11 years ago
ha left a message on Elizabeta's answering machine about the tickets. He left a date and time and hopes to see her then.
latest #212
Ludwig will
11 years ago
be waiting for her at his house in that case.
11 years ago
doesn't doubt it, he has his outfit picked out and hopes she approves.
11 years ago
( We can just continue here. xD )
Ludwig has
11 years ago
already tidied up the entire house for her, not that it really needed that much cleaning afterall.
11 years ago
can't help but stare with a flush at how beautiful she looks before ushering her in. They still had a bit of time before they needed to head to the theater. "Can I get you anything Elizabeta?"
11 years ago
nods. "Are you okay with bayram tea?" He asks as he goes to boil the water making sure to keep his suit as clean as possible. "Please, sit." He pulls out a chair for her.
11 years ago
caught himself staring at her...she really did look very beautiful, not that she didn't usually but exceptionally so. "You look the way." He says with a flush but is glad he's facing away from
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her as he grabs a couple of mugs.
11 years ago
prepares both mugs and only turns around when he needs to so he can school his expression. "Here" he says as he takes a seat beside her.
11 years ago
stills as he keeps his mug close. "Was there a wrinkled?" He thought he had ironed it well.
11 years ago
gives her a smile. "I got it a few months back and have been meaning to wear it."
11 years ago
was flushing lightly. "Danke...but you'll be the one eyes are on."
11 years ago
smiles at the tinted cheeks. "I do think so. I'm very lucky to have you on my arm."
11 years ago
sips at the tea. "We should probably head out soon." He squeezes her hand gently.
11 years ago
has to release Elizabeta's hand as he goes to fetch both their jackets. He holds out Eliza's jacket so she can slip in it.
11 years ago
flushes a little as he slips in his and opens the door for her. "Gilbert says I'm to old fashioned."
11 years ago
unlocks the car with the controller opening it for her too. "Gilbert can be ridiculous." He agrees.
11 years ago
laughs as he gets into the drivers seat and backs onto the road heading off. "You won't have to do that."
11 years ago
can scold Gilbert just find. "Don't worry he doesn't get it easy with me either."
11 years ago
easily finds a parking spot and hops out to get Eliza's door.
11 years ago
closes and locks the door pulling her closer as he begins to lead her to the theatre. "It's a special night."
11 years ago
leads her into the old building. "Ja, it's not every day we go out to the theatre."
11 years ago
has to agree with that. He wished he wasn't always piled up with work. "Want anything to drink?" He whispers near her ear.
11 years ago
nods as he straightens himself and pulls her along as he gets her some water. He gently eases it into her hand. "It's a lot busier than I
11 years ago
11 years ago
had known of its popularity but feels the movie that had come out recently gave it more. "I hope you enjoy it." He gently guides her towards
11 years ago
the actual theatre.
11 years ago
finds their seats and waits for Elizaveta to slide in.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Don't worry about it." He says honestly.
11 years ago
smiles slightly. "Ja, no problem." He grows quiet when the curtains open on the stage and the music starts.
11 years ago
is actually quite impressed with the performance. The first act ends and he glances at Elizabeta to see her reaction so far.
11 years ago
squeezes it smiling. "I'm impressed to be honest."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it's my first time but then again I don't frequent this scene enough."
11 years ago
shifts in his seat a bit. "I'll make sure too." The lights dim and the curtains open once again.
11 years ago
thinks it was a nice feeling. He keeps his gaze fixed but rubs his thumb over the tumb of her hand.
11 years ago
enjoys the costume, acting and music. It was a good combination.
11 years ago
applauds loudly when the play ends, standing up for a standing ovation.
11 years ago
is just as happy and keeps applauding until the curtains come down and the light on.
11 years ago
lets his hands drop as he readies to head out. He'd keep an eye out for more productions by these actors.
11 years ago
smiles down at her. "It was really no problem, Elizaveta."
11 years ago
flushes a bit and hugs her back. "Where did you want to go?"
11 years ago
knows a nice Italian and French restaurant. "I know a ghost place." He keeps her close as they head to his car.
11 years ago
11 years ago
opens the door for her. "We should go out more often."
11 years ago
flushes lightly at the action as he waits for her to get fully in before closing the door. He gets in the driver seat and pulls out.
11 years ago
had decided on the French restaurant. He hopes she doesn't mind.
11 years ago
ends up finding a decently close parking spot and is already at her door opening it for her.
11 years ago
has come a few times but not really often. "Rarely actually. I usually cool at home." He explains as he leads them into the restaurant and
11 years ago
gets then a seat near the back. "The food is really good though." And it fit the way they were dressed.
11 years ago
pulls out her chair. The place looked really nice.
11 years ago
| The waitress comes by puts two menus in front of them, fills their glasses with water and deposits a small basket of bread.
11 years ago
studies the menu briefly. "Hmm, ja, the boeuf bourgignon and the creme brûlée for dessert."
11 years ago
chuckles lightly and sets down his menu ordering them both the same thing and a bottle of red wine. He thanks the waitress before turning
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his gaze back on Elizabeta with a small smile.
11 years ago
lets her. "I'm glad. I'm enjoying it too."
11 years ago
flushes a little. "You know I do enjoy myself from time to time."
11 years ago
is glad that the wine is set out in front of them. He takes it and sips at it, pleased.
11 years ago
| "I know this is early but are you picky with breakfast?" He asks setting his glass down
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nods. "Ja, I was thinking too."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "It's not often I get to host you."
11 years ago
blinks a bit at that. "Why impressed?"
11 years ago
flushes at that but is glad when the waitress brings around their food placing it in front of them. "I'm sure most are dedicated hosts."
11 years ago
smiles. "Give it a try first"
11 years ago
nods. "Guten appetite~" And he starts on his meal.
11 years ago
was glad she was enjoying.
11 years ago
pauses. "Take a card before leaving. It's a fairly new restaurant."
11 years ago
knows quite a few restaurants. "I read up on them when I have guests come over." He admits.
11 years ago
was glad he wasn't the only one. He finishes his food and sips at his wine. "I'll have to come over to your place for a restaurant."
11 years ago
doesn't say anything as the bowls are taken away. "Anything that's typically Hungarian?"
11 years ago
does actually. "That would be great." The creme brûlée is brought out and he perks up. He liked being healthy but he loved his desserts too.
11 years ago
waits for her to taste it first. "I know you will."
11 years ago
tried to have good taste. He's satisfied with her reaction and starts on his own. Gott, very good.
11 years ago
had the Turk hanging around a lot more lately. He understood.
11 years ago
doesn't think Sadik is? But he wouldn't be the best judge considering he can't tell the judges.
11 years ago
is glad for that. He eats the last bit of the creme before leaning back in his chair. "Great idea Elizabeta." He smiles.
11 years ago
flushes a bit at that. "Ja, well.." He wasn't sure what he wanted to say again.
11 years ago
nods. "I'll just get the cheque and we can go." He waves to the waitress and she nods as she goes to get it ready.
11 years ago
nods as he gets up to meet the waitress to take care of their cheque. He pays and waits for Elizabeta
11 years ago
nods with a smile. It looked like she had done something, she looked more radiant. "Ja, lets go." He opens the door for her.
11 years ago
pulls her close as they walk to the car and he opens the door for her. "I think this ends the outing part of our night."
11 years ago
shivers lightly at the gentle trail of her fingers into his hair. He closes his eyes at the kiss, kissing back but not wanting to push for
11 years ago
for more when she pulls back. "It was my pleasure Elizabeta..." He breathes his arm winding around her waist pulling her close but near the
11 years ago
door if it was only to be innocent. And, he wasn't sure what her relationship with her brother was like.
11 years ago
kisses her back more firmly as he presses her against him. His free hand cradles the back of her head.
11 years ago
gently threads his fingers through hair hair. As he continues to kiss her only pulling back to catch a breath of air. "Hmm, ...I hope this
11 years ago
wasn't out of line.."
11 years ago
flushes lightly at that as he leans forward planting another kiss on her lips. "We should probably head back." He was mostly saying this to
11 years ago
himself as a way to convince him to stop.
11 years ago
could kiss for even longer and reluctantly pulls away his hand gently guiding her into the car.
11 years ago
Closes the door and slides into the driver seat. He would never protest to kissing actually liking it quite a bit but feeling bad for indulging.
11 years ago
is a little startled at how forward her actions are but is quick to respond letting her guide him but kissing back eagerly.
11 years ago
has his hand gently cup her cheek as he parts his lips for her.
11 years ago
let's his tongue explore the inside of her mouth as he tastes her. His hand trails down her cheek, his fingers running over the side of her
11 years ago
neck before cradling the back and under of her skull. He massages the back of her skull as he presses her further into the kiss.
11 years ago
shifts in his seat a bit at the enthusiasm he can feel on Elizabeta's side. He has to pull away, however, to catch a breath before he leans
11 years ago
in again pressing his lips against hers. He takes her bottom lip gently between his teeth sucking lightly on it before re-exploring her
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mouth. He lets out a small groan at the feeling as he trails his hand down her back.
11 years ago
hands run down her back and stop at her hips as he winds them around. He tilts his head up as he presses more kisses against her lips
11 years ago
shifting his own hips and trying to bite back a loud groan of pleasure at her weight hard against him.
11 years ago
hands trail back around as they fall onto Elizabeta's naked thighs due to the manner the fabric bunched up. He squeezes them hard before
11 years ago
running them up and down then. He presses soft kisses along her jawline as he makes his way down her neck biting down softly at where the
11 years ago
meets the collarbone.
11 years ago
loves the sounds she makes and for once doesn't care the state of his hair. He keeps his hands on each thigh as he once again shifts his
11 years ago
hips spreading his legs. He rests his forehead against her shoulder his grip on her thighs tighten once again. "Would you be opposed to
11 years ago
staying in the car?" He breathes huskily. He could feel himself harden slightly at the thought of having her in his car.
11 years ago
's breath hitches when he feels her nip at his earlobe. "I do actually." He replies pushing the folds of her dress even higher up.
11 years ago
doesn't waste time shrugging it off, with only slight difficulty as he presses his hand against the front of her underwear feeling the heat
11 years ago
heat as he runs his fingers experimentally further down pressing his fingers a little harder against her feeling the defined lines of her
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her lips. He gently presses a finger hard against it pressing in a bit as he begins to rub. ( private plurk?)
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