11 years ago
[Event] walked down stairs, wearing Søren's pjs still, they were comfortable.
latest #120
11 years ago
had made some coffee and was standing by the window in the living room, sipping away at his. His wings were relaxed and lowered, showing that he didn't feel in any kind of danger.
11 years ago
took a quiet step, watching him quietly, looking at his wings. She smiled a little bit, taking a step causing the floor to creak.
11 years ago
perked up at that, his wings lifting a little as he turned his head and smiled to her. "Hej."
11 years ago
flushed a little and smiled. "Hej." She played with her hair, "How did y' sleep?"
11 years ago
shrugs and sipped more coffee. "Fine, how 'bout ye? And how's yer wing...?"
11 years ago
"Sore.. Not 's bad 's b'fore." She showed him slightly. "I still feel stupid.."
11 years ago
shakes his head as he looked at it. "It's okay. We've all had our problems before."
11 years ago
nods to him. "Mhmm.. Have y' ever done 'nythin like this b'fore?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ja, I broke my wing once." He outstretched his wing, nodding towards a little crooked spot. "Never healed properly, unfortunately."
11 years ago
frowned a little, she put her hand out alittle then pulled back, remembering about the no wing touching thing. "That 's unfortunate.. But it doesn' messs with y' flyin' right?"
11 years ago
smiles and shakes his head. "If it does, I don't notice. It hurt to fly once it healed, but I've compensated for that. My style is just a bit different."
11 years ago
"Ah... 'm glad that y' can still fly prop'ly." She watched him a little. "Do y' mind if I make m'self a coffee?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Be my guest. I made enough for the both of us."
11 years ago
nods and walks into the kitchen, making herself a coffee. She walked back out after. "Looks like it might storm later, ja?"
11 years ago
sighed and nodded. "I can feel it. Well, not really, but it seems bad."
11 years ago
nodded a little bit. "Ja.. Hopefully it doesn' get that bad.." She said coming to look out the window without touching him.
11 years ago
smiles. "Even so, this place is good. Just get the fire goin', wrap yerself around a blanket, watch some TV and have hot cocoa. Best relaxin' time ever."
11 years ago
smiles a little. "That's good. M' house 's nice 'nd.. cozy 'nd warm.." And lonely. She sighed and shook her head. "'S that what y' normally do in a storm?"
11 years ago
nods. "I don't think goin' out is the smartest, and I've never seen a human out in this area durin' a storm, so it's when I can truly relax..."
11 years ago
"Ahh understandble." She smiled a little bit, turning to look at the fire place. ".. Y'er out 'f fire wood." She noted quietly.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Got some outside. It's what I do when I'm bored."
11 years ago
nods. "'lright then." She flexed her wing a little and hissed in pain, almost dropping the mug. "Fan."
11 years ago
frowns. "Go rest on the couch, I'll bring in some wood before it gets too bad outside." He finished up hs coffee before heading to the door.
11 years ago
frowned and shook her head. "Nej, 'm 'lright." She said, trying to protest, but he was already gone... She sigh and sat on the couch.
11 years ago
got outside and frowned, noticing he didn't actually have any wood... He went inside and sighed, going to find an axe. "Turns out I don't have much wood, so I'm gonna go get some quickly, kay?"
11 years ago
frowned slightly. "Oh.. Uh... 'lright.." She mumbled looking outside, getting a little worried.
11 years ago
got an axe and quickly headed out, flying quickly to some fallen trees to get some wood.
11 years ago
pulled her knees up onto the couch, sighing a little bit, she was worried about him.
Søren was
11 years ago
fine. Until it started to freeze rain... He got all the wood in bags and headed back home as fast as he could, trying to dodge trees and keept stable.
11 years ago
waited near the door as the weather picked up. She hoped he come back soon.
11 years ago
cursed as he was pelted by ice, wanting to get home faster. He was almost there....
11 years ago
bit her lip and tapped her foot slightly, she was very worried about him right now.
11 years ago
hissed and shut his eyes as icicles fell from the trees, stabbing into his wings. He fell close to the house, dropping the bags of wood as he slid on ice.
11 years ago
heard the thud, she opened the door and rushed out, without her shoes or coat. She searched for him. "Søren..!"
11 years ago
shivered as he pushed himself up, using his forearm against the ice to brace himself. His wings were limp against the ground.
11 years ago
found him, she had her wings hidden right now, it was easier than the ice hitting her. "Søren!" She called, easing herself over to him, holding out her hand.
11 years ago
barely was able to grab her hand before pulling himself up. He was biting his lip to keep from focusing on his wings. He just picked up the wood and headed inside.
11 years ago
pulled him up, and helped him inside as quickly as she could. Once inside she started to fuss over him, looking him over.
11 years ago
couldn't lift his wings, them being heavy from the ice and rain, and whatever splinters of wood were in them. He managed to drop the bags of wood near the fire before falling to his knees.
11 years ago
gasped slightly, holding him up the best she could. She cursed a little, lowering him to the floor, she quickly made a fire. She turned back and started to fuss over him. She knew she probably shouldn't but she
11 years ago
began to carefully take the splinters out of his wings as the heat melted the ice. Without a second thought she was using her own energy to heal the holes and cuts he had the best she could.
11 years ago
curled up and shivered as he hissed and cursed. He knew he had done something stupid, but he wanted to make the house warm..
11 years ago
got all of the twigs and sticks out of his wings, healing them the best she could, along with any other small cuts on him.
11 years ago
started to feel a bit better, even though he was still in pain. He kept curled up, his wings shifting a bit. "T... tak..."
11 years ago
smiled a little when he spoke. "Varsärgod." She reached and took the blanket off the couch putting it around him. "Are y' 'lright?"
11 years ago
nods a little, as he pulled the blanket around him. "Sorry for bein' stupid... m'supposed to be helpin' ye..."
11 years ago
shook her head. "Nej, 's fine, I don' mind helpin' y'.. 'specially when y' are so kind as t' take me in for now."
11 years ago
smiled a little, his wings shuddering a little after he sat up. "Ye didn't have to use yer energy, though... I would have been okay..."
11 years ago
flushed a little. "S-sorry, i panicked 'nd the sticks.. 'nd.. I thought..." She trailed off biting her lip, looking down at the floor.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "It's okay... it's just... more personal..."
11 years ago
nods. "Mhmm.. I know that. 'nd sorry 'bout touchin y'er wings.." She said quietly.
11 years ago
shakes his head. "It's... okay." He smirked a bit. "It felt kinda nice."
11 years ago
looked at him, a little wide eyed. "R-really?" She flushed more that was unexpected.
11 years ago
nods at that. "Ja... I've never had someone touch 'em really before, so.."
11 years ago
nods to him. "Ah.. 'M glad that it felt so nice." She smiled a bit, looking at the floor still.
11 years ago
leaned a bit forward, trying to stretch his wings out but they just shudder.
11 years ago
frowned, looking at him. "Nej, leave y'er wings down for now. 'lright?"
11 years ago
pouts. "M'not use to them bein' this down again... I like to just... fly... and move my wings..."
11 years ago
places a hand on his shoulder. "Ja, but jus' let 'em rest for now 'nd they'll be back t' normal soon." She hoped they would be at least.
11 years ago
nods and leaned against her a bit.
11 years ago
blinked a little bit, she let him lean against her. Breathing out a little, she rubbed his shoulder. "Gott." She was glad that he listened.
11 years ago
sighs. "We gotta stay inside..." He looked outside, frowning at the storm.
11 years ago
nods to him. "Mhmm.. That's fine. 'S nice in here." She had started a fire so it was okay.
11 years ago
rubbed his hands towards the fire, his wings fluttering slightly.
11 years ago
watched him, looking at his wings, she was glad that he wasn't badly injuried form this storm.
11 years ago
had healed up quite a bit from her energy. He almost wanted to help her in the same sense...
11 years ago
felt that she was fine. She didn't have many cuts, it was just her wing that needed to heal.
11 years ago
shifted a bit and looked at her wing. He slowly reached out, lightly touching her wing.
11 years ago
squeaked a little, she tensed slightly and slowly relaxed as she looked at him.
11 years ago
slowly ran his hand down her wing, looking at the broken part. He wanted to help...
11 years ago
shivered a little, biting her lip and looking at him still. "A-ah..."
11 years ago
leaned a bit closer. "Stretch yer wing out as much as ye can..."
11 years ago
"Why..?" She did it anyway stretching it out until she hissed with pain and stopped.
11 years ago
frowned as he saw that. "This will hurt..." He stretched out her wing as far as he could, trying to be gentle.
11 years ago
gasped sharply, going tense she squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip. "Ow ow ow.." She muttered to herself.
11 years ago
closed his eyes a bit as he took a deep breath, twisting her wing so it was aligned right before using some of his energy to heal it in place.
11 years ago
inhaled a little, grabbing his arm and squeezing it from that pain. "N-nej!" She said she hadn't been expecting that, but she relaxed as the pain subsided.
11 years ago
smiled a little as he stroked her wing a bit. "There... that should be better..."
11 years ago
looked from him, to her wing, shivering a little at the touch. She slowly flexed her wing, looking at it. "Tack, Søren."
11 years ago
nods a little as he dropped his hands. "Ye're welcome. I just wanted to pay back the favour..."
11 years ago
smiled a little bit. "Y' didn't have to..." The smile slowly dropped, she had no reason to stay now.. Her wing was better.
11 years ago
shrugs as he closed his eyes. "I wanted to..." He started to sway a bit.
11 years ago
frowned a little. "Come on.. Y' should lay down."
11 years ago
nods a little. "Ja... m'cold too..."
11 years ago
stood up, offering her hand to him. "Here." She smiled a little bit at him.
11 years ago
hummed quietly and used her help to get up. "Tak..." He didn't want to leave her alone, or the warmth...
11 years ago
helped him up, she tried to not seem upset over knowing she'd have to leave. "C'mon." She said quietly.
11 years ago
nods a little as he swayed a bit. "Where're we goin'?"
11 years ago
"Y'er room? Y' need t' lay down." She said as she lead him to his room.
11 years ago
nods as he followed her slowly, his wings dragging a bit.
11 years ago
noticed his wing, frowning as they got to his room. "Lay on y'er stomach, 'lright?"
11 years ago
nods and just flopped onto his stomach, his face in the pillow.
11 years ago
sighed a little and placed her hands lightly on his wings, using more of her energy to heal his wings more.
11 years ago
shivered at that, though smiled a bit. It felt so good to him...
11 years ago
pulled her hands away eventually. "How's that?"
11 years ago
nods. "Good... now m'just cold..."
11 years ago
puts the blanket over him. "Better?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "M'still cold..."
11 years ago
frowns a little. "Do y' want me t' um.. lay with y'..? Just t' warm y' up?"
11 years ago
nods. "Ja... I don't want ye to go anyways..."
11 years ago
stared at him. "Y.. y' don't want me t' go...?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Ye can't fly anyways... just 'cause it feels better doesn't mean it'll be useable."
11 years ago
nods. "Ja.. that's true.." She sat on the other side of the bed before laying down carefully.
11 years ago
turned onto his side, putting his arms around himself as he got close to her.
11 years ago
couldn't help herself, she stayed fairly still.
11 years ago
yawned a bit as he closed his eyes, folding his wings in close against himself.
11 years ago
folded her wings in as close as she could and got comfy.
11 years ago
smiles a little. "This is nice.."
11 years ago
flushes and nods. "Ja, it is.. Warm too."
11 years ago
hums. "I guess this is why our kind isn't supposed to share energy..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I.. Don' really mind.. Honestly."
11 years ago
nods a bit. "Ja, but it can get dangerous..."
11 years ago
nods to him. "Mhmm.. If y' share too much energy..." She mumbled.
11 years ago
sighs. "We could get dependant on the other..."
11 years ago
blinks. "Oh.. Ja.. that.."
11 years ago
sighed and curled up a bit. "I don't care right now... I just wanna be warm..."
11 years ago
"Me too.." She fell quiet, she just liked being around someone else.
11 years ago
started to fall asleep when it got quiet.
11 years ago
drifted off quietly, she felt comfy and safe here.
11 years ago
really didn't want her to leave... He didn't know exactly why, he just felt better around her.
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