12 years ago
Resigned to never understanding other people's reactions and what they might react to. Also resigned to never just being liked, probably because I speak my mind. Resigned but sad.
latest #13
SillyGooseKnits says
12 years ago
smilingturtle says
12 years ago
I often feel the same way. I'm sorry you're feeling like that, though. It sucks. (cozy) (cozy) (cozy)
12 years ago
Thanks for the hugs guys. They help a lot.
ncflower says
12 years ago
people pleasing can get very tiresome and you're right we are all so complicated it can get difficult at times. sorry :-(
12 years ago
ncflower: You have nothing to apologise for!
ncflower is
12 years ago
oh i wasn't apologising just feeling sorry you are hurting:-)
12 years ago
ncflower: I am also resigned to misunderstanding Englisg/American because the language(s) seems to be designed with that aim!
12 years ago
12 years ago
We need a version of English where words only have one meaning…
ncflower is
12 years ago
and of course the abbreviated version of English we use on Plurk and elsewhere on the net adds to the confusion :-)
12 years ago
Absolutely. There is no hope for this oldie.
Suncountry says
12 years ago
Listen to Garden Party by Ricky Nelson.
ncflower is
12 years ago
I have news for you. I am definitely the oldest plurker alive. Pretty sure I'd be booted out if my 64 years was public (LOL) :-D
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