11 years ago
[Event] is hiding behind a crate of tomatoes, and he'd be trembling if it was in his programming. Holy shit, why was that guy so scary? ;~;
latest #152
11 years ago
had spotted the abandoned looking android and was just going to ask it if it was lost...when it had ran away from him to hide behind a crate of tomatoes. "...I didn't mean to scare you...."
11 years ago
yelps, trying to back away further, but he was pressed against the wall. Holy shit, holy shit, he was so scary, what was with that face?
11 years ago
pulls his hand back. He was so bad at this but he ha noticed some things he could repair if only he could convince him. "So you have a
11 years ago
pulls his hand back. He was so bad at this but he ha noticed some things he could repair if only he could convince him. "So you have a
11 years ago
family?" He tries instead. "Do you belong to anyone?"
11 years ago
blinks as pictures of pop up in his field of vision, shaking them away. "I..." He pauses...he misses the kids. "I used to." He wasn't safe around them anymore. He understood.
11 years ago
's expression softens at that. "You can stay with me until we find a family for you...I can also fix you up...if you'll let me."
11 years ago
watches him carefully, data about this man bleeding into his field of vision again. Height, weight, ID... "You can fix me? If you fix me, I can go back to my old family!" He stood up, fighting the terror_
11 years ago
_that struck him. No...if this man could fix him...his family!
11 years ago
keeps his distance, not wanting to scare him further S he waits for an answer. There must have been something more wrong with him if his
11 years ago
family got rid of him, perhaps something in the circuiting, it was possible. "Is that what you want?"
11 years ago
nods eagerly. "I do! I want that more than anything." He twitches, and all of a sudden his demeanor has changed. "What the hell! You think I'd trust a bastard like you? Fuck off, before I beat you in!" He_
11 years ago
_shoulders past him roughly, storming off down the alley.
11 years ago
blinks at the complete one eighty personality change. It was definitely something in the circuiting, he couldn't leave him alone like
11 years ago
this "H-hey!" He calls after the robot following behind him.
11 years ago
glares at him, continuing to walk away. "I told you to fuck off, asshole!"
11 years ago
just needed to get to the back of the androids neck and he would be able to shut him off briefly.
Romano is
11 years ago
walking...and glances behind him for a moment at the blonde, confused. Then again...he wonders why this man is following him all of a sudden, and breaks into a run, holy shit ><;;;
11 years ago
sighs and runs after him easily catching up. He loops an arm around the robots waist and doesn't waste time digging his finger into the
11 years ago
small opening in the back of his neck finding the metaphorical pressure point that should turn him off.
11 years ago
screams, before going limp as his system shuts down.
11 years ago
feels a little bad but heaves the robot of his shoulder ignoring the few stares an dirty look he was getting before heading back to the
11 years ago
shop. He doesn't waste time setting to work but finding it a little more complicated than he had anticipated.
Romano is
11 years ago
all but dead weight. He's completely offline, eyes staring at nothing.
11 years ago
had Lovino propped up on a chair and leaning against him as he finishes fixing the minor glitches before finally turning him on again.
11 years ago
starts to whir softly, before slowly coming online. He blinks slowly as his diagnostics start to run as well. "Che...?"
11 years ago
[did he fix the personality glitches then~?]
11 years ago
( no, it just won't switch as quickly...the juice did more damage than Ludwig expected. He'll need more time to fix it. )
11 years ago
11 years ago
gently pulls him upright. "How are you feeling?"
11 years ago
blinks a few more times, clearing the data stream from his vision. "Che..." His vision locks onto Ludwig, and he startles only slightly. "Ciao...I'm...alright. Grazie."
11 years ago
examines him slightly before nodding. "Ah gut. I've fixed some of your glitches but I still have more to do."
11 years ago
's eyes widen as he remembers. "Really? What have you done? Grazie, it means a lot!"
11 years ago
is relieved with the amiable tone the android had taken on. "There was quite a bit of water damage and I've regulated your mood swings. It
11 years ago
won't happen as often."
Romano is
11 years ago
really grateful for that! A little more work, and he's sure he can go back to his family. "Grazie....I have to ask why. Why would you....I have no money to pay you." He pauses, thinking of something. "Per_
11 years ago
_favore, you can't charge mi famiglia! They have very little money as it is..."
11 years ago
's expression softens again. "I wasn't planning to charge you at all..."
Romano is
11 years ago
...very very confused. "Then why? I don't understand..."
11 years ago
doesn't have a concrete reason to give him. It was just something he had done since he was young. "You looked like you needed some help."
11 years ago
furrows his brow. "Your answer does not compute. You have offered me a service, and request nothing in exchange..."
11 years ago
doesn't think the robot would understand even if he told him the entire story. He changes the subject instead. "What's your name?"
11 years ago
pauses for a moment. "Android designation: family called me Lovino."
11 years ago
nods. "What would you prefer Lovino or Romano?" He was still sitting and so had to glance up at the usually smaller male
11 years ago
scowls for a moment, about to snap at the other before...well, the impulse just vanishes. He furrows his brow at that, assuming that the other had truly fixed something. "Lovino, per favore."
11 years ago
nods at that noting the moment of uncertainty whether Lovino would snap or not. "You can call me Ludwig. I can give you a tour of my
11 years ago
lodgings. You'll be staying with me until I'm done and we can get you back to your place."
Romano is
11 years ago
excited for that! "Si, alright...Ludwig." He glances around, looking at his surroundings. It was very...interesting.
11 years ago
gets up, the shop looked really organized considering, and motions for the other to follow as he leads him through another door. He lived and
11 years ago
worked here. So did Kiku but since it was the smaller males shop he got the bigger lodgings. It was just a room with a desk, bed and then a
11 years ago
small cot near the bed. "You can take the be or the cot whichever you prefer bit this is where you will live for the time being."
11 years ago
can't believe this man is so...kinda. "Grazie. This means a lot...." He glances around the room, going over to sit on the edge of the bed. "Thank you again for fixing me."
11 years ago
nods, he owed AI's more than his life anyway.
11 years ago
sits there for a moment more, feeling a bit useless, unsure how to repay him. "....Let me cook you dinner." Cooking was something he was very good at doing.
11 years ago
blinks at the proposition. " don't have to make it up to me..."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I owe you very much. You intend to give my family back to me. Per favore...let me make you dinner."
11 years ago
's lip thins but he eventually gives in. "Ah, ja, okay. The kitchen is over here." He says as he leads him through another door. "It should have most of what you need."
Romano wonders
11 years ago
about that. Every kitchen should be different...right? "Is pasta alright with you?" It was almost the only thing the children would eat, was what he was best at.
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, that sounds great." He only had time to make simple dishes like bratwurst with bread and beans.
Romano thinks
11 years ago
that's horrible. He's not sure how Ludwig has survived this long. He glances around the kitchen, before quickly getting to work. "I'll cook a proper meal...are you the only one that lives here?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "A man named Kiku lives here too. You'll get to meet him eventually."
Romano will
11 years ago
make pasta for two, then. "Si, he as nice as you are?"
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
he can be a little quite but Kiku was very nice. "He is nice. I feel you both will get along fine."
11 years ago
nods, trusting the other's word for some reason. "Si. I'm sure coming home to warm food will ease my way as well..."
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "If it makes you feel more at home then by all means cook as much as you want."
11 years ago
doesn't want to admit that cooking does. "Grazie." He sets to boiling water, and getting all the ingredients ready.
11 years ago
leaves him to it as he brings his paper to the kitchen table and sets to work doing some paperwork, mostly to keep the AI company while he's getting accustomed to his surroundings.
11 years ago
does in fact, find everything he needs. He starts to hum softly as he cooks, cutting up tomatoes, rolling out hand made noodles.
11 years ago
can't help but watch him curiously as he works before turning back to his work embarrassed that he had been staring for so long.
11 years ago
can almost imagine he's at home again. He feels a little guilty, but he runs an audio file of the kids playing and laughing, in the back of his head. He just wanted to go back home...
11 years ago
can hear the audio file and glances up again. It seemed Lovino had really gotten attached. It was incredible how emotional these AI's had become.
Romano feels
11 years ago
a little embarrassed because...well, Ludwig was still there. But maybe he would realise how badly Lovino wanted to go back. "There are three of them." He offers. Two boys...twins. And a little girl."
11 years ago
doesn't say anything at first placing his pen down. "How long did you take care of them?"
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "Their mother bought me as soon as she realised she was expecting. The twins came first, and so I watched them from birth." He smiled a little sadly. "Those two...such a handful. _
11 years ago
_You tell them don't jump on the couch, they pretend everything is lava, and jump on all the other furniture."
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
they sound like a great family. He doesn't blame the AI for missing them. "They sound like a great family."
11 years ago
nods. "Si...they are wonderful. They cried when I left. But.." He made a vague motion. "I'm not safe anymore. I understand why I had to go." The last thing he wanted to do was hurt them.
11 years ago
glances away for a few seconds before glancing back. "I'll make sure you go back to them."
11 years ago
falters in his chopping, and glances behind him at the other "....Grazie. You don't know how much that means to me." and it meant a lot. He knew...he knew he wasn't supposed to feel. It was part of his _
11 years ago
_programming, but those children...he would do anything for them.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
looking down at his work. "I think I do..." He says quietly. "And so that's why I'll work hard to fix you."
11 years ago
smiles a little at that, and if he was human, he may have cried in happiness. "Grazie..." He shook his head, going back to dinner. Soon he was stirring the pasta sauce and straining the noodles.
11 years ago
had lost his family....when he had been very young and nearly lost his life as well...
11 years ago
didn't know that. He wouldn't pry, but he was very glad that Ludwig had turned out so kind after all that he'd been through. "Dinner's ready." He gave the sauce one last stir, before turning off the stove.
11 years ago
had been lucky with his guardian...his grandfather. "It smells delicious."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Grazie. You can help yourself to as much as you'd like. I made enough that the two of you should be able to eat until you're full."
11 years ago
gets up to serve himself. "Feel free to do as you please. Don't be a stranger."
11 years ago
jumps when the other stands, scrambling away in fear and trying to hide in the pantry as he clutches the pot spoon close to himself.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at the action but figured it was to happen eventually. He grabs his share before taking a seat waiting for Romano to calm down.
11 years ago
knows that deep breathing will do absolutely nothing for his circuitry...but he'd taught the kids that, and it kind of stuck. He eventually settles down, only slightly jittery as he starts to clean up the _
11 years ago
_knives and chopping boards.
11 years ago
stops eating for a second. "Don't worry about that. I can clean it, just sit down and relax."
11 years ago
watches Ludwig, a little...amused. "It's alright." It wasn't like he was tired, afterall. "Enjoy the dinner, I'll be done quickly."
Ludwig feels
11 years ago
guilty regardless but eventually goes back to eating.
11 years ago
enjoys having someone...enjoy his cooking. It's been awhile.
11 years ago
finishes it with a satisfied sigh. "I don't remember ever eating like this."
Romano is
11 years ago
sure his circuits would overload with the amount of happiness that statement gave him. "Dessert! I can make you dessert."
11 years ago
blinks at such enthusiasm. "Ah, you don't have too... Really."
Romano is
11 years ago
already bustling around the kitchen. "Cannolis! Have you ever had cannolis before?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Nein...I haven't."
11 years ago
stares at him as if he'd lost his mind. He can't process the other never having had them before. Lovino starts to fuss around the kitchen even more, getting them ready.
11 years ago
watches him in mild amusement. He didn't realise it was such a necessity.
11 years ago
made them all the time for the kids. Even against their mothers wishes -which was considered a glitch by her, and an upgrade by the kids- and can't fathom the other never having had them.
11 years ago
waits patiently. "You seem really surprised. I'm from northern Germany, not something usual for me."
11 years ago
's HUD flickers for a moment, and he snaps. "What the fuck! You're some kinda potato bastard, aren't you? Tch, damn Germans! As if I'd ever have anything to do with you!"
11 years ago
frowns. "What do you have against Germans?"
11 years ago
scowls "You took him! Give him back! I'll fucking-" He jolts, and then goes still. "I...forgive me. I don't know...I'm sorry."
11 years ago
's frown deepens. There was something more here. "Who took what?" He was curious now.
11 years ago
doesn't...can't... "Cannot access file. File corrupted..."
11 years ago
gets up and goes over to him steadying him a bit. "It seems I have more work than I thought I did."
Romano is
11 years ago
staring at the floor. "Is this also why I had to leave them?" His family of course...
11 years ago
gives him a sympathetic look. "It might have been a reason, ja. But, nothing we can't fix."
11 years ago
looks up at him, as hopeful as he can manage. "I would be extremely grateful. Grazie...if there's any way I can repay you..."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Don't think about repaying me."
11 years ago
can't not think about it. The other is doing so much, and for some reason doesn't expect anything in return....
11 years ago
Thinks that's fine. He goes back to sitting. "So about that Cannoli?"
11 years ago
goes right back to it! "Si, si, mi dispiace. It'll be done in no time!"
11 years ago
laughs. "Don't feel rushed."
11 years ago
slows down just a little, but feels bad that he..he forgot! There must be something else wrong with him. He never forgot things before...
11 years ago
thinks it has a lot to do with how preoccupied Lovino had gotten. But, if he wanted Ludwig could take a look at that too.
11 years ago
would like that very much. He's used to remembering soccer schedules, and band practice, and school plays. Everything, really....he shouldn't be forgetting things like what he was doing 5 minutes prior.
11 years ago
will make sure to look at it tomorrow.
11 years ago
can't thank him enough.
11 years ago
is glad he can help.
11 years ago
eventually serves the other a plate full of the treats.
11 years ago
glances down at them studying the dish. He grabs a fork and eats some eyes widening a bit at the taste. "Wow...this is great."
Romano feels
11 years ago
like all his circuits are lighting up at the compliment "Grazie."
11 years ago
can't believe he hasn't heard of this. "Out if curiousity were you manufactured in Italy?"
11 years ago
nods. "Rome. Distributed across Southern Italy first."
11 years ago
thinks that explains the Italian. "So was your family Italian as well?"
11 years ago
nods. "Si, they were. I'm programmed to by bilingual, but mesh the two. It's easier for the children..."
11 years ago
nods. "This explains a lot."
11 years ago
supposes so? "I understand my language programming is a little different from other androids..."
11 years ago
likes it. "I think it's fine. It gives you more character."
11 years ago
watches him curiously "Grazie. I like it as you speak German, then?"
11 years ago
nods. "It's my mother tongue."
11 years ago
tilts his head. "You speak very good English."
11 years ago
flushes a bit at that. "Thank you...I've had quite a bit of instruction and practise."
11 years ago
nods. "A very good instructor as well." Si. "Where in Germany are you from?"
11 years ago
nods. "From a small town outside of Berlin."
Romano thinks
11 years ago
that says a lot about Ludwig. "Do you miss it?"
11 years ago
wonders if it really does. "I do actually..."
11 years ago
think so. "You should visit."
11 years ago
's expression saddens again. "Ja, maybe one day.." It would be hard.
11 years ago
picks up on that expression quickly, and moves over to hug him. Standard comfort for when the children are sad, of course. "It's okay...everything will work out somehow."
11 years ago
is taken back by the hug and tenses at first before relaxing. "Danke, Lovino..."
11 years ago
pats him twice, before retreating. "Would you like a glass of wine?"
11 years ago
smiles lightly. "I'll be fine."
11 years ago
watches him, unsure how to make the other happy. "Would you like another cannoli?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I think I just need some time on my own..." He admits honestly.
11 years ago
nods. "If you need me, just call." He gives the other one last look, before wandering off.
11 years ago
finishes the cleaning.
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