11 years ago
[Event] isn't really sure what to do with himself. He cooks lunch for Ludwig and that...Kiku who supposedly lives here, and starts to explore a little.
latest #109
11 years ago
can smell something delicious coming from the kitchen and curiously makes his way up the stairs, hungry from tinkering all morning with a problematic ingestion system. He's a little
11 years ago
startled to see an android in their kitchen though... usually they remained powered off and in the shop. (Not that he wasn't already breaking that pattern himself.)
Romano is
11 years ago
moving about, having made a light risotto for them both. Humming softly, he turns off the stove and starts to clean.
11 years ago
stares from the doorway, blinking at the sight. "....hello...?"
11 years ago
jumps, completely startled. He tries to shrink into the corner, holding up his pot spoon, terrified. "G-get back! D-d-don't hurt me!"
11 years ago
startles and puts his hands up at the reaction, blinking in surprise. "...w-what?"
Romano is
11 years ago
panicking. He runs through his list of possible 'safe people' and selects one. "Ludwig! Where is Ludwig!"
Kiku has
11 years ago
elected it's safer not to move yet... after all, this jittery AI was closer to every sharp object in the room. "Ah I.. haven't seen him yet, I was wondering the same thing..." he admits, looking over
11 years ago
the bot. "Why are you in my kitchen?"
11 years ago
glances over to the pasta. "Cooking....for Ludwig and..." His scanners analyze Kiku for a moment, placing him as the owner of this place. "And you."
11 years ago
sighs in relief, letting his hands drop at last. ".....ah. Well, thank you then, I suppose.." he answers, stepping into the kitchen.
11 years ago
sets the spoon down carefully. "Mi dispiace. I have some...circuitry errors that Ludwig is fixing. I might also become..." Hm. "verbally aggressive."
11 years ago
hums softly. "Ah, I see..." he answers, realizing that means he was a project in progress. Why he was on and in the house was still strange though. "I will keep that in mind," he says,
11 years ago
reaching into the fridge to pour himself a glass of milk.
11 years ago
nods. "Si....please help yourself to lunch."
11 years ago
smiles a little, moving to do exactly that. "Thank you, it smells delicious. Do you know if Ludwig will be joining us?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, I'm not sure..."
11 years ago
hums softly, taking a seat at the table with his food. "Will you be joining me, then..?" he asks.
11 years ago
tilts his head, but supposes he can keep the other company. He takes a seat at the table, running diagnostics in the background.
11 years ago
doesn't think he has to, if he didn't want to. Though he found himself curious about the AI. "So... Ludwig brought you to the shop, I presume?" he asks, digging in. Wow it was delicious.
11 years ago
nods. "Si. He said he would fix me, so that I may go home to my family!" This part, he's more than excited about. He can't wait to go back to his family...
11 years ago
blinks at this, but smiles softly. He always like AI that had soft spots for owners. "Then I wish you both luck with that," he nods.
Romano is
11 years ago
so pleased! "Grazie. I'll do as much as I can as thanks...cook all your meals."
11 years ago
hums, taking another bite. "You don't have to... but I certainly couldn't say no to cooking like this." He didn't often cook anything fancy.
11 years ago
preens at the compliment, happy the other enjoys it so much. "I will do as much as I can."
11 years ago
smiles at him, pleased to see he seemed agreeable now that the initial worry was over. "Well, welcome to my home then. I assume Ludwig showed you around?"
11 years ago
nods. "He's given me a spare room as that alright?" He'd seen the powered down androids, and that made him...a little nervous.
11 years ago
would assure him they only stayed powered down while they were in for repairs. "Ah, yes, I suppose that is fine. If you venture down to the shop, I should warn you that there is another android -Alfred-
11 years ago
who is helping me.."
11 years ago
isn't sure if he gets along with other androids or not. "I see...what is his classification?"
11 years ago
hums. "Ah, that's..." he hesitates, shifting in his seat awkwardly. "I guess it's classified information... "
11 years ago
watches him curiously. "I can't tell me what kind of android he is?" Perhaps a pleasurebot, if he's so secretive...or maybe just a helperbot.
11 years ago
shakes his head, looking unsure. "I do not think it is my place..." he replies, looking a bit guilty. It would probably come across as a pleasurebot because of his minor crush, but in reality Alfred was built
11 years ago
to be a killing machine.
11 years ago
supposes Alfred must be a job, then. "Alright. Forgive me for prying." He was just curious to know if visiting this Alfred would be a good idea or not. He may try a little later...perhaps.
11 years ago
nods, finishing up his meal. "It's alright," he answers, not wanting to have made him feel awkward. "But again, thank you for cooking. This was wonderful."
11 years ago
lights up again at the compliment. "Grazie. I can...would you like dessert? Ludwig enjoyed my cannolis very much."
11 years ago
smiles up at him. "If you wouldn't mind, That sounds good. Would you like my help with anythin?"
11 years ago
11 years ago
shakes his head, happy to bustle around the kitchen again. He had to make a fresh batch of course! Nothing could be even close to stale, that wouldn't do. "I'm fine, please relax at the table."
11 years ago
hums softly, relaxing back in his chair. "Ah... if you're sure." He wasn't used to hving someone wait on him.
Romano is
11 years ago
very much used to playing babysitter. He usually waits on two of the most unruly twin boys he's ever seen in his entire life, and a sweet little girl. Their mother used to work all the time...he's unsure how_
11 years ago
_they've been getting by without him. He hopes they haven't replaced him...
11 years ago
doesn't know the robot's backstory of course, and he's far from unruly. He sits quietly as he watches him curiously.
11 years ago
eventually delivers a plate full of canolis. "Enjoy.."
11 years ago
enjoyed watching him, though he felt a little uselss just sitting here. He smiles and sits up straight again when he sets the plate in front of him. "Ah thank you, this looks amazing," he smiles.
11 years ago
preens a little more. "Grazie. I hope they're to your liking..."
11 years ago
takes a testing bite, humming in appreciation. "You're a great chef," he compliments again.
11 years ago
can feel his circuits going off in happiness at the compliment. "Grazie. I'll try to make something else. I'm sure you and Ludwig will get tired of Italian food eventually..." He's never tried to make _
11 years ago
_anything else, but he can try.
11 years ago
smiles softly at that. "I don't think either of us would tire of someone cooking for us.... but if you would try some Japanese food, I would be grateful.." he answers, hoping the AI didn't mind the task.
Romano will
11 years ago
start looking into Japanese recipes "Of course! Do you have anything particular in mind?" He had a lot of recipes to download...
11 years ago
hums softly in thought, before naming off a few recipes he was fond of. "I can make sure to do the grocery shopping, if need be. Just let e know in advance."
11 years ago
records the recipes so he can look them up later. "You may pick up whatever you need. I can make do with what we have."
11 years ago
smiles, standing so he can wash his now empty plate. "Well.. still. Let me know if anything is needed."
11 years ago
nods. "I will. Thank you for letting me stay with you and Ludwig."
11 years ago
smiles at him, patting his head, perhaps a little influenced already from having Alfred around. "Thank you for staying with us," he replies.
11 years ago
shifts his entire demeanor when Kiku brushes his curl. "Pleasure-bot mode activated. How may I service you?" He brings Kiku's hand up to brush his lips against the back of his hand, shifting closer to the other
11 years ago
11 years ago
blinks at the sudden change, not able to understand why of course, since he didn't realize the curl was a switch. He gasps and blushes red as the bot kisses his hand, backing up
11 years ago
against the counter a bit. "I-I.... sorry...?"
11 years ago
places each hand against the counter, trapping Kiku between them. "How may I service you? I am used to servicing mistress, but I will do whatever you wish as well..." Pressing their bodies together, he brushes_
11 years ago
_his lips lightly against Kiku's neck.
11 years ago
makes a sound of surprise as he's suddenly trapped, pressing himself back against the counter. "W-wait, I didn't..." he protests, though at the mouth on his neck he can't help but shiver and whimper
11 years ago
softly. He was sensitive there...
11 years ago
pauses for a moment, lips still on his neck though he doesn't move any closer. "Do you wish for me to stop?" He had been under strict programming to stop at the slightest indication that his...partner _
11 years ago
_wasn't completely interested anymore.
11 years ago
shifts a little awkwardly beneath him, face burning in embarrassment. He was glad that the other gave him the option... but between his insecurity in the bedroom and the gentle kiss.... he was considering
11 years ago
it. "Y-you uh..... y-you know how two men, uh...." he mumbles, making a vague embarrassed gesture. The lips against his neck were very distracting.
11 years ago
pauses for a moment. "I know how in theory. I have only ever pleased my mistress before this, however. Do you wish for me to be above or beneath you?"
11 years ago
makes a sound of embarrassment at the question, squirming a little beneath him. "I-I uhm.... I-I would prefer you... above... if we do...." he mumbles shyly.
11 years ago
takes a moment to gather data from the appropriate files, before nodding. "I would be most honoured to have you." Lovino leans down, and very lightly brushes their lips together, monitoring Kiku's heartbeat_
11 years ago
_to see what kind of touches he likes.
11 years ago
's heartbeat is likely already raised in his embarrassment and nervousness as Lovino leans in. He closes his eyes as their lips press together, still shy about this decision.
11 years ago
raises a hand to gently cup Kiku's face, keeping the kiss soft and light. If Kiku was still nervous, it would be better to have him relax first.
11 years ago
hums softly, trying to relax and give in to the kiss, kissing him back gently. It was odd how he had gone so long without, and suddenly found he rather liked this sort of attention after all.
11 years ago
Gently lifts Kiku up onto the counter, moving between his legs. "Are you alright?" He murmured softly, just checking up on him. He didn't have much data on doing this with other males, so it was a little_
11 years ago
_different, and he wondered how different the reactions were as well...
11 years ago
gasps as he's lifted, clinging to him in surprise. "O-oh uh... could we," he hesitates, glancing towards the door with a heavy blush. "C-could we please move somewhere more private..." he mumbles,
11 years ago
worried Ludwig could walk in.
11 years ago
picks Kiku up bridal style, heading towards the hallway. "Where would you like to do?"
11 years ago
11 years ago
startles still as he's suddenly picked up, highly embarrassed and trying to scramble to his feet instead. "I-I can walk... to my room..."
Romano thinks
11 years ago
that's strange. Normallly this is accepted well...but he sets Kiku down, and waits for the other to lead him to his room.
Kiku feels
11 years ago
rather embarrassed to be carried like a bride in his own home, instead leading Lovino down the hall to his room and being sure to shut the door behind them.
11 years ago
follows behind him, sitting on Kiku's bed. "Are you alright?"
Kiku is
11 years ago
still red faced, taking a seat on the bed as well. "Ah... yes. This is just an unusual experience for me..." he admits shyly.
11 years ago
shifts towards Kiku, cupping his cheek carefully. "Being intimate, or being intimate with an android?"
11 years ago
flushes still, shifting a little. "....both..." he mumbles, seeming pretty embarrassed at this fact. He had had girlfriends before though, just not with a man...
11 years ago
should be able to get them by. "Everything will be fine. You tell me me to stop should you ever want to, or become nervous....or bored." Sometimes his mistress used to get bored...
11 years ago
nods, looking a little caught off guard at the bored part. "I will..." he agrees softly.
11 years ago
nods. "Buono." He leans forward to kiss him softly, cradling his cheek.
11 years ago
hesitates still, but with Romano's lips pressed against his own it was hard not to kiss him back. He hums softly, noticing how different it was from kissing Alfred.
11 years ago
carefully tugs Kiku closer against his chest, slowly deepening the kiss.
11 years ago
hums against his lips, letting the AI deepen the kiss and explore his mouth. He presses against him timidly, doubt still at the edge of his thoughts.
11 years ago
slides a hand into his hair, carefully pressing Kiku back against the bed as the other hand moves to slip just under his shirt.
11 years ago
lets himself be pushed down, arching ever so slightly into the hand sneaking under his clothes. Gently, he lets his own hands slide up around the android,trailing up his back as he focused on the kiss and the
11 years ago
way he moved against him.
11 years ago
trails across the skin with his fingers, lightly brushing past one of his nipples. He sucks softly at Kiku's bottom lip for a moment, before teasing him lightly with his tongue.
11 years ago
shivers slightly as fingers pass over his chest, groaning softly at the teasing and trying to arch up into it. The doubt's receding in favour of the pleasure of the situation, and he's slowly giving himself
11 years ago
over to it.
11 years ago
runs his fingers over Kiku's nipples again, eventually pulling his hands back to try and undo the other's shirt, breaking from his mouth to press kisses along his jaw instead.
11 years ago
groans softly, tilting his head with the kisses along his jaw and shifting to help with his clothes. He shyly reaches up to divest the AI of his clothes as well, interested in seeing the man above him nude.
11 years ago
wasn't built to be overly muscular or anything, but he was fairly lithe. Lovino drops Kiku's shirt off to the side, hands sliding across his chest, teasing his nipples as he works kisses down his neck.
11 years ago
can appreciate this sort of build as well tossing the shirt away absentmindedly as he gets distracted by the kisses and the hands on him. He whimpers softly and arches into the fingers teasing his
11 years ago
chest, gently clinging to the man above him.
11 years ago
moves to close his mouth over one of his nipples, as his hands slide down his body, to start slowly undoing his pants. He moves slowly enough that the other can decide this is too fast if he wants to.
11 years ago
[Should we move to a private?]
11 years ago
trembles softly beneath him in anticipation, moaning softly. He doesn't make a move to stop or slow him, trying to instead move with his pace. ((you go))
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