raising the minimum wage?
insisting on a gun control bill from Congress?
President Obama laid out an outline for where he wanted to take the country: from an economic message of
investing in education, raising the minimum wage and making pre-school available to every child in America.
I don't really see how that is old and tired.
the president also discussed issues such as LGBT rights, climate change and war... he president noted
that over 30,000 troops will be leaving Afghanistan by the end of 2013 and then of course, ended his speech with an emotional plea for action on common sense gun laws.
but they're the same ideas that are always spouted, we have to invest more in education, we can't cut anywhere, we have to raise the minimum wage, social issue of the month, it isn't about the union, it's about
what I think we should do next and forget about what's going on right now. We always here about the things that seem to be playing big in the media. and the response is always the opposite and not a look to see
if there is common ground to build upon for things.
well actually this administration has been doing a lot of cutting and paring back...
so I am not sure where that is coming from... I didn't really hear him say that. And as most economists now openly agree,
while trying to recover from the worst recession since the great depression, it is a terrible idea to invoke massive spending cuts. First we need to get the economy securely back on track.
why the GOP ever insisted upon that, is hard to understand, except as a distraction.
that we're working on better regulating gun laws, creating good immigration laws and getting out of an unfunded war.