11 years ago
(continued Elizabeta) nods as he spoons in a bit of sugar and stirs it in. "Ah, ja, so, what would you prefer a theatrical play or an opera?"
latest #120
11 years ago
doesn't blame her, he was more of a play kind of person too. "How's your German....or would an English play be better?"
11 years ago
chuckles lightly and flushes lightly too. "Ah, ja, right. Hmm, well I was looking at some before we arrived. We could watch Anna Karenina or Iwanow?"
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja, I'll get us tickets when I head back to Berlin."
Ludwig was
11 years ago
certainly going to be wearing a suit...however he hadn't thought about a bowtie. "You'd rather the bowtie than a tie?"
11 years ago
flushes at the leash comment. "Ah, ja, I'll make sure to look appropriate for the occasion."
11 years ago
nods. "Definitely Elizabeta. I would never make you go home after such a late night. It will be ready for you when you arrive." He says sipping at his own tea.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "No, it's good. I'd like to save room for the Goulash."
11 years ago
nods as he turns his gaze on the tea, enjoying it for what it is as he waits.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Don't worry. You've been nice enough to invite me over for food."
11 years ago
laughs. "I make sure he eats, no worries there."
11 years ago
can tell she cares even if she tries to hide it. She as known her for a while. "Hmm, I suppose...but I'm sure you know that he's a secretly good cook."
11 years ago
can't disagree with that. "I'll give you call when he does." He laughs lightly.
11 years ago
would have to think about that. Gilbert tended to make a lot of food when he cooked. "I'm never sure when he does cook so I probably wouldn't give him too much warning."
11 years ago
nods. "Most days, ja. I like homemade meals." He answers honestly.
11 years ago
does have three. "They're doing great. Still as energetic as ever but much more obedient. You should come visit them."
11 years ago
had actually. "I've taught them how to shake your hand and play dead."
11 years ago
flushes getting distracted with Elizabeta's second question. " love life?" He wouldn't really say he had one.
Ludwig gives
11 years ago
her an awkward look. " comes with the intimidating face....I guess." He wouldn't say he was too serious for one...he was just bad at it.
11 years ago
glances down at his lap. "Intense?" He was sure he had heard someone call him that before. "And it's fine...if I can talk about this with anyone it would be you more so than Roderich or mein bruder."
11 years ago
tries not to look as if he's hanging off of her every word. "Ah, I see." He says quietly but manages to nod at her question. "Those are things that I'm not willing to change about myself...unfortunately."
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
that's because they are indeed a lot older than they looked. "I haven't been having any love affairs with humans...I've never felt very comfortable doing it." He had stopped after the Berlin wall had fallen and
11 years ago
he was reunited with his brother. However, there were other things preoccupying his mind. "Do you think..." He pauses biting his lip. "This quality about me...would make it hard for anyone to like me?" He
11 years ago
didn't mean like in the normal sense of the word...but the other kind of like.
11 years ago
glances at their hands but nods slowly. "It can't be helped."
11 years ago
could believe it, no matter how sad that sounded. "Honestly, don't worry about it. I'm not that sensitive." He says flashing her a small smile. "It just hasn't happened."
11 years ago
couldn't disagree with her completely but would pretend too. "You're entitled your questions." He says simply but doesn't further the subject.
11 years ago
thanks her and pulls the cup closer to him. "I didn't say you were entitled to prying. I just said you were entitled your questions and whether I answer them or not is up to me in the end. But you're right, I
11 years ago
would just tell you how it is. If and when I have something to say." Which made him wonder if he could trust her concerning some subject.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
a feeling he knows a few of those nations she's referring too. "I know. You've always acted like a sort of mother to me when I was younger...even now sometimes too."
11 years ago
smiles at her. "Well, I'm glad you think so."
11 years ago
nods as he starts to subconsciously straightening things out on the table.
11 years ago
glances up at her and let's her shoo him away as he makes his way to the table. "Do you want help setting the table?"
11 years ago
wasn't really worrying. He worried more when he was not doing anything. "I like helping. It's never a bother." He says as he starts setting
11 years ago
the table. It would give them more time to talk anyway.
11 years ago
does know his way around. He has the table at and again he' straightening a few things before making his way over to Elizabeta and glancing
11 years ago
into the pot of food. "It smells delicious." His stomach makes an embarrassing noise causing him to flush, back up and clutch his stomach.
11 years ago
takes the dish gratefully but still red faced. "Danke Elizabeta." He says softly as he sits himself and waits for a few seconds before
11 years ago
digging in. It was delicious...better than it smelt.
11 years ago
couldn't really start a conversation. He was completely absorbed with the food.
11 years ago
thinks she has reason to be. She's accomplished so much for herself. "This is fantastisch, Elizabeta!" He smiles at her.
11 years ago
might go for seconds. He wasn't sure yet although he wonders if he can take some home with him. He was sure Gilbert would enjoy some too.
11 years ago
knows Gilbert will.
11 years ago
smiles before getting up and grabbing really was too good. "Danke, Elizabeta."
11 years ago
laughs a little at that. "You don't have to bribe me. I'd come even if there was no food."
11 years ago
chuckles. "It is a bonus." He agrees.
11 years ago
calmly continues eating his second portion. "Unfortunately, I won't be much of a challenge."
11 years ago
wouldn't want to her offend her. He finishes his second helping before leaning back with a sigh. "I wouldn't want to offend you."
11 years ago
can't say he hasn't offended some but not intentionally...well, most times.
11 years ago
probably had to leave soon but he'd make sure to help her clean up, at the very least. "How many days in advance should I let you know about the play?"
11 years ago
flushes at the compliment. "I'm sure you get quite a few suitors...."
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
she's very good at getting him to blush.
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, I'll call you." He says as he gets up and washes his plate and a few other things.
11 years ago
finishes up the dishes and dries his hands. "It was an honour being here." He replies straightening himself. "I'll see you soon?" He knew he
11 years ago
would but he almost had to make sure.
11 years ago
hugs her before pulling away. "Have a good night Elizabeta."
11 years ago
heads to the door and gives her a finally goodbye before heading out.
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