhaps he'd had a harder knock to his head than he thought. He looks back to the mirror as he explains, 'I'm a boxer....'
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knits his brow a bit, humming. "I didn't think androids were allowed to be boxers..." he points out, though it does explain the amount of repairs now.
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Replies, rather surprisingly. 'When do rules stop humans...?' He pauses before adding, 'I only fight other androids.'
Kiku has
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to reluctantly agree to that, with a sigh. "I suppose.... that's better than the alternative..." it's probably obvious that he doesn't fully approve, though.
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Grins, 'It keeps guys like you in business.' He can tell he disapproves... Probably coming back here wasn't the best idea after all. 'Well, I won't bother you anymore.'
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hums in agreement at that, unfortunately. "You seem like a good person.. I just find it a shame to be involved in such a thing. But please, don't let me influence you if it is what you enjoy..." he tries to
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back up, realizing he had said he had no owner. "And you will always be welcomed back here if need be."
11 years ago
looks pensive - or as much as a robot can- 'I don't enjoy it... But I bet I'd be in scrap heap right now if Boss hadn't picked me up.' He nods, heading towards the shop front. 'Maybe if I pick up an eye on the_
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cheap I'll get you to install it.' He winks, ruffling the guys hair. It'd been a while since he'd met a human this considerate, he couldn't help but warm up to him programming wise.
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blinks at him, though flustering at the hand in his hair and flushing a bit. "I-I could do that..." he offers, pulling away to fix his hair. "I am sorry to hear that though... congratulations on finding a job."
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appears to be amused. 'Thanks...' He opens the door, 'See ya Doc.' He probably wouldn't be back for a while, especially since he wanted an eye to match the one he had.
11 years ago
hums softly, waving as the other heads out. "Good luck in your ventures," he answers.
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