11 years ago
State of the Game! Where is your character at this point in time, and what is their next course of action? Also keep tuned to the DW SotG post!
latest #375
11 years ago
This plurk is the first of the weekly SotGs! After this one we'll aim for weekends. This is to encourage discussion and plotting about where your characters can go and shenanigans with others.
11 years ago
Plotting will occur both here and in in the DW post as we have non-plurk players as well! Or if you'd rather post in the DW post over plurk, feel free!
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
I need to get my things in order for Shea. Because so many ideas, just me being a derp. OTL Maybe crashing through someone's gate visiting someone's planet or getting visited?
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
Also I do want her dreamself to wake up eventually, but that depends on how many of the other Prospit kids are awake or not?
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
IDK I've got a lot of ideas for the future or ideas for consideration, but open for more plot specific shea-nanigans. SotG, how do?
11 years ago
Lastly: In a post in the near future, discussion over DW vs Plurk (or both) SotG use will happen, but for now we have both! Because both, both, yes both is good.
ghost king
11 years ago
nik is at her second gate, but will possibly be heading back to her hive to meet up with komesh? idk i will figure this out when i'm not hiatused
Avispa's got a million things she wants to do (get to her gates, move various in-game machines, run from bees, find skulls) but right now she's seeing if Imps actually have skulls... and consort-searching.
Plus talking with literally everyone. For that part I intend to do a DW-SotG reply with because there's so much to write. Gonna do a sort of CR-catchup to make sure I'm up to date with interactions.
11 years ago
Lily is experimenting with things and finally beginning to explore outside her house
coveredinbees: Also I am so glad that Shea can't gatecrash through sessions. That'd be awful. Shea can stay with her humans and crash their gates and worlds.
11 years ago
if you ever wanted to see how dangerous a scientific girl with yo-yos can be when she isn't aiming to kill her targets.....
lunardance: ...I am going to eat my popcorn and watch Niknik and Komkom interact. ... Dohohoho. So she did decide to stay put and wait for him instead of jumping ahead?
11 years ago
Kal has finally woken the hell up and is trying to get back on track. He's kinda getting stuck on some of his Wandering The Desert... stuff... and I think I'll probably post about that sometime...
11 years ago
hopefully soon
11 years ago
magmortar: ... ngl I really hope Lily reports on her scientific "findings". Avispa'd be fascinated at what's actually inside of Imps... Since that's really all Lily can experiment on right?
11 years ago
for now yes
11 years ago
just the simple Imps
11 years ago
she's getting a metric fuckton of build grist
She's gon' cap that build grist storage pretty soon. Good thing that stuff's useful!
ramamama: ...All while not talking to the voices in his head, I imagine? They tryin' to talk to him? :> Y'know he should totally talk to them, dohohoho.
11 years ago
wouldn't doubt it if she already has
11 years ago
laksdjf yeah he's trying his hardest to ignore the hell out of them ffffff Probably when he exhausts himself Andezo and Jan are trying to help
11 years ago
while he rests
11 years ago
which may or may not eventually endear them to him
11 years ago
it's an ongoing process
Wess is already in the game, well depending on where you look. and I'm still backtagging, buuuuuuuut I'd really like to do an Enter post with him :|a
except his server player is still on hiatus so
I'm just waiting until Julie comes back to do that
In the game already! Generally getting over Dadbirdsprite and keeping in contact with friends. 83
11 years ago
/poke poke hey soupie let's plot things and keep going with that Wess/Lily thread :3 I'm enjoying it
soupie: Please, please tell me that his enter post will involve grenades
ramamama: /chinhands. What good headmates he has. They're so nice. (I equal parts dread and look forward to Avispa actually chatting with Jan... and others.)
Durian's another "In the Game in some threads, I want to backtag entry at some point."
He has been alchemizing things like crazy, occasionally taking breaks to fight imps and troll anyone he sees online.
...Durian, y u do this.
Also I slammed up a comment to the DW post with the tl;dr stuff I promised. Serves as both a reminder for what Avispa's been up to / has to do and also for an opportunity for MORE SHENANIGANS.
I think FoxDad is going to get antsy about staying in one place, to goad Durian into finally going in his first gate and exploring.
11 years ago
Perrix is about to hit up his first gate, then it's dungeon time
Because alchemy. Not even a question! (I'll tag that later, I'm doing the kindle thing right now. I approve of the format!)
ghost king
11 years ago
SkyeGU: she's probably gonna, since he said it'd be really easy for him to get to his second gate
Baw yes, NikKom in the forseeable future. :>
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
I actually need to interject for a moment and ask if it's okay to not only update Lily's personality a bit, but allow for more to be added to it as the game goes along? her muse is kind of... changing a little
11 years ago
mintmouse pinging for this
That's a thing I need to do too, actually. I vaguely recall this being brought up (by Kyle, I think?) and it was agreed to be okay. Because we were working off of nothing, really, when we first applied.
But we've been playing them according to the voices in our heads, no matter what the app says. So really it's more updating the app to match what you've got in your head that's correct?
Since it is your character, you know best!
11 years ago
well yes that's what I meant XD
11 years ago
it's more like the more I think about it, the more traits that seem to connect with the core personality she already has
11 years ago
for instance, her experimental nature is being brought up in plotting
11 years ago
which was never mentioned in the app
11 years ago
but it connects with her loving science and being curious
11 years ago
and especially now that she's in a new world
11 years ago
i think it's totally fine to update your apps!
Evolving characters equals very yes, then!
11 years ago
i think that's part of the fun of playing ocs, to see how they evolve and change, and if you want to update your app/personality sections and stuff to reflect that, that's totally fine :3
11 years ago
yeah one day I'm going to
11 years ago
totally re-write her app
11 years ago
For aesthetics and correctness
*Creeps on her app.*
11 years ago
also while i'm here I GOT NO IDEA WHAT MANDYA IS DOING
11 years ago
mostly because i have been 100% terrible about tags
11 years ago
i think i lost track of what she was doing around entry due to changes in beta and stuff
11 years ago
gotta think some thoughts and stuff
No matter what, I hope those thoughts involve...
11 years ago
rolls in on this
11 years ago
ramamama: Andezooo let's fail together trying to do quests
11 years ago
BUT I think at this point Kappy's already through his first gate and is already thinking of visiting some people
11 years ago
thoughts about manders always involve cheez products
... crap. And then I imagined Mandya giving Avispa a code for cheezthings and then somehow cheez+skull = the most horrifying cheez product to ever exist. Mouse why... why
forestofsleep: Also yes, Kappy, good visit all the players.
11 years ago
Also he kind of has to visit all of them to get back home.
W h o o p s- but it's okay, hopefully he can couchsurf the whole time!
11 years ago
mandya will TOTES give avispa a cheez code
11 years ago
mandya probs alchemizes all sorts of terrible things and then sends the codes to people and is all YOURE WELKOME
...Oh my god.
All the cheez codes
... ...
Final battle against the black king -> Mandya uses "Cheezevalanche"! It's super cheezy!
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
/late magmortar we need more client-server shenanigans /steeples fingers
11 years ago
yes yes we do
11 years ago
if you wish I am on AIM for plotting
11 years ago
if anyone wants to plot with me for Lily, my AIM is thewarriorxero. contact me on there.
ghost king
11 years ago
nik is going to alchemize the cheez with her snack cakes and be like MANDERS WHY THIS IS TERRIBLE
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
magmortar: I am headed to bed soon and the rest of my week is cray cray, but possibly this Friday night if you're free then.
11 years ago
I think I will be!
11 years ago
11 years ago
mandya will just like NIKAL YOU DID IT WRONG
ghost king
11 years ago
and then she'll send the code to mandya so she can SEE HOW TERRIBLE IT IS
Oh my god and then everyone's just going to be alchemizing cheez.
11 years ago
just as keikaku
11 years ago
...Manders has gotta go fast, gotta get that cheez to everyone ever right now; but she can't spin-dash because this is the first damn sonic game.
11 years ago
gotta make some chilicheezdogs
11 years ago
imagining mandya doing anything fast is hilarious, she's more of a sloth than a hedgehog
Y'know what? We need to roll her down a hill. Then she'll go fast.
While probably shouting expletives.
11 years ago
so many expletives
It's okay. There's a mountain of cheezy things at the bottom that she'll land in. She'll be fine.
magmortar: YES WE SHOULD maybe Wess could pop over to her planet and give her some weapons?? SkyeGU: BUT OF COURSE >:]
feelings jenga
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
I feel so out of place with this game atm so I haven't really done. . . anything. . .
feelings jenga
11 years ago
he's in the session? but hasn't really done much because he's scared except brobond with Rara
feelings jenga
11 years ago
does someone want to do something with him?
11 years ago
Phylus Kappy will probably end up on your planet soon-ish
feelings jenga
11 years ago
11 years ago
you will be a nice place considering like over half of alpha's session is basically barren planets
feelings jenga
11 years ago
the ferns don't exist but it's still really pretty! and there are consorts and there's stuff to do
feelings jenga
11 years ago
(the ferns are tied into his planet quest)
I absolutely want Avispa to bother Phylus a bunch and have her tell him everything's going to be okay! :> He's a part of the game, the team, they're going to win! Let her infect him with optimism?
feelings jenga
11 years ago
ahhhhhh yes
feelings jenga
11 years ago
HE DOES NEED SOME OF THAT lols hard to level heir class combined with hope aspect
Man, he will totally get ALL the optimism. She could open a 10th Pester in that 9x pester combob of hers to make it an even more dangerous 10x pester combo if you want!
feelings jenga
11 years ago
that would be fine with me!
And thus the extremely dangerous 10x pester combob became a thing as Avispa bombards Phylus. Godspeed, Phylus.
feelings jenga
11 years ago
their blood colors are so similar that the difference doesn't register on my screen omg
feelings jenga
11 years ago
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I feel hella out of place too sob um. I NEED TO BOTHER RAMA ABOUT THREADING ENTRY but aside from that I've not the slightest clue what I'm doing so
stheno ☆
11 years ago
anyone who wants to do anything with Inanna, I'm pretty flexible!
feelings jenga
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
maybe after avispa attempts to instill a vein of optimism in phylus he can troll inanna and try to idk, take stock of everyone's situations in this dire time '^'
feelings jenga
11 years ago
as new, self-appointed optimism leader
stheno ☆
11 years ago
... cute...
stheno ☆
11 years ago
THAT SOUNDS GOOD THOUGH since she is probably not coping terribly well anyway \:-D/
lightorchestra: Well considering that Avispa harasses everyone and she thinks Inanna's pretty great I totally want more harassment between the two. Either before or after or simultaneously with Phylus' chat.
stheno ☆
11 years ago
That also works
stheno ☆
11 years ago
Time to add Nana to my list of characters who are pretending not to have mental breakdowns
I still think Nana needs to team up with Lily for shippynanigans. They can make ALL THE SHIPS.
stheno ☆
11 years ago
also yes
My god Avispa needs to contain herself I'd be game with having Avispa pester Inanna anytime, so. :> We could plot maniacal pesterings... or, like Phylus, the massive combob can be upgraded for MORE pesters.
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I will have to hit you all up for stuff this weekend or when I wake up tomorrow since I don't have class
Roger that!
Half asleep Note to self, remember to post up the full patterns of roles/aspects on prospit/derse tomorrow. Not just the Results
11 years ago
lightorchestra I did ping you into one of my other Scrib plurks but Inanna needs to meet Lily XD
11 years ago
and get her to start shipping since she has the Heart aspect
11 years ago
soupie I would love that
doom triangle
11 years ago
/arrives, late to the party as usual
yaysunshine: Ohmygod. Yes hello Carly good. Let Avispa be a creeper server player and occasionally peek in to go "what are you doing what's that hello hello hello hello Hirune!"
doom triangle
11 years ago
yes yes good
doom triangle
11 years ago
I need to get back to tagging that thread but I keep getting steamrolled by irl stuff
doom triangle
11 years ago
there will be tags, there will be tags soon
Ohno!- But yes, soon, I look forward to soon. Because it means Avispa gets to pester more people, dohohohoho
(cozy) Good luck with irl stuff; hopefully you'll get to ride the steamroller later instead of getting rolled by it.
Oh right! Because I assembled these lists out of curiousity. Here's the spread of classes/aspects between the two moons:
2x[Seer, Heir, Bard, Mage], 1x[Thief, Rogue, Witch, Knight, Prince].
3x[Time], 2x[Light, Space, Hope], 1x[Rage, Blood, Breath, Void].
3x[Sylph], 2x[Maid, Prince, Witch], 1x[Knight, Bard, Page, Mage, Rogue].
2x[Heart, Life, Rage], 1x[Mind, Void, Doom, Space, Blood, Breath, Hope, Time].
stheno ☆
11 years ago
Oh, that's neat
ghost king
11 years ago
aww snop
Technically there's only one Doom player on the moons... because Avispa don't got no moon. >:I
|D And there're four time players on the moons because Ria and Ira are cray and tip the balance dohohoho
And Wess is still the only Page. Derse gets the no-pants hero.
That will never not be funny to me.
stheno ☆
11 years ago
god it's such an awful design it's true
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I remember, in another musebox
stheno ☆
11 years ago
Mori and I and some other friends, who aren't in this game, played some characters from another fansession
stheno ☆
11 years ago
And they got these, erm, power shards I guess, as part of a setting-related plot
stheno ☆
11 years ago
so we were all like, okay cool we're godtier now
11 years ago
hi gonna pop in here again with Lily who needs to be started on the dangerous path of shipping
stheno ☆
11 years ago
and Mori's character ended up with two I think? BUT. He was our Page
stheno ☆
11 years ago
so he used the other to get pants
magmortar: Ship Nik<3Kom, ship Nik<3Kom.
....and oh god-
Also :|a I think we're safe because didn't that one flash confirm that god tiers can just willingly change their clothes? Which... is rad. That's a good thing to know/have.
Which means I guess Wess can have pants.
11 years ago
she doesn't ship yet
....But he won't, at first.
ghost king
11 years ago
everyone ship everyone ok
11 years ago
she needs... a nudge
ghost king
11 years ago
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I dooon't remember
stheno ☆
11 years ago
IT IS LIKELY because I'm actually behind anyway
stheno ☆
11 years ago
But no Wess doesn't get pants even if that's true.
(Also for anyone who hasn't glanced, Sig posted Rara plotting on the DW SotG post!)
And there are plenty of people Lily could get the nudge from. :'D I occasionally think Inanna should pop up with a memo offering "services" to the game players. She can help so they don't have to stress!
...Or... something... IDK if she'd do that...
....but the concept of Inanna running like a relationship help booth was funny to me okay...
11 years ago
well I figured it'd be more awesome if she got the nudge from the goddess of shipping herself |D
stheno ☆
11 years ago
stheno ☆
11 years ago
Planning on a post of that nature later on
... |D .... ... .... help who is the god of shipping
Nana's help booooootttthhhhh my headcanon now names it that.
I am the worst human someone should stop me
11 years ago
wellllllllll would you be up for Inanna and Lily interacting?
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I would! I meant to respond to your plurk but I've been in and out today
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I think that would be super awesome
11 years ago
XD it's okay I've been a bit pushy on everyone cause I've been in all day
11 years ago
and booooored
11 years ago
no class, nothing
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I go back to class tomorrow :'D but I've been really achey and my schedule's fucked so like, 80% of the time, if you ping me and I don't answer within ten minutes
stheno ☆
11 years ago
I am asleep
11 years ago
I've been trying to get back into scribs with plotting ahoy
11 years ago
this is when I learned of what kind of power Lily has and now I'm hooked on plotting
I am terrified of so many of the characters' abilities/powers to be....
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
OH WHILE I REMEMBER IT. Hey kid-players, IDEK it seemed like all the guardians in the kids sessions had some inkling of what was going on with SBURB and things like that in the comic, should that be the same
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
in our game?
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
11 years ago
no idea
11 years ago
It could be amusing but also hard to plan out. On the other hand, Sburb. so. dunno.
11 years ago
Also Donny's last post was a month and a half ago and he was being angry and that was a thing. He's basically just exploring around his planet (and hating it) and might eventually make his way to gate 2 and
11 years ago
therefore to some other planet (its the server player's i think???)
Yup; the second gate should land Donovan at Faye's house on her planet!
Donny like the land of Secret and Circuit more than his land of Chains and Descent? Who knows.
11 years ago
if it doesn't have flying snakes, then he probs might
Pretty sure he'll be safe from the snakes there.
ghost king
11 years ago
...all i can think of is "flying sex snakes", thanks CAH
11 years ago
.... damn it now I want to play CAH
11 years ago
ah crap I'm sorry to drag you back over here again lightorchestra but
11 years ago
I was wondering if it would be okay and awesome if Inanna doesn't already have a patron kid
11 years ago
if you wanted Lily and Inanna to be patrons
11 years ago
'fated' patrons or something
11 years ago
... Man just realised all our Time players are in Prospit, clearly nothing can go wrong!!
11 years ago
Putting this here to remind me to hit this up when I get home
Not quite! Lyndis is a Derse bb. (Unless I missed something!) But Ria, Ira, and Komesh? Yeah, Prospitkids.
11 years ago
Oh yes, but like. Almost all the Time players in the moon with prophecy clouds...
Yes this is true. Delicious prophetic clouds.
Poor depressed Time players, seeing things they can't prevent...
And giving away their severed heads
At least Avispa has a constant supply of skull
She is so happy
/affectionately nudges at this plurk
11 years ago
Oh hey sup this plurk was a thing that's right
Awwwyis we gots a Bram up in here.
11 years ago
Bharal is currently wandering the cosmos his planet looking for baadad, because he got spooked by some imps post-entry and Bharal worries about the big doofus.
11 years ago
Once he gets back, he's probably going to work on fortifying his hive as a safe place for Nikkal(and possibly Komesh) to hole up in until the three of them continue their trek from planet to planet.
11 years ago
Because this is an adventure, and everyone knows that you don't split the party in an adventure.
ghost king
11 years ago
awww baadad :<
11 years ago
He is such an unbelievable doofus, it's unreal.
...Baadad is clearly the best baadad except when he's being a doofus?
11 years ago
He's actually a pretty good baadad even when he's being a doofus. He's just got zero threat-assessment capabilities, and wants to be friends with all of the dangerous monsters.
11 years ago
He's also probably nearsighted or otherwise nearly blind, and yet somehow nearly impervious to actually being damaged.
ghost king
11 years ago
omg cutie
Can Bhar feel the cosmos
11 years ago
well, he is the Mage of Space, so maybe eventually
But he doesn't have Nik's mobile mobile mobile mobile
ghost king
11 years ago
she is absolutely going to alchemize that and show it off to everyone
11 years ago
mobile mobile mobile mobile what
11 years ago
...dawwww baadad
Mobile mobile mobile mobile is still one of the best things.
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
that gif just makes it perfect
11 years ago
what if someone alchemizes the mobile mobile mobile mobile with another mobile mobile mobile mobile
ghost king
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
my god
...I can already see into forever. Now I see into forever's forever.
11 years ago
hjkghajhgk crying
11 years ago
"forever's forever" sounds dirty
ghost king
11 years ago
SkyeGU: unrelated but i saw the unedited version of that gif last night and it was trippy
It's only because you realized you're looking inside of it.
lunardance: ....There's an original unedited gif?
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
SkyeGU: .............let me try and find it
ghost king
11 years ago
bah i can't find it. but yes, it exists
s c r e a-- I never knew
11 years ago
Oh wait I got distracted from this plurk
11 years ago
Bharal's future plans include assembling all available Betas into some kind of more-easily-defended unit, then cruising through the game worlds conquering foes and completing quests
11 years ago
I also eventually hope for him to be able to use Magey Spacey powers to lift up some giant thing and use it as a mobile pimp fortress base of operations
Pimp fortress awwwwyis.
11 years ago
I'm hoping for one of those aircraft carrier things that are on the battlefield, like what Jade did. Just fly through space on that, and ensorcel rooms to be bigger on the inside than outside
... TARDIS pimp fortress.
11 years ago
11 years ago
(also, for anyone who is worried, baadad is totally fine. he's already waiting back at home, and will greet Bharal with complaints about how bad this new grass tastes, and ask him to do something about that)
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
(to which Bharal will make :T faces and then get the bag of grass seed. gonna plant new, non-glitchy seed one handful at a time)
... lmfao oh my god.
Baadad that is terrible.
11 years ago
He probably doesn't even know that they aren't on Alternia.
11 years ago
Such is the height of his derp. baadad.
11 years ago
11 years ago
He's kind of oblivious that way. And if he end up having bad eyesight, he probably wouldn't notice the difference.
11 years ago
Kappy would like baadad if he ever got the chance to meet him
But wouldn't everyone like baadad?
Also: This is the saturday bump! Since this SotG is for this week and weekend! The next SotG goes up next saturday.
Along with some other surprises.
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
And Lyn is still around ;u;
/sits with in the late corner
11 years ago
I haven't actually done anything for him, but I think it's safe to say he's mostly been skulking/level-grinding/dealing with fallout from his gaining access to his Time player powers upon entering the session.
I've been working on a summary on what Zir's been doing to toss up on the dw post
11 years ago
So it'd actually be IC for no one to have heard much of him in awhile.
11 years ago
He'd probably only answer messages from his server(Kappy), his client(Zirreh), and his patron humans(Ria and Ira). :|a
Oooo. Man Lyndis, why you gotta be a secretive dude! Same for Zirreh! Gosh.
11 years ago
Everyone else is getting ignored unless they present him with important information.
It's a miracle Zir doesn't get ignored on the basis of being zir
I think they both might facepalm a bit much at some of their teammates.
W e l p
Well they're both getting extra bothered with questions if they pop their heads online for even a moment.
Especially by Avispa because ~new trolltag~ where did that come from?
...Probably that same logic all around
... Pft. And then I imagined Zir and/or Lyn opening their husktop and having 20x pesters pop up and then they just either close it again or punch the screen to make it stop.
11 years ago
Zir only gets answered because he annoys Lyn too much for Lyn to suffer him in silence
11 years ago
Well the thing is, Lyn will have very quickly alchemized some sort of hands-off husktop device :v Like Dave's iShades.
11 years ago
So he'll just have something like that on, and be online all the time. :|a He just won't answer people.
8D ... Ohho.
In that case he's going to be one of the names in Avispa's next mass-pester.
11 years ago
(The best part is, Lyn's husktop is this horrible pinkish-purple color because he stole it from some other troll who apparently considered that fashionable)
(... So he's got a ~fabulous~ husktop)
11 years ago
(So just imagine how godawful his first headset looked before he combined it with something else to turn it an acceptable shade of black/grey)
11 years ago
(He basically went NOPE.AVI)
(Maybe even a little BLUH before flipping it back onto the alchemiter?)
Zir's got one similar to sollux's that goes over one eye. and closes out of most of his yes
11 years ago
IN OOC NEWS, I have cut back the hours my workplace is allowed to schedule me rather harshly B|
11 years ago
So hopefully, I'll have more free time and energy to keep up with Scribs from now on!
11 years ago
11 years ago
(Yeah Lyn had a BLUH THIS IS STUPID moment)
11 years ago
Also, you can damn well lay boonbucks to the fact that one of the reasons Lyn's been grinding so much is to get tons of grist to alchemize all the things.
All the things.
This is clearly good reasoning.
alchemizing all the things is pretty much what Zir's been preoccupied with
11 years ago
Lyn is a packrat and a loot whore, and the alchemiter is basically the sort of thing he has wet dreams about.
Also if either of you two need refreshers/catchups/info in any way or you want backtags on posts and things, that can totally be a thing!
11 years ago
He's never been able to have/make his own cool shit. He's always had to steal it from other people!
....and.... and oh. Lyn... might want to keep those flushed feelings for the alchemiter in check... (blush) Oh my...
But yes yaaaaay for potentially more Scribs yay (cozy)
11 years ago
On Lyn's planet, there's basically this huge mound of stuff piled up around a well-used alchemiter and a very satisfied little troll.
11 years ago
Lyn has become Smaug in Erebor, here.
... I just had the mental image of Lyn leaning back against a pile of swag, wearing slatted sunglasses, and smoking a cigar.
Ok, Zir's not that bad
But he now has a fuckload of amber accessories
11 years ago
(Also as a general reminder: The DW post for this SotG currently has replies from myself (Avispa), Sig (Zurahe), and Ky (Durian).)
And awwwwwwwyes. That mental image shall now never leave my mind.
Lyndis and his swaaaaaaaag.
Lyn does Zir need to leave you and your alchemizer alone with a bucket
11 years ago
Lyn's not just hoarding, to be fair - he's also trying to break the game by getting the highest-tier equipment as early as possible.
11 years ago
Which is not quite how the game works, but let him dream
11 years ago
Lyn is very much trying to game the game.
Except there's a post that'll make him D:< at as well as probably pop up and ask question.
Rara's post where she is literally showing off her endgame loot.
11 years ago
Lyn's always been a gamer, and the type who's perfectly willing to cheat/break/powergame his way through anything he's ever played. And he's trying to use this logic on Sgrub.
11 years ago
Oh man, I actually saw that!
Seems like he'd want to bother Perrix too, those two'd have great powergame discussions. Gonna break the game in their favor!
ie: Lyndis should probably just bother everyone, steal their secrets, and use them to be king of the hill. 8D
11 years ago
HE PROBABLY WOULD BE except that he is seriously weirded out
11 years ago
Because as a Time player he's got all this knowledge of timelines, and moments/actions that could plunge them all into a doomed offshoot timeline!
11 years ago
I'm betting he's even been visited briefly by himself from much later on in the session to avert certain things or pass on information.
11 years ago
So he's been hit with all this knowledge he doesn't know what to do with. And all this responsibility to LOOK OUT FOR EVERYONE when he's used to only looking out for himself!
11 years ago
Even worse in that he hardly knows most of the people in the session(s), so a lot of this responsibility is in regards to total strangers.
11 years ago
He's been adjusting to being hit with all that. :|a
Poor boy'll do fine after he adjusts, I hope?
11 years ago
He'll be better, but still kind of haunted. ;w; I don't think any Time player can really get away with not being haunted by the inevitability of some things, and their knowledge of horrible doomed timelines.
ghost king
11 years ago
being time player is suffering
11 years ago
Y e p
11 years ago
oh wow this plurk got busy while I was busy gaming
11 years ago
lymmea: that said Kappy probably hasn't been messaging Lyn much because he's busy dealing with his own issues
11 years ago
forestofsleep: Pffft they're both laden with issues
11 years ago
Man, all the players (and especially the time players) will eventually get over their issues. Someday.
11 years ago
lymmea: Kappy's being frustrated with the game and himself! And also getting beaten up by game mooks.
Also just gonna give this an innocent bump, just in case. Either for this plurk or the 5 replies on DW.
For the record, for those checking this now: The next SotG goes up on the 23rd. Goin' with saturdays. But for now, this is the active one until then. The next DW SotG will go in the same post, as a new reply.
So bookmarking that post and checking the replies on the weekends will keep you in the loop as well as checking plurk for replies.
And if you have commentary re: the State of the Game, the other plurk for the Feedback Post offers a section to discuss just that.
Also the upcoming SotG will include the opportunity to mingle and plot either short or long-term for characters! We haven't had the chance to plot in a bit, and this will give everyone an opportunity to jump in
So if you're looking for a chance to get your character rolling in existing or new directions and having others involved? Look forward to saturday!
11 years ago
oh I should go do this thing
11 years ago
both these things really
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